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Basement thread titles - no longer available in preview (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Thread titles no longer available for the basement on the main forum page.

Now instead of a shortened version of the thread title , it simply says "Click here for latest post".

This was done to shield users that are not interested in the basment.

Thanks for understanding.
vauge said:
Thread titles no longer available for the basement on the main forum page.

Now instead of a shortened version of the thread title , it simply says "Click here for latest post".

This was done to shield users that are not interested in the basment.

Thanks for understanding.

Does that mean we no longer have the loophole of being able to post the F word so people upstairs can see it? LOL.
I hope this isn't the beginning of the end!:shock:
Deegan said:
I hope this isn't the beginning of the end!:shock:
Nope. I am sure teacher would not let that happen. lol
vauge said:
Nope. I am sure teacher would not let that happen. lol

Yikes, good thing, we can't lose a good man like he.:smile:
Deegan said:
Yikes, good thing, we can't lose a good man like he.:smile:
I agree. We need a place for Teacher. There is nobody like him anywhere on the internet. He is truly the world's foremost master baiter.

Ooops, maybe I could have worded that better? LOL.
@_girL........ said:
Vauge, your always coming up with ways to improve, Nice work!

I hear you, sister! This has got to be one of the most respectful message boards I have experienced (hee hee hee, I have experienced maybe 5 or 6). I love how vauge takes people's concerns into consideration and makes changes to the board. :)
vauge said:
Thread titles no longer available for the basement on the main forum page.

Now instead of a shortened version of the thread title , it simply says "Click here for latest post".

This was done to shield users that are not interested in the basment.

Thanks for understanding.

Good idea. Personally, I have little use for the basement and I think it brings the whole DP forum down a notch or two in integrity. The basement does show the true colors of people, which is always insightful and often pitiful...
hipsterdufus said:
Good idea. Personally, I have little use for the basement and I think it brings the whole DP forum down a notch or two in integrity. The basement does show the true colors of people, which is always insightful and often pitiful...

People act like themself in the basement!!!:shock: Wow... maybe I shouldn't go there anymore... Thats not me, really, its my imaginary friend, I promice!!!:angel?:

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