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Belarus president stands in front of map indicating Moldova invasion plans (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Belarus president stands in front of map indicating Moldova invasion plans


Images have emerged of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko standing in front of a battle map that appears to show a planned invasion of Moldova, along with Ukraine. Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was reportedly addressing his security council Tuesday while standing in front of a battle map of Ukraine. The map appeared to show troop movement plans and infrastructure targets in Ukraine, as well as targets in Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria. Some of the Russian lines of attack in the map have already taken place, while others are yet to occur, including an incursion into Moldova - a former Soviet country and Ukraine's neighbor to the south - from the port city of Odessa. Russia has already used Belarus as a location from which to send its troops quickly across the border into Ukraine, after insisting the large number of forces assembled there were for joint military drills. Reports have emerged this week that Belarus is preparing to send troops into Ukraine in support of the Russian invasion.

Besides Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are also non-NATO nations that Putin wants for his new "Russian sphere".
What’s with the 1st Cav insignia in the upper right corner of the map?
What’s with the 1st Cav insignia in the upper right corner of the map?
Good catch. And good question. I wonder what the one above it is.
The largest pic I could locate, but it's still impossible to read the words in the boxes.

Did Luka just make a big whoopsie by accidentally leaking this, or does he just not care?
The largest pic I could locate, but it's still impossible to read the words in the boxes.

That's plainly North America upper left. And Europe mid-right.
The words are probably Cyrillic.
Time to start sending javelins, stingers and ammo to Moldova.
Images have emerged of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko standing in front of a battle map that appears to show a planned invasion of Moldova, along with Ukraine. Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was reportedly addressing his security council Tuesday while standing in front of a battle map of Ukraine. The map appeared to show troop movement plans and infrastructure targets in Ukraine, as well as targets in Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria. Some of the Russian lines of attack in the map have already taken place, while others are yet to occur, including an incursion into Moldova - a former Soviet country and Ukraine's neighbor to the south - from the port city of Odessa. Russia has already used Belarus as a location from which to send its troops quickly across the border into Ukraine, after insisting the large number of forces assembled there were for joint military drills. Reports have emerged this week that Belarus is preparing to send troops into Ukraine in support of the Russian invasion.

From the OP " appears to show", nothing like a bit of plausible deniability eh

I think he's taking orders from Putin on how to try and distract NATO from Ukraine.
Nah that map is probably real, once Putin has Ukraine he probably invades Moldova too, a non NATO, non EU state, with a Russian backed separatist region that recently elected a pro- EU government, Also, Moldova's army would fall within seconds, so there's that too.

So either Luka is just dumb enough to reveal it, or simply, he doesn't care.
Stupid fake propaganda from whashington! There absolutely NOTHING on that map to suggest anything related to Moldova! If that were the case you'd see pictograms inside the actual territory of Moldova.
Stupid fake propaganda from whashington! There absolutely NOTHING on that map to suggest anything related to Moldova! If that were the case you'd see pictograms inside the actual territory of Moldova.

Look again after you take off those red-colored pro-Russia glasses.

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