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Barry Goldwater was right about evangelicals killing the Republican Party. It has come to pass. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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The fake Christians have killed the Republican Party AND have our country in this mess. And it all started decades and decades and decades ago...


The fake Christians have killed the Republican Party AND have our country in this mess. And it all started decades and decades and decades ago...



Mr. Goldwater was right.

Paul Michael Weyrich October 7, 1942 – December 18, 2008) religious conservative political activist ….. He co-founded the conservative think tanks The Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). He co-founded the Moral Majority in 1979 with Jerry Falwell.

“Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, “what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.”
Paul Weyrich - Wikipedia

“We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about the Gospel in a political context.”

When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” The Real Origins of the Religious Right - POLITICO Magazine
Mr. Goldwater was right.

Paul Michael Weyrich October 7, 1942 – December 18, 2008) religious conservative political activist ….. He co-founded the conservative think tanks The Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). He co-founded the Moral Majority in 1979 with Jerry Falwell.

“Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, “what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.”
Paul Weyrich - Wikipedia

“We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about the Gospel in a political context.”

When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” The Real Origins of the Religious Right - POLITICO Magazine

These are the objectives of someone who is fighting against a secular democracy and the 1st amendment.
Mr. Goldwater was right.

Paul Michael Weyrich October 7, 1942 – December 18, 2008) religious conservative political activist ….. He co-founded the conservative think tanks The Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). He co-founded the Moral Majority in 1979 with Jerry Falwell.

“Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, “what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.”
Paul Weyrich - Wikipedia

“We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about the Gospel in a political context.”

When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” The Real Origins of the Religious Right - POLITICO Magazine

all about $$$$ and forcing one's own religious beliefs on others.

heck, we have a thread about fornication at this very moment.
Yup, you and Barry Goldwater were right. And when somebody has the money and the proven capability to change culture says, "When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” and, “We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about the Gospel in a political context.” everybody ought to sit up and pay attention to what's happening.

Culture is like a very big ship: hard to start, moves ahead slowly and takes an incredibly long time to stop. We have not learned the art of spotting dangerous trends and stopping them before they get going. Yesterdays invasion of the Capitol can be traced back to evangelical leaders turning religion into political power.
The fake Christians have killed the Republican Party AND have our country in this mess. And it all started decades and decades and decades ago...



It was Bush Jr that made the nutty Christian a powerful voting block.
This is exactly why I did not vote for him.

Christ, his administration would laugh at these people yet now they own the White House.
Yup, you and Barry Goldwater were right. And when somebody has the money and the proven capability to change culture says, "When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” and, “We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about the Gospel in a political context.” everybody ought to sit up and pay attention to what's happening.

Cultural change is like a very big ship: hard to start, moves ahead slowly and takes an incredibly long time to stop. We have not learned the art of spotting dangerous trends and stopping them before they get going. Yesterdays invasion of the Capitol can be traced back to evangelical leaders turning religion into political power.
And here's the crazy thing. Not one Christian has been denied the right to practice their religion. They just can't force their religion, nor can Islamists, on other people through government.
Well yeah, but then again another reason the GOP became terrible is...... Barry Goldwater.
Well yeah, but then again another reason the GOP became terrible is...... Barry Goldwater.

Ummm, in his early days he enjoyed starting fires but I have to say that, regardless of whether I agreed with him or not, my RESPECT for Barry Goldwater grew more and more as time went on. At his worst moments he was maybe way too partisan but he still could be reasoned with.
It is impossible for me to lump Barry Goldwater with the trash. He was an exceedingly honorable man.
In fact, for conservatives, Barry Goldwater might just have been the living definition of "country over party".

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