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Barack Obama sex doll for sale in China (1 Viewer)


Veni, vidi, dormivi!
DP Veteran
Nov 6, 2009
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Obama sex doll for sale in China - Telegraph
Americans may have fallen out of love with Barack Obama, but the president of the United States is still an object of affection for the Chinese, who have remodelled him as a blow-up sex doll.

Can we reach orgasm? YES WE CAN!!!!

Now he can literally **** you over.

I'm just waiting for the bin Laden sex doll, the only one that can blow itself up.
Hilarious! And so appropriate...

Americans may have fallen out of love with Barack Obama, but the president of the United States is still an object of affection for the Chinese, who have remodelled him as a blow-up sex doll.
You can buy THE craziest **** in China. I gotta find that link to this website that sells all sorts of stuff from over there...
It's not Japanese? Really?
One would think something like this would surface in the land of the panty vending machines.
Does this replace the Clinton doll?
racist woman.jpg

There'll always be a market for weird tat by those who aren't all there...


Still, the irony's not lost here. Jacking off whilst dreaming of a nob-end.....
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If you think that's funny.

Now everyone can hang a black man from a tree.
I was hoping it was one of them real looking dolls and not cheap plastic blow-up:(

And here I was again pissed over math and you guys just crack me up and sell on a corner
I wonder if the doll is correct in the places that matter...This would make a fantastic gag gift for a friend...
I wonder if the doll is correct in the places that matter...This would make a fantastic gag gift for a friend...

Ah, the wonders of Freudian imagery.
I wonder if the doll is correct in the places that matter...This would make a fantastic gag gift for a friend...


His mouth isn't anatomically correct - I wonder if it has a fully intact sphincter. :)
I wonder if the doll is correct in the places that matter...This would make a fantastic gag gift for a friend...

Check out the picture again. Judging by the doll next to him, there is "something" down there that's pretty impressive.....;)


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