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Bad Vegan on Netflix (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 7, 2020
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If you have seen this series...PLEASE don't give away the ending.

Bad Vegan is a documentary about a woman named Sarma (she's Serbian I think). Sarma opened a raw vegan restaurant in Manhattan and quickly became the latest "it" girl on the Manhattan food scene. Celebrities would fly across the nation to eat vegan food at her restaurant. After a while she opened a more casual place called One Lucky Duck that was sort of a "grab and go" experience. Well, she got into financial trouble and the series is about her and her investor/boyfriend.

This description isn't going to do it justice but it's essentially and in-depth Dateline/20-20 piece about a con artist. The way the documentary makers tell this story though is truly a work of art in my view. I lost count of the number of times I was surprised by the twists and turns in the story.

If you have Netflix, I think you should give it a watch and definitely pay attention to the last 15-30 minutes of the final episode.
If you have seen this series...PLEASE don't give away the ending.

Bad Vegan is a documentary about a woman named Sarma (she's Serbian I think). Sarma opened a raw vegan restaurant in Manhattan and quickly became the latest "it" girl on the Manhattan food scene. Celebrities would fly across the nation to eat vegan food at her restaurant. After a while she opened a more casual place called One Lucky Duck that was sort of a "grab and go" experience. Well, she got into financial trouble and the series is about her and her investor/boyfriend.

This description isn't going to do it justice but it's essentially and in-depth Dateline/20-20 piece about a con artist. The way the documentary makers tell this story though is truly a work of art in my view. I lost count of the number of times I was surprised by the twists and turns in the story.

If you have Netflix, I think you should give it a watch and definitely pay attention to the last 15-30 minutes of the final episode.

I watched this today in one sitting. It was excellent. Thanks for the suggestion. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The main characters were very interesting and a little on the crazy side. A lot of interesting psychology involved from my perspective.
Netflix has it going on lately. Thanks for the suggestion.
I am deep into political corruption from all over the world right now. We are more alike than we think.
I was intrigued by this but ultimately it fell flat.

This girl went to the Wharton business school which apparently doesn't mean as much as it used to if people like her and Trump came from it.

She had a famous restaurant with famous clients and was still losing money. If she had turned that place into a McDonald's she could have paid back that loan in less than a year. She was awful at business, awful at love and awful at judging character.
I was intrigued by this but ultimately it fell flat.

This girl went to the Wharton business school which apparently doesn't mean as much as it used to if people like her and Trump came from it.

She had a famous restaurant with famous clients and was still losing money. If she had turned that place into a McDonald's she could have paid back that loan in less than a year. She was awful at business, awful at love and awful at judging character.

I wanted to feel sorry for the woman but ultimately I did not. They deserved each other.

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