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Bernie SAID if, sadly for the country (my statement), he didn't win, he'd fight hard for the nominee (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Bernie haters knew better. He won't fight for the nominee! He's not even a Democrat! He'll probably run as an independent and make Democrats lose! Bernie sucks!

For more than a year, Sanders had assured worried Democrats that, if he did not win the nomination, he would be on the frontline for whomever did. Some were skeptical. They were wrong. As the race enters its final stretch, Sanders -- after delivering an impassioned case for Biden at the Democratic convention last week -- is making good on his guarantee.

Just as he did in 2016, probably campaigning harder for Hillary than any other politician.

What gratitude does he get from the Democratic voters who aren't for him, as he helps THEIR side win? Little but attacks and smears. I said in 2016, Hillary supporters were her biggest enemy. It's less the case this time, but still the case, where I can't remember one Biden supporter saying something appreciative about Bernie's help, only smears.

Bernie's side is at odds with Biden's sides. But Bernie and nearly all his supporters are fighting hard for the right things - for Biden to win, since he won the nomination (while many Democratic candidates. including Biden at first, refused to say they'd support Bernie if he were nominated). Rather tired of the 'centrists' who don't know how to unite when needed. Luckily, Bernie's supporters don't let them affect their doing the right thing.

Bernie Sanders promised to go all in for Biden. Here's what that looks like - CNNPolitics
Where are all these anti Bernie statements? I might be slightly less concerned about Biden if I knew his supporters recognized why Bernie needs to not be anywhere near the presidency.
Bernie haters knew better. He won't fight for the nominee! He's not even a Democrat! He'll probably run as an independent and make Democrats lose! Bernie sucks!

Just as he did in 2016, probably campaigning harder for Hillary than any other politician.

What gratitude does he get from the Democratic voters who aren't for him, as he helps THEIR side win? Little but attacks and smears. I said in 2016, Hillary supporters were her biggest enemy. It's less the case this time, but still the case, where I can't remember one Biden supporter saying something appreciative about Bernie's help, only smears.

Bernie's side is at odds with Biden's sides. But Bernie and nearly all his supporters are fighting hard for the right things - for Biden to win, since he won the nomination (while many Democratic candidates. including Biden at first, refused to say they'd support Bernie if he were nominated). Rather tired of the 'centrists' who don't know how to unite when needed. Luckily, Bernie's supporters don't let them affect their doing the right thing.

Bernie Sanders promised to go all in for Biden. Here's what that looks like - CNNPolitics

Are your feewings hurt?
Where are all these anti Bernie statements? I might be slightly less concerned about Biden if I knew his supporters recognized why Bernie needs to not be anywhere near the presidency.

You need to learn why you are wrong about what's good for America.
What gratitude does he get from the Democratic voters who aren't for him, as he helps THEIR side win? Little but attacks and smears.

What are you talking about? Your OP article says nothing of the kind.

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