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Barr warns China is 'biggest threat' to US, warns of 'highly aggressive' tech plan (1 Viewer)


Trump Grump Whisperer
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We need to heed this lesson before we lose our ass in the technology race.
So, what do you propose? Those of us in tech are trying our best, but all we get from you is getting called liberals, blue state Californians, Big Tech as a pejorative or whatever other attack or insult is at top of mind. Yet we are doing all the legwork and carrying all the burden.

So, I agree with the article and would like to challenge @American to share what he will do going forward that he hasn’t been doing to date.
Barr has been right about virtually nothing in the past.
Will disregard his latest brain fart.
That's terribly old-fashioned rhetoric, I thought that I may would heard something new before.

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