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Ban Abortion? But what about the Aftermath? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 6, 2005
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I can't say that I'm emotionally compelled, either way. An unborn baby doesn't understand what is happening to it, so it isn't psychologically traumatized by it's imminent death, I would assume.

However, there seems to be a point that many people overlook when considering the legality of abortion. Let's say we do make abortion illegal. Well... what then?

How many illegitimate clinics will spring up? How many people will leave the country with child in womb, and return without? How many back alley "coat hanger jobs" (as I call them) will we suffer through? And who will enforce our new law? Not the local police I hope... we've all ready seen America bend over and take the Patriot Act. Lord knows what our leaders in the sky would come up with for this issue.
But the "pro-lifers" are often (but not always) not actually pro-life, just anti-abortion. Many of them don't give a hoot about the terrible consequences of making abortion illegal.
Naughty Nurse said:
But the "pro-lifers" are often (but not always) not actually pro-life, just anti-abortion. Many of them don't give a hoot about the terrible consequences of making abortion illegal.


I agree whole-heartedly with your opinion about anti-abortionists. It's strange to think that anyone who would oppose abortion for anything other then moral issues.
How many illegitimate clinics will spring up?
The more that will get busted.

How many people will leave the country with child in womb, and return without?

Additional laws can be put in place to not allow preganate women to leave the country and require a full medical exame of everyone requesting to leave the country.

How many back alley "coat hanger jobs" (as I call them) will we suffer through?

Anyone who dies because they tried to commit a abortion deserves death,I hope all the abortionist get treated as the murdering scum they are.

And who will enforce our new law? Not the local police I hope... we've all ready seen America bend over and take the Patriot Act. Lord knows what our leaders in the sky would come up with for this issue.

Only scum have any reason to fear the patriot act.
jamesrage said:
Additional laws can be put in place to not allow preganate women to leave the country and require a full medical exame of everyone requesting to leave the country.

Are you serious? Just assuming that you might possibly be:

Who's gonna pay for that? Would cost a fortune!

Pregnant women cannot leave the country? No vacation if you're pregnant, then? Sister in Europe just died and pregnant woman wants to attend funeral? Tough - should've kept her legs crossed!

Everyone to have full medical exam before leaving country - why? Incase some pregnant men try to get illegal abortions?

Thanks for starting my day off with a really good laugh!
Everyone to have full medical exam before leaving country - why? Incase some pregnant men try to get illegal abortions?

So that such a policy can not be labled as sex-profiling by idiots on the left and to make sure other countries do not accuse of us of exporting deseases.So it kind of hits two birds with the same stone.

Who's gonna pay for that? Would cost a fortune!

If we are not dumping money into planned parenthood and the many other orginizations that help women get abortions we will have a little bit more money to spend.

Pregnant women cannot leave the country? No vacation if you're pregnant, then? Sister in Europe just died and pregnant woman wants to attend funeral? Tough - should've kept her legs crossed!

Basicly that is it or allow the woman to leave and if she comes back not pregnate then she gets tried for murder unless a very well known doctor can prove with out a doubt that the loss of the unborn child was because of reasons that were not in her control.
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jamesrage said:
So that such a policy can not be labled as sex-profiling by idiots on the left and to make sure other countries do not accuse of us of exporting deseases.So it kind of hits two birds with the same stone.

If we are not dumping money into planned parenthood and the many other orginizations that help women get abortions we will have a little bit more money to spend.

Basicly that is it or allow the woman to leave and if she comes back not pregnate then she gets tried for murder unless a very well known doctor can prove with out a doubt that the loss of the unborn child was because of reasons that were not in her control.

Wait a minute... did you just defend the notion that men should be tested for pregnancy? I CHALLENGE you to find ANY SINGLE political group that would scream sexism if the American government decided not test men for pregnancy. You cite your source, and prove that this alleged group is both legitmate (I.E. not you and your buddies) and sane (I.E. not a group of people named by the state as insane) and I promise to give you a thousand dollars, from my pocket, as soon as I'm convinced of it's legitimacy.

Look- I respect your morals. There's nothing wrong with considering abortion murder, if that's how you choose to see it. But consider what you're saying. What you're saying is- you would invoke utter chaos on the streets of America to protect the lives of unborn babies.

Where does it end? You say that we should allow grief stricken mothers to kill themselves, if they decide that birth is too much for them? That's seems to be a heartless thing for someone so FILLED with moral fortitude to say.:roll:

Then again, I suppose we'd also allow pregnant men who abort their babies to die as well. So at least the laws wouldn't cater to conservatives OR liberals!
Claiminglight said:
I agree whole-heartedly with your opinion about anti-abortionists. It's strange to think that anyone who would oppose abortion for anything other then moral issues.
Well, it is a good way to control women. Keep them barefoot and pregnant in the Kitchen.

So the misogynists, the conservative theocrats, they will run for this one every time.
jamesrage said:
So that such a policy can not be labled as sex-profiling by idiots on the left and to make sure other countries do not accuse of us of exporting deseases.So it kind of hits two birds with the same stone.

Right, so before an American can set fot outside of the USA they must:

- Have a pregnancy test, even if male, post-menopausal, a young child etc.

- Undergo a very complete physical examination, with just about every test you can apply for detecting infectious disease. Then, so that test results will still be valid, as soon as the first test has been done, the individual must be placed in total isolation. As some tests (for MAI for example) can take a period of months to produce a result, the potential traveller will no doubt remain in the state of isolation for how long exactly before being allowed to travel? One month? Two months? Three months?

How come you're not President of the USA? :rofl

Basicly that is it or allow the woman to leave and if she comes back not pregnate then she gets tried for murder unless a very well known doctor can prove with out a doubt that the loss of the unborn child was because of reasons that were not in her control
I completely disagree with you, but I applaud your forthright, direct position on the subject. I am tired of mealy mouthed right wingers and disingenuous left wingers who parse words rather than state their position clearly.

To a true right to lifer, abortion is murder and whoever participates in an abortion -- mother, doctor, nurse, hospital – all should be tried for first degree murder. Correct?

I assume that you base your decision on the position that a fertilized ovum is a person. Is that also correct?
Jamesrage, you're just so filled with compassion. :roll:
jamesrage said:
The more that will get busted.

Additional laws can be put in place to not allow preganate women to leave the country and require a full medical exame of everyone requesting to leave the country.

WOW! And all along I thought that conservatives wanted SMALL government. The TABLES turned a LONG time ago folks! Why do you think that our government has nearly DOUBLED under 'Conservative' rule??

Anyone who dies because they tried to commit a abortion deserves death,I hope all the abortionist get treated as the murdering scum they are.

And there you have it folks, the TYPICAL MURDERER mentality! Just another MAN who wants to CONTROL women due to his OWN waning sexuality. And with enough HATRED and murder in his heart to wish death on a woman who chose to terminate her own pregnancy, due to rape, incest, or any other reason.

Only scum have any reason to fear the patriot act.

You should take advice from the Goddess. You seem to have this omniscience that you should be judge over who lives or dies. You know what the Goddess said? Durga said: 'Cut off your OWN head!' -- buy a ONE WAY ticket, for ONE person and leave the WOMEN out of it, leave the CHILDREN out of it, and leave the innocent male civilians OUT of it. So please, curb your DEATHTRIP and save it for your SELF!
vergiss said:
Jamesrage, you're just so filled with compassion. :roll:

Israel is worth it. I just wished the Jews would finally give the Palastinians back their land and quit putting every OTHER country in the middle of their ongoing HOLY war. I say the US should give both sides enough weapons to destroy each other so the hateful zealots can do what they do best: KILL.

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