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Bar owner facing 95 years in prison for defending himself commits suicide (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

In a stunning development, Jake Gardner — the white bar owner indicted in the killing of a 22-year-old Black man during protests in downtown Omaha on May 30 — has been found dead near Portland, Oregon.

Since Gardner was white, his "crime" was not allowing himself to be bludgeoned to death by BLM rioters. The punishment for such a crime in progressive America is:
If convicted, Gardner, 38, could face up to 95 years in prison.
If you are white and in a progressive city, you might as well pretend that Robert Mugabe is the DA, because that's the kind of "justice" you're going to get.
That is sad to hear.

Based on what I know about the case, it was a pretty strong case for self defense.

Since Gardner was white, his "crime" was not allowing himself to be bludgeoned to death by BLM rioters. The punishment for such a crime in progressive America is:

If you are white and in a progressive city, you might as well pretend that Robert Mugabe is the DA, because that's the kind of "justice" you're going to get.

Oh look, more hysterical racist shrieking coming from conservatives.

"Pretend the DA is Robert Mugabe"? Seriously bud?
That is quite unfortunate. He would have been given his day in court and if the evidence for self-defense was strong, then there wasn't much to worry about.
Oh look, more hysterical racist shrieking coming from conservatives.

"Pretend the DA is Robert Mugabe"? Seriously bud?
You call that racist hysterical shrieking? The second paragraph was a bit hyperbolic. 2 men are dead, and you're worried about that.

How about we stop bitching that every personal slight is centuries of racism crashing down on us. We are all the same. Only thing that is racist is saying we aren't all the same.

Since Gardner was white, his "crime" was not allowing himself to be bludgeoned to death by BLM rioters. The punishment for such a crime in progressive America is:

If you are white and in a progressive city, you might as well pretend that Robert Mugabe is the DA, because that's the kind of "justice" you're going to get.

Thoughts and prayers.
You call that racist hysterical shrieking? The second paragraph was a bit hyperbolic. 2 men are dead, and you're worried about that.

How about we stop bitching that every personal slight is centuries of racism crashing down on us. We are all the same. Only thing that is racist is saying we aren't all the same.

Except we aren't treated all the same, and no amount of stomping your feet and whining because people point that out changes that fact. And yes, hysterically babbling about Mugabe is pretty racist.
That is quite unfortunate. He would have been given his day in court and if the evidence for self-defense was strong, then there wasn't much to worry about.
That's if you don't have malicious prosecution and Everyone likes to talk about police brutality and that's a problem we should deal with, malicious prosecution is another one and I think it causes more problems. How many people are in jail it shouldn't be? How many people were way over sentenced for the crimes they committed.
That's if you don't have malicious prosecution and Everyone likes to talk about police brutality and that's a problem we should deal with, malicious prosecution is another one and I think it causes more problems. How many people are in jail it shouldn't be? How many people were way over sentenced for the crimes they committed.

Well I suppose that's a reason why we have trial by jury and not by prosecutors.
Well I suppose that's a reason why we have trial by jury and not by prosecutors.
That's if you even make it that far. Going before a jury is a gamble. So we don't always have trial by jury. Get some most often trial by prosecutor.
That's if you don't have malicious prosecution and Everyone likes to talk about police brutality and that's a problem we should deal with, malicious prosecution is another one and I think it causes more problems. How many people are in jail it shouldn't be? How many people were way over sentenced for the crimes they committed.
The only way to curb crime is to impose harsh sentences so that potential criminals may think twice about what they are about to do. As a law abiding citizen for all my life ( please don't count speeding) I have ZERO tolerance for criminals. Zero. There is absolutely no excuse for victimizing another human being. And as for drug crimes such as merely buying or using illegal drugs, by doing so you are supporting and perpetuating criminal organizations that murder people so that makes you complicit.
The only way to curb crime is to impose harsh sentences so that potential criminals may think twice about what they are about to do. As a law abiding citizen for all my life ( please don't count speeding) I have ZERO tolerance for criminals. Zero. There is absolutely no excuse for victimizing another human being. And as for drug crimes such as merely buying or using illegal drugs, by doing so you are supporting and perpetuating criminal organizations that murder people so that makes you complicit.
I don't think the way to curb crime is to impose harsh sentences necessary. Certain crimes yes absolutely. Not just to deter other people from doing it but to keep these people out of society. Zero tolerance doesn't work.

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