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Bad news for Pootler´s poodles "Individuals who display the letter "Z" in Germany to symbolise support for Moscow's war in Ukraine could be liable to (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Bad news for Pootler´s poodles "Individuals who display the letter "Z" in Germany to symbolise support for Moscow's war in Ukraine could be liable to prosecution"


Imperialistic Moscow has never changed, I am reading a book about the Whiter war , we´d assist Finland back then ...
What would be bad news for Putin's fans would be something other than this futile gesture. Germany ceasing to fund Putin's war; it continues to pay Russia over Euros 500 million A DAY for oil and gas.
I'm not going to subscribe to read the article but I hope that wouldn't be the case in the U.S. The1st Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech.
What would be bad news for Putin's fans would be something other than this futile gesture. Germany ceasing to fund Putin's war; it continues to pay Russia over Euros 500 million A DAY for oil and gas.
This is because Germany is deeply in hock to Russia because of its Ostpolitic going back to circa 1970 starting with the socialist governments. Ostpolitic = turn to the East, ie, Russia....and then most recently, the DictatorTyrants in Beijing.

I'm not going to subscribe to read the article but I hope that wouldn't be the case in the U.S. The1st Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech.
The US is not Germany.

As most recently stated in a Politico article, Germany is no stranger to the wrong side of history.
display the letter "Z" in Germany to symbolise support

Hard to believe but we live in a strange world and some people just like to be contrary.

Germany is no stranger to the wrong side of history.

That could be said about any and every nation on the planet at one time or another I'm afraid.
Hard to believe but we live in a strange world and some people just like to be contrary.
yes indeed

one for sure, Muscovy dont know even the own history

Forgotten Symbol of Imperial Japan | Battle of Tsushima and the Z Flag​

Bad news for Pootler´s poodles "Individuals who display the letter "Z" in Germany to symbolize support for Moscow's war in Ukraine could be liable to prosecution,"

Imperialistic Moscow has never changed, I am reading a book about the Whiter war , we´d assist Finland back then ...

Your avatar immediately discredits you. The last thing we need here is someone publicly supporting Vladimir Putin in every post.

Your avatar immediately discredits you.
My avatar is great , take a closer look



publicly supporting Vladimir Putin in every post
As most recently stated in a Politico article, Germany is no stranger to the wrong side of history.

Hard to believe but we live in a strange world and some people just like to be contrary.
That could be said about any and every nation on the planet at one time or another I'm afraid.
You seem to have missed the entire 20th century.

My condolences go out to you.

Unless of course you're trying to be an apologist. Indeed, the Bundesgang dies hard.
You seem to have missed the entire 20th century.

My condolences go out to you.

Unless of course you're trying to be an apologist. Indeed, the Bundesgang dies hard.

That is simply broad brushing Germany I'm afraid. The entire 20th Century is more than just two world wars - 20th Century Germany helped rebuild Europe once the EEC and EU started to take shape, an EU most of Eastern Europe are desperate to join.
That is simply broad brushing Germany I'm afraid. The entire 20th Century is more than just two world wars - 20th Century Germany helped rebuild Europe once the EEC and EU started to take shape, an EU most of Eastern Europe are desperate to join.
Up to reunification the Germans in the Russian Soviet East of the country knew only a thousand years of warlords, principalities, the kaisers, the Russia Hugger Bismarck who himself exited by handing the country over to Hitler; then Stalin. The East remains a hotbed of AfD fascism and the die hard Soviet worshipers of Die Linke

Beginning this century the whole of the country got to enjoy Putin, Schroederovsky, Merkelov. Looking at Ukraine today the stupidity of it is grotesquely obvious.

The German model of relations with Russia is a flop. It's decades of failure. A disaster. Never to return. Yet and despite Russia in Ukraine the DP Bundesgang is still reciting the old and miserable dogma that a Europe led by Germany kissing up to Russia is the way to ensure peace. This while EU & NATO led by the US know the need early in the 21st century is to send Putin packing. Take it from there.

Indeed last September Germany went to the polls to produce the first three party federal coalition led by SPD and Scholz, the Greens and the Free Democrats. I've said more than once SPD started the Russia Hugging so it's a kind of poetic justice that the unprecedented coalition led by SPD would end it.

The coalition driven by the Greens and Free Democrats put the torch to the old dogmas. It announced Zeitenwende which is the dawn of a new era by Germany. Still however the Russophiles among the population of Germany have only tightened their already hard and fast grip on the pathetic Ostpolitik that has culminated in the Russo-German now kaput geo strategic project that was Nord Stream 2.

The road ahead won't be easy for Germany either given the hard, hard core of German Russophiles that are digging in their heels.

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