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Be Careful What You Wish For (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown

Another man, a Navy reservist, in 2016 wanted to shake up the status quo. He didn’t mind sending a message to the establishment — and, frankly, he liked the idea of a disruptive president. Now? “What the [expletive] were we thinking?”

My take in 2016 was easy. Why the **** would I vote for "Burn it to the Ground" guy?

And, now, it looks like many who did are saying, "What the **** was I thinking?"
Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown

My take in 2016 was easy. Why the **** would I vote for "Burn it to the Ground" guy?

And, now, it looks like many who did are saying, "What the **** was I thinking?"

I have no regrets, nor have I seen any evidence that very many do.

I have however seen what appears to be propaganda trying to convince me that there is a movement against Trump as a result of this fight.

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