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Barr says Trump 2024 run would be "dismaying". (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

Might be time of new blood. And Desantis? Old whine, new bottle.
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

Barr should STFU.

He could have done much to stop djt while he was still president, like truthfully saying what the Mueller report did and did not say.
"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

Did he miss the part where Trump was impeached (during Barr's tenure!) for holding up military aid to Ukraine as part of an extortion plot to try and brighten Trump's personal political prospects? Made all the papers.
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

He should have resigned out of protest.
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

So why was Barr such a Trump bootlicker while he was AG? Did Trump have something on him that was recently resolved? So weird.
Last edited:
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

This part is pretty telling, and in a very bad way: "In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration."

Trump's entire life is a textbook example of a person who has only ever cared about himself. There's not an example of Trump's life where "country and principle" took first place with Trump. Barr isn't an idiot, so he knew that going in, stayed two years, kept his fat mouth shut because he believed Trump could advance some agenda Barr wanted to push, and now Barr is trying to save face with this book. **** that guy with a broken broom stick.
Well, I'm glad to hear Barr coming out and being candid about his time as AG, and his observations about Trump. Nothing wrong with people who served in government to detail their experiences in order to give the American people some historical context.

I mean it isn't like Bill Barr is writing a book or anything and trying to sell something in order to enrich himself, right?

He should have resigned out of protest.
Yeah, and because he didn't, I sincerely hope Barr is forced to eat his two faced cowardice for the rest of his miserable life. He had many times he could have been a man of integrity and stood for something, when it mattered. So what we get now is a tell all book more than a year too late. Anyone who believes Barr gives a single damn about any of what he's now reporting is an idiot.

I thought at the time and still that Barr used Trump to advance some agenda. I'm not entirely clear what that was, but he lended his considerable stature to the Trump administration for a reason, and that's ALL that mattered to Barr.
Well, I'm glad to hear Barr coming out and being candid about his time as AG, and his observations about Trump. Nothing wrong with people who served in government to detail their experiences in order to give the American people some historical context.

I mean it isn't like Bill Barr is writing a book or anything and trying to sell something in order to enrich himself, right?
He could have always kept up the facade and probably sold a similar amount of books. He could have appeared on Bannon's show, got Trump to endorse the book, speak at CPAC, appear on FOX news, etc. etc. Why didn't he go that route?
He could have always kept up the facade and probably sold a similar amount of books. He could have appeared on Bannon's show, got Trump to endorse the book, speak at CPAC, appear on FOX news, etc. etc. Why didn't he go that route?
Probably because he will sell more books going the route he is going right now.

The question you should be asking yourself about him and others, why do they only speak up when they are getting paid to speak up? Just ike a jailhouse snitch, can you really trust the motivations of anyone who purports to "tell the truth" for a payoff/paycheck?
Barr should STFU.

He could have done much to stop djt while he was still president, like truthfully saying what the Mueller report did and did not say.

Agree with the shutting up part.
Another DC establishment type politician who keeps his bread buttered on both sides.
Probably because he will sell more books going the route he is going right now.

The question you should be asking yourself about him and others, why do they only speak up when they are getting paid to speak up? Just ike a jailhouse snitch, can you really trust the motivations of anyone who purports to "tell the truth" for a payoff/paycheck?

Of course, he wrote the book for money. My point was that an argument can be made that he may have been able to make the same or more from sales to the GQP and FRW if he wrote a rosey book about his time in the WH. The FRW has shown time and time agains that it loves to throw money at garbage.
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

I'm not a fan of Barrs but I agree with his criticism. Trump is probably the best candidate the Republcans have to offer but Trump could use some refinement.
Wow. Mildly shocking. Further he said the GOP should "look forward." Now that will be the hard part for them. LOL.
Has a new book coming out called "One damn thing after another".

Some choice comments:

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book wrote that the possibility of former President Donald Trump running for the White House again was "dismaying" and encouraged the Republican Party to "look forward" in search of new candidates, according to excerpts published Sunday by The Washington Post.

In the book, "One Damn Thing After Another," Barr stated that Trump's "constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office," while revealing that he started to feel that the then-president only cared about himself during the waning months of the administration.

Barr served as attorney general from February 2019 to December 2020.

"Country and principle took second place," he remarked in the book, recalling his personal revelations about Trump while navigating the last few months in his role.

He added: "We need leaders not only capable of fighting and 'punching,' but also persuading and attracting — leaders who can frame, and advocate for, an uplifting vision of what it means to share in American citizenship. Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed."

My hope, should the GOP be foolish enough to nominate Loser #45 in 2024, is that he continue his Big Lie. 👍
Whatever, if it wasn't for Barr we wouldn't have Durham's disclosures that have Hillary soiling her plus-size liv-drys.
That'll always be a plus for him.
He didn't figure out that Tweety only cares about himself until the waning months of the administration? That's ****ing unbelievable.
It is. Literally.
Agree with the shutting up part.
Another DC establishment type politician who keeps his bread buttered on both sides.
Barr is mistaken if he believes that one of the sides is buttering his toast...

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