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Banning Slavery Unconstitutional? (1 Viewer)

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Active member
Jun 2, 2005
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Political Leaning
Ehh, I am kind of new to politics, so I might be crazily wrong here in the short little post and question I have. But wouldn't banning slavery be unconstitutional? The states, not the federal government, decides on matters not explicitly stated in the Constitution. The right for the federal government was specifically took out, so wouldn't that mean that only the states could decide on such a matter?

I am not sure, just asking people's opinions on this, a little confused on the subject lol.
IIRC, there was an ammendment to the Constitution.
I was asking if the ammendment banning slavery was unconstitutional
Hornburger said:
I was asking if the ammendment banning slavery was unconstitutional

Ammendments are part of the constitution and therefore cannot be unconstitutional.

Now, to ratify this constitution, it was approved by some of the southern states under reconstruction. I'm sure there's a debate over whether that was legit or not. I think we all agree that its good riddance to slavery, but I'd to hear from someone who knows more about the ratification of the 13th ammendment by say, Alabama under reconstruction.

I wonder if those votes could be compared to the constituional votes taking place right now in Iraq.
Oh, right...lol sorry for my stupidity.

Thanks :lol:
Connecticutter said:
Ammendments are part of the constitution and therefore cannot be unconstitutional.

Now, to ratify this constitution, it was approved by some of the southern states under reconstruction. I'm sure there's a debate over whether that was legit or not. I think we all agree that its good riddance to slavery, but I'd to hear from someone who knows more about the ratification of the 13th ammendment by say, Alabama under reconstruction.

I wonder if those votes could be compared to the constituional votes taking place right now in Iraq.

Dont be fooled, just because an amendment to the constitution was made, doesnt make it "constitutional".
It is my view that individual human rights and freedoms must be protected by the federal government and transcends state sovereignity.
Dont be fooled, just because an amendment to the constitution was made, doesnt make it "constitutional".

Haha. Unconstitutional Constitutional provisions. LoL.
Bit of trivia: On March 16, 1995, 130 years after it became the 13th amendment, Mississippi ratified it.:roll:
ngdawg said:
Bit of trivia: On March 16, 1995, 130 years after it became the 13th amendment, Mississippi ratified it.:roll:
But of course that in no way means that Mississippi still practiced slavery up until this date. Were they the last state to ratify?
Apparently so, but not all 50 states are on the list. Perhaps because of the number of states there were at the time of the passage of the amendment?
Illinois Feb 1, 1865
Rhode Island Feb 2, 1865
Michigan Feb 3, 1865
Maryland Feb 3, 1865
New York Feb 3, 1865
Pennsylvania Feb 3, 1865
West Virginia Feb 3, 1865
Missouri Feb 6, 1865
Maine Feb 7, 1865
Kansas Feb 7, 1865
Massachusetts Feb 7, 1865
Virginia Feb 9, 1865
Ohio Feb 10, 1865
Indiana Feb 13, 1865
Nevada Feb 16, 1865
Louisiana Feb 17, 1865
Minnesota Feb 23, 1865
Wisconsin Feb 24, 1865
Vermont Mar 8, 1865
Tennessee Apr 7, 1865
Arkansas Apr 14, 1865
Connecticut May 4, 1865
New Hampshire Jul 1, 1865
South Carolina Nov 13, 1865
Alabama Dec 2, 1865
North Carolina Dec 4, 1865
Georgia Dec 6, 1865 *
Oregon Dec 8, 1865
California Dec 19, 1865
Florida Dec 28, 1865
Iowa Jan 15, 1866
New Jersey Jan 23, 1866
Texas Feb 18, 1870
Delaware Feb 12, 1901
Kentucky Mar 18, 1976
Mississippi Mar 16, 1995 *
Ratified in 309 days
ngdawg said:
Bit of trivia: On March 16, 1995, 130 years after it became the 13th amendment, Mississippi ratified it.:roll:

ANd? Triva---it's...well...trivial.

triv·i·a1 Audio pronunciation of "trivia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trv-)
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles.

Thanks for boring us.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
ANd? Triva---it's...well...trivial.

triv·i·a1 Audio pronunciation of "trivia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trv-)
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles.

Thanks for boring us.
You're welcome. Thanks for wasting bandwidth to tell me:roll:
And at least spell it right??
Sheesh....trying to get points for posts or what?
OH NO! TYPO police! That's directly copied out of the dictionary via cut-paste. Your post was pointless, fool.

Don't be a moron, bring up trivial facts as if they have some impact on the conversation, and then get all huffy when your called on the bullshit. Also, grammar whorring doth not an argument make.
A question was asked that pertained to this thread and I answered it. You had no reason to say anything regarding my answer, including not doing a proper C&P. It would appear that the most trivial thing here was you.....

I thought you were an old codger, imagine my surprise to find...you're just a kid who goes thread to thread throwing insults and misspelling large words. Pity.....
Conservative said:
Dont be fooled, just because an amendment to the constitution was made, doesnt make it "constitutional".
IT IS by definition "constitutional".

The Constitution mentions "slaves" or "slavery" zero times (until the 13th amendment, which is part of the Constitution), it refers to "slaves" and people who aren't citizens or Indians, so that the constitution couldn't be used to defend slavery.

ngdawg said:
Apparently so, but not all 50 states are on the list. Perhaps because of the number of states there were at the time of the passage of the amendment?
In 1865 my state wasn't a state yet :D there are a few states that weren't states yet between the Midwest and California.

Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
ANd? Triva---it's...well...trivial.

triv·i·a1 Audio pronunciation of "trivia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trv-)
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles.

Thanks for boring us.
While ngdawg's post told of something an intimate part of Mississippian history, you troll with your trivial definition of "trivia".

Dude, you're a jerk :rofl

Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
OH NO! TYPO police! That's directly copied out of the dictionary via cut-paste. Your post was pointless, fool.

Don't be a moron, bring up trivial facts as if they have some impact on the conversation, and then get all huffy when your called on the bullshit. Also, grammar whorring doth not an argument make.
A trolling jerk :lol:
.....Who spent two pages arguing grammatical errors in another thread that had nothing to do with grammar, then comes over here and spells 'whoring' wrong!:2rofll:
Sorry...couldn't resist....think of this as a commercial break:mrgreen:

What I find really disparaging is that this same person did not know where Zurich was, what the Taj Majal looked like, chalked that up to not needing to know about other places, yet calls the fact that it took 130 years for a state to ratify a constitutional amendment, trivial. And we get knowledge usable in debates how, exactly, if one is not willing to learn about even their OWN history?....ah yes...toss about two words...'strawman' and 'mastubatory', throw in a few insults...there ya go.
While ngdawg's post told of something an intimate part of Mississippian history, you troll with your trivial definition of "trivia".

Dude, you're a jerk

Of course I am a Jerk. Boo frickity hoo. Go cry about it. His post was admittedly trivia--trivia is worthless inherently and it warrented pointing out. It was pointed out. In no way did it have any impact on the only valid answer to this thread. THere is one valid answer: mine.

1. No. It's not illegal or unconstitutional to have an amendment passed. It's ****ing absurd to think it would be. Grow at least half a brain, and then dictate answers to me.

And we get knowledge usable in debates how, exactly, if one is not willing to learn about even their OWN history?....ah yes...toss about two words...'strawman' and 'mastubatory', throw in a few insults...there ya go.

Well, no, there is no strawman here, so I don't feel a need to mention it. What is here are:

A. A stupid post topic
B. Stupid answers, except for a few lone individuals, including myself.

Your silly tirade about trival issues means nothing. You admittedly postd triva, trivia is worthless, therefore, don't mention worthless crap in a topic. In no way does your post rebuttle refute anything about the constitutionality of constitutional provisions being legal. This is a stupid thread, and it was based on a stupid question.

What I find really disparaging is that this same person did not know where Zurich was, what the Taj Majal looked like

What the hell are you babbling about you albino baboon? WHo doesn't know about Zurich or Taj Majal?

1. It's spelled Taj Mahal, not Majal.
2. Zurich is spelled with an umlaut, not a U. IE. Zürich
Last edited:
ehh, mods feel free to close this retarded thread lol
UT said:
1. No. It's not illegal or unconstitutional to have an amendment passed. It's ****ing absurd to think it would be. Grow at least half a brain, and then dictate answers to me.
That's we said buddy, only nicer.

UT said:
Stupid answers, except for a few lone individuals, including myself.

You mean post # 12?
UT said:
ANd? Triva---it's...well...trivial.

triv·i·a1 Audio pronunciation of "trivia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trv-)
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles.

Thanks for boring us.
That was useful, just like # 14
UT said:
OH NO! TYPO police! That's directly copied out of the dictionary via cut-paste. Your post was pointless, fool.

Don't be a moron, bring up trivial facts as if they have some impact on the conversation, and then get all huffy when your called on the bullshit. Also, grammar whorring doth not an argument make.
That was a cool post about slavery in the Constitution... no wait IT WASN'T!
Don't forget the first page:
In #8 you take time to laugh at someone.
and... wait THAT'S IT!

So you mention slavery in this WHOLE thread like... oh ZERO times, :rofl

Your silly tirade about trival issues means nothing. You admittedly postd triva, trivia is worthless, therefore, don't mention worthless crap in a topic.
You mean like all of your posts that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE THREAD?

Hornburger said:
ehh, mods feel free to close this retarded thread lol
Agreed. Just wondering why this baiter hasn't been banned....his posts are nothing but name-calling derogatory tantrums that have yet to have anything to actually do with objective debate.

And I'm a woman, butthead...try reading instead of cyber-yelling. Might learn something.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
ANd? Triva---it's...well...trivial.

triv·i·a1 Audio pronunciation of "trivia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trv-)
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles.

Thanks for boring us.
Thanks for letting us know that you're a jerk AND a dumbass.
Hornburger said:
ehh, mods feel free to close this retarded thread lol
Mod Note

Put your helmets on. This thread is closed.

/Mod Note.
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