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Bernie or Busters: What is the Plan Now? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
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Midwestern USA
Political Leaning
I want to start by saying that I liked Bernie, and in fact I voted for him in the Primary, and I've never voted in a Primary before. But I never disliked Hillary, I just liked Bernie more, so when it became clear that Bernie wasn't going to get the nomination, I transitions to Hillary support fairly painlessly. However, a lot of my fellow Bernie Supporters did not.

I started seeing #BernieOrBust and even #BernieOrRevolution. Stuff like that. And so I started prodding fellow Bernie supporters with a fairly simple question.....what does "Or Bust" mean? If Bernie does not get the nomination....then what? What is Bust?

Some answered that "Bust" simply meant we squandered an excellent candidate and should be ashamed for having lost this round, like going Bust in a game of Poker even when you had a great hand. But others, many other, in fact most I would say, said that "or Bust" meant something much more.

That it would be Bernie "no matter what it takes". I heard that many many times. So of course I asked for clarification, what exactly does that mean? I got a lot of vacuous fluff mostly, "We will march at the convention, we will protest, we will do a write in campaign". I mean, I guess it's not fair to call that vacuous fluff, it's not nothing, but it also is pretty much the exact same thing the constituency of everyone who has ever lost a primary.

But some have gone even further, what about the #BernieOrRevolution people? What about the #NeverHillary people?

What exactly will you do to stop Hillary, what exactly is the nature of the Revolution you have planned now that it wont be Bernie? You want a third party swing? How exactly do you plan on making that happen.....

That is my question right now, to Bernie supports, or ex Bernie supports, or Never Hillaryers.....What now? What will you do? What do you think you can do? Can you tell me what you think the next steps ought to be, and not in vague generalized platitudes, but like real-world on the ground political strategy.

I want to start by saying that I liked Bernie, and in fact I voted for him in the Primary, and I've never voted in a Primary before. But I never disliked Hillary, I just liked Bernie more, so when it became clear that Bernie wasn't going to get the nomination, I transitions to Hillary support fairly painlessly. However, a lot of my fellow Bernie Supporters did not.

I started seeing #BernieOrBust and even #BernieOrRevolution. Stuff like that. And so I started prodding fellow Bernie supporters with a fairly simple question.....what does "Or Bust" mean? If Bernie does not get the nomination....then what? What is Bust?

Some answered that "Bust" simply meant we squandered an excellent candidate and should be ashamed for having lost this round, like going Bust in a game of Poker even when you had a great hand. But others, many other, in fact most I would say, said that "or Bust" meant something much more.

That it would be Bernie "no matter what it takes". I heard that many many times. So of course I asked for clarification, what exactly does that mean? I got a lot of vacuous fluff mostly, "We will march at the convention, we will protest, we will do a write in campaign". I mean, I guess it's not fair to call that vacuous fluff, it's not nothing, but it also is pretty much the exact same thing the constituency of everyone who has ever lost a primary.

But some have gone even further, what about the #BernieOrRevolution people? What about the #NeverHillary people?

What exactly will you do to stop Hillary, what exactly is the nature of the Revolution you have planned now that it wont be Bernie? You want a third party swing? How exactly do you plan on making that happen.....

That is my question right now, to Bernie supports, or ex Bernie supports, or Never Hillaryers.....What now? What will you do? What do you think you can do? Can you tell me what you think the next steps ought to be, and not in vague generalized platitudes, but like real-world on the ground political strategy.


I think Bernie or bust was meant with regards only to the primary that if Bernie lost they would not be voting for Hillary in the general election. Me personally, I was willing to vote for her right up until the weekend before the Democratic Convention. Cheaters aren't supposed to win, and I will feel no guilt for not voting for president. Many agree the down ticket matters more anyway and I will be voting that.
I want to start by saying that I liked Bernie, and in fact I voted for him in the Primary, and I've never voted in a Primary before. But I never disliked Hillary, I just liked Bernie more, so when it became clear that Bernie wasn't going to get the nomination, I transitions to Hillary support fairly painlessly. However, a lot of my fellow Bernie Supporters did not.

I started seeing #BernieOrBust and even #BernieOrRevolution. Stuff like that. And so I started prodding fellow Bernie supporters with a fairly simple question.....what does "Or Bust" mean? If Bernie does not get the nomination....then what? What is Bust?

Some answered that "Bust" simply meant we squandered an excellent candidate and should be ashamed for having lost this round, like going Bust in a game of Poker even when you had a great hand. But others, many other, in fact most I would say, said that "or Bust" meant something much more.

That it would be Bernie "no matter what it takes". I heard that many many times. So of course I asked for clarification, what exactly does that mean? I got a lot of vacuous fluff mostly, "We will march at the convention, we will protest, we will do a write in campaign". I mean, I guess it's not fair to call that vacuous fluff, it's not nothing, but it also is pretty much the exact same thing the constituency of everyone who has ever lost a primary.

But some have gone even further, what about the #BernieOrRevolution people? What about the #NeverHillary people?

What exactly will you do to stop Hillary, what exactly is the nature of the Revolution you have planned now that it wont be Bernie? You want a third party swing? How exactly do you plan on making that happen.....

That is my question right now, to Bernie supports, or ex Bernie supports, or Never Hillaryers.....What now? What will you do? What do you think you can do? Can you tell me what you think the next steps ought to be, and not in vague generalized platitudes, but like real-world on the ground political strategy.


You are buying into propaganda masquerading as news as it so often does.
I want to start by saying that I liked Bernie, and in fact I voted for him in the Primary, and I've never voted in a Primary before. But I never disliked Hillary, I just liked Bernie more, so when it became clear that Bernie wasn't going to get the nomination, I transitions to Hillary support fairly painlessly. However, a lot of my fellow Bernie Supporters did not.

I started seeing #BernieOrBust and even #BernieOrRevolution. Stuff like that. And so I started prodding fellow Bernie supporters with a fairly simple question.....what does "Or Bust" mean? If Bernie does not get the nomination....then what? What is Bust?

Some answered that "Bust" simply meant we squandered an excellent candidate and should be ashamed for having lost this round, like going Bust in a game of Poker even when you had a great hand. But others, many other, in fact most I would say, said that "or Bust" meant something much more.

That it would be Bernie "no matter what it takes". I heard that many many times. So of course I asked for clarification, what exactly does that mean? I got a lot of vacuous fluff mostly, "We will march at the convention, we will protest, we will do a write in campaign". I mean, I guess it's not fair to call that vacuous fluff, it's not nothing, but it also is pretty much the exact same thing the constituency of everyone who has ever lost a primary.

But some have gone even further, what about the #BernieOrRevolution people? What about the #NeverHillary people?

What exactly will you do to stop Hillary, what exactly is the nature of the Revolution you have planned now that it wont be Bernie? You want a third party swing? How exactly do you plan on making that happen.....

That is my question right now, to Bernie supports, or ex Bernie supports, or Never Hillaryers.....What now? What will you do? What do you think you can do? Can you tell me what you think the next steps ought to be, and not in vague generalized platitudes, but like real-world on the ground political strategy.


No Bernie, so its time to support the one with the bust (you know, the one with the bust)....

People the tell you they will never do XYZ usually get pragmatic in the end (after the emotion has worn off) and do XYZ, including most of Bernie supporters...

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Care to elaborate? I mean, I'm not denying Propaganda masquerades as news sometimes, but do you have any reason to think this piece is? Do you have a more accurate number regarding the % of Bernie supporters who have switched to Clinton? Obviously plenty have.

I agree with this piece in that Ive seen it reported multiple times. I was trying to say that the Bernie or bust faction are being over reported because the media is trying to fabricate a level of friction that doesn't really exist.
I agree with this piece in that Ive seen it reported multiple times. I was trying to say that the Bernie or bust faction are being over reported because the media is trying to fabricate a level of friction that doesn't really exist.

Ah, I misunderstood you then.

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