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Awesome Little Girl (1 Viewer)

Nov 23, 2005
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Awesome Little Girl

This story is about my Godchild Jennifer. You might be saying what does this have to do with abortion? The answer is simple today children like Jennifer would be aborted in most cases.I ask should they be aborted. When I wrote this story Jennifer was only 12 she is now 21 and the legend continues…. September was Cystic Fibrosis month.

Awesome referring to the dictionary meaning, is respect combined with fear or wonder. This is the most descriptive adjective that best describes my Godchild Jennifer.

Jennifer was born with Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is the number one genetic killer of young people. It is a lung and digestive disease. People having this disease have thick mucus, which breeds infections in the lungs, and the mucus also makes it hard to digest their food. Average life expectancy is twenty-one years of age. There is no cure.

My composition is about why I think Jennifer is so awesome. In doing so, I will break down the dictionary meaning of awesome and tell you how it relates to Jennifer.

Respect: Jennifer is only twelve years old and is dealing with this deadly disease very well. When she plays sports such as soccer. This disease steals her breath away yet she does her best, won’t quit and does not complain. Her physical therapy is painful and so is the continuous coughing. During a camping trip with Jennifer and her parents, Jennifer was coughing and her parents asked, “Are you OK?” Jennifer answered back saying, “Yes. I am supposed to cough, I have Cystic Fibrosis. Please don’t worry. I am OK.”

As with any child with this disease Jennifer spends a great deal of time in the Hospital. Many of the friends she has made in the hospital have died of Cystic Fibrosis. She had to deal with that. She spends little time in her hospital room and a great deal of time with younger children suffering with the same disease or other conditions. She is a fine example of courage for these children.

Jennifer wants to be a nurse when she gets older because she says she likes to help people. This is another quality I love about her. She also raises money for Muscular Dystrophy and on Saturday’s volunteers at a Cancer Care Store For all these reasons and much more, Jennifer has earned my respect and also the respect of everyone she comes in contact with.

Fear: Jennifer has none, but I do to know this little girl has such a terrible disease scares the hell out of me. Jennifer will never let you know she is feeling bad I have spoken to other parents of Cystic Fibrosis Children and they say this is their way of protecting the ones they love. I am scared to know Jennifer is going through this and trying to handle it all by herself. I know her parents and friends love her and want to help her but Jennifer deals with her feelings about the disease by herself. These are some of my fears.

Wonder: How can a girl of twelve do so many wonderful things when she suffers with such a terrible disease? Where does she get her courage? How can I help her? I often wonder about these questions and may not always have the answer to them.

There is one question I had at the beginning of this composition and that is “What is the meaning of awesome?” I can honestly answer this question by saying Jennifer is the best way I can describe Awesome.

Update Jennifer is now twenty attending nursing school. She started a local chapter of the Lynous Project which collects blankets giving them to the homeless and to children in hospitals (note many have a special message or design embroidered on them by Jen) She has collected and given away thousands of them. Truly Awesome.

Now, that you have read Jen’s story. I hope you can see how special life is. Fear destroys life. A President once said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” I believe fear is one of the biggest reasons for having an abortion” Fear of accepting responsibility for our own actions. Jen now walks with a tank of oxygen when she goes out she has no fear. So think of Jen when Fear pops into your head and think of all the good she has done with her life because a child that might be aborted might one that could do so much good. If you have some extra cash donate it this month to The National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation mark your check for research for a cure.

On September 11, 2004 Jen died at St Vincent’s Hospital in N.Y. She was 24. Before she died she was volunteering at Home for Babies with AIDS and who were addicted to drugs in Hudson County NJ.

Thank you JP
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Awesome Little Girl

This story is about my Godchild Jennifer. You might be saying what does this have to do with abortion? The answer is simple today children like Jennifer would be aborted in most cases.I ask should they be aborted. When I wrote this story Jennifer was only 12 she is now 21 and the legend continues…. September was Cystic Fibrosis month.

Awesome referring to the dictionary meaning, is respect combined with fear or wonder. This is the most descriptive adjective that best describes my Godchild Jennifer.

Jennifer was born with Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is the number one genetic killer of young people. It is a lung and digestive disease. People having this disease have thick mucus, which breeds infections in the lungs, and the mucus also makes it hard to digest their food. Average life expectancy is twenty-one years of age. There is no cure.

My composition is about why I think Jennifer is so awesome. In doing so, I will break down the dictionary meaning of awesome and tell you how it relates to Jennifer.

Respect: Jennifer is only twelve years old and is dealing with this deadly disease very well. When she plays sports such as soccer. This disease steals her breath away yet she does her best, won’t quit and does not complain. Her physical therapy is painful and so is the continuous coughing. During a camping trip with Jennifer and her parents, Jennifer was coughing and her parents asked, “Are you OK?” Jennifer answered back saying, “Yes. I am supposed to cough, I have Cystic Fibrosis. Please don’t worry. I am OK.”

As with any child with this disease Jennifer spends a great deal of time in the Hospital. Many of the friends she has made in the hospital have died of Cystic Fibrosis. She had to deal with that. She spends little time in her hospital room and a great deal of time with younger children suffering with the same disease or other conditions. She is a fine example of courage for these children.

Jennifer wants to be a nurse when she gets older because she says she likes to help people. This is another quality I love about her. She also raises money for Muscular Dystrophy and on Saturday’s volunteers at a Cancer Care Store For all these reasons and much more, Jennifer has earned my respect and also the respect of everyone she comes in contact with.

Fear: Jennifer has none, but I do to know this little girl has such a terrible disease scares the hell out of me. Jennifer will never let you know she is feeling bad I have spoken to other parents of Cystic Fibrosis Children and they say this is their way of protecting the ones they love. I am scared to know Jennifer is going through this and trying to handle it all by herself. I know her parents and friends love her and want to help her but Jennifer deals with her feelings about the disease by herself. These are some of my fears.

Wonder: How can a girl of twelve do so many wonderful things when she suffers with such a terrible disease? Where does she get her courage? How can I help her? I often wonder about these questions and may not always have the answer to them.

There is one question I had at the beginning of this composition and that is “What is the meaning of awesome?” I can honestly answer this question by saying Jennifer is the best way I can describe Awesome.

Update Jennifer is now twenty attending nursing school. She started a local chapter of the Lynous Project which collects blankets giving them to the homeless and to children in hospitals (note many have a special message or design embroidered on them by Jen) She has collected and given away thousands of them. Truly Awesome.

Now, that you have read Jen’s story. I hope you can see how special life is. Fear destroys life. A President once said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” I believe fear is one of the biggest reasons for having an abortion” Fear of accepting responsibility for our own actions. Jen now walks with a tank of oxygen when she goes out she has no fear. So think of Jen when Fear pops into your head and think of all the good she has done with her life because a child that might be aborted might one that could do so much good. If you have some extra cash donate it this month to The National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation mark your check for research for a cure.

On September 11, 2004 Jen died at St Vincent’s Hospital in N.Y. She was 24. Before she died she was volunteering at Home for Babies with AIDS and who were addicted to drugs in Hudson County NJ.

Thank you JP

I Think the Pro Abortion crowd will not comment on this story I wonder why?
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
I Think the Pro Abortion crowd will not comment on this story I wonder why?
Huh? What does that have to do with abortions? There is nothing to comment about, with regards to abortions here.

I duly note that once again are you USING family members and their personal situations as pawns in your political game. All that does is making you appear exploitative of them.
I can say without reservation, that Jennifer was an awesome spirit.. and will live on in another realm.

That has nothing to do with the realities of this realm; and the problems that women and girls face today. There is the world of, "only if.. should be so.." and the like; which is really not consequencial in reality as we on this earth know it. Abortion is neccesary; and there is no two ways about it. By virtue of the fact that females are the ones to get pregnant; females are the only ones I feel have a right to an opinion on the matter... As soon as a man gets pregnant.. he can contribute to the topic. It is all in the scope. A life that begins.. can be viewed may different ways... and clearly is. The life that already does exist completely.. the one pregnant... Will have to face many difficult questions and realities; as soon as the pee stick has 2 lines instead of one. Now, of course; in a perfect world.. this would only happen to a married woman who wanted it to be so; or a woman who is single, and ready to accept the resposibility on their own terms. And never, ever to a young girl.. one that clearly in no way would be ready or able to deal with the realities of pregnancy. We do not live in that world. And, many people suffer because if it. There are times when decision making has to be based on reason; and not emotion... for personal advancement as a whole. When situations caused an unwanted pregnancy; and situations of the pregnant female are not conducive to raising a child; or going through a pregnancy at that time.. abortion MUST be an option. Adoption is a beautiful option also; when warranted. That is not always so.

Having said all that; I also believe that women that use abortion as some twisted form of birth control should be dragged behind a car for 5 miles; stoned; and torn limb from limb by rabid lions...

As I said.. it's all in the scope.

I am a mother of four... My first was an unwanted pregnancy; but.. I was at a place in my life where I could and willingly did; accept the responsibility. Three more followed.... I am very aware of what pregnancy, infancy, child rearing.. and the whole realm of womanhood in that respect are all about. And will always be the first in line, screaming for the rights of women.. and the clear reasons why abortion.. in the world we live in.. must be legal and safe for the advancement of women as a whole.
steen said:
Huh? What does that have to do with abortions? There is nothing to comment about, with regards to abortions here.

I duly note that once again are you USING family members and their personal situations as pawns in your political game. All that does is making you appear exploitative of them.

As stated in most cases today Babies like Jennifer would be aborted. When I asked her about the disease. She said "into every life little rain must fall. It is our job to try to keep everyone dry. God Knows people have been helping me for years" Well Jen kept alot of people dry. Those people would have suffered if Jen was not there. We are killing so many people that can do so much good. I always believe the good always outweighs the bad. Abortion is not a political issue with me. It is a matter of Life or Death issue which people on the Pro Abortion side claim is a political issue. It is far more than that.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
As stated in most cases today Babies like Jennifer would be aborted.
Why? What is your evidence for this?
When I asked her about the disease. She said "into every life little rain must fall. It is our job to try to keep everyone dry. God Knows people have been helping me for years" Well Jen kept alot of people dry. Those people would have suffered if Jen was not there.
Again irrelevant to the issue of abortions, as you haven't proven her at risk for an abortion to begin with.
We are killing so many people that can do so much good.
And likewise those who can do so much bad. For every "Jennifer" you want to present, I can present a Hitler or a Stalin. SO that line of reasonign is downright silly.
I always believe the good always outweighs the bad. Abortion is not a political issue with me. It is a matter of Life or Death issue which people on the Pro Abortion side claim is a political issue. It is far more than that.
You can CLAIM that all you want. I see it is rightwing fundie theocrats wanting to oppress women. Until you guys convince me otherwise, that is what you guys are to me.
yellowcake said:
I can say without reservation, that Jennifer was an awesome spirit.. and will live on in another realm.

That has nothing to do with the realities of this realm; and the problems that women and girls face today. There is the world of, "only if.. should be so.." and the like; which is really not consequencial in reality as we on this earth know it. Abortion is neccesary; and there is no two ways about it. By virtue of the fact that females are the ones to get pregnant; females are the only ones I feel have a right to an opinion on the matter... As soon as a man gets pregnant.. he can contribute to the topic. It is all in the scope. A life that begins.. can be viewed may different ways... and clearly is. The life that already does exist completely.. the one pregnant... Will have to face many difficult questions and realities; as soon as the pee stick has 2 lines instead of one. Now, of course; in a perfect world.. this would only happen to a married woman who wanted it to be so; or a woman who is single, and ready to accept the resposibility on their own terms. And never, ever to a young girl.. one that clearly in no way would be ready or able to deal with the realities of pregnancy. We do not live in that world. And, many people suffer because if it. There are times when decision making has to be based on reason; and not emotion... for personal advancement as a whole. When situations caused an unwanted pregnancy; and situations of the pregnant female are not conducive to raising a child; or going through a pregnancy at that time.. abortion MUST be an option. Adoption is a beautiful option also; when warranted. That is not always so.

As I said.. it's all in the scope.

I am a mother of four... My first was an unwanted pregnancy; but.. I was at a place in my life where I could and willingly did; accept the responsibility. Three more followed.... I am very aware of what pregnancy, infancy, child rearing.. and the whole realm of womanhood in that respect are all about. And will always be the first in line, screaming for the rights of women.. and the clear reasons why abortion.. in the world we live in.. must be legal and safe for the advancement of women as a whole.

Having said all that; I also believe that women that use abortion as some
twisted form of birth control should be dragged behind a car for 5 miles; stoned; and torn limb from limb by rabid lions...

I keep thinking about the other person. No matter how hard anyone trys emotion will always be there. Today 4,000 babies were killed. Lives that could be another Jen or a Mother Teresa or someone that can cure cancer In the scope of the universe or even someones life 9 months is not alot of time. This has nothing to do with womens rights. No one should have the right to kill someone else. I am glad you see adoption as a possibility for women. Life is to prescious to special to unique to just flush it away. Everyone who has sex should make this the basis to have sex or not. If I get pregnant can I care for a Baby. Will he be responsible. If not sorry it has to be No That is the point in time you have to decide what happens to your body. After that it is to late and you made the decision an accepted the risk.To many lives are being lost only for sexual gradification. That will never justify murder.
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steen said:
Why? What is your evidence for this?

Genetic testing Why would it be done if abortion was not a option I woked as a volunteer for the CF Foundation when they started experimenting for a way to identify a carrier of this disease. I was very much against it because I knew then what would happen. Trying to a eliminate a disease by killing the Babies that have it is not right.

Again irrelevant to the issue of abortions, as you haven't proven her at risk for an abortion to begin with.
And likewise those who can do so much bad. For every "Jennifer" you want to present, I can present a Hitler or a Stalin. SO that line of reasonign is downright silly.

So you believe that Evil and good are = SO that line of reasonign is downright silly. I have more faith in the human population as a whole. We would be in real trouble if that was the case.

You can CLAIM that all you want. I see it is rightwing fundie theocrats wanting to oppress women. Until you guys convince me otherwise, that is what you guys are to me.

Fact it is the Liberal men that do not want to accept responsibility for fathering a child or pay child support. Yes I also want them to pay pregnancy support also. It will make men think twice and will also stop some of the opression of women caused by liberal thinking males.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
As stated in most cases today Babies like Jennifer would be aborted.
Steen said:
Why? What is your evidence for this?
Genetic testing Why would it be done if abortion was not a option
Sure it would. That's anonsense claim. Parents sometimes merely want to know so they can prepare. Your claim is false.
I woked as a volunteer for the CF Foundation when they started experimenting for a way to identify a carrier of this disease. I was very much against it because I knew then what would happen. Trying to a eliminate a disease by killing the Babies that have it is not right.
But then, nobody are talking about killing babies, your deceptive, revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding.
You can CLAIM that all you want. I see it is rightwing fundie theocrats wanting to oppress women. Until you guys convince me otherwise, that is what you guys are to me.
Fact it is the Liberal men that do not want to accept responsibility for fathering a child or pay child support.
Really? That is a "fact"? I say you are lying. I say you are outright lying here and smearing anybody not adhering to your hate mongering misogyny against women.


Now prove me wrong, LIAR!
Yes I also want them to pay pregnancy support also. It will make men think twice and will also stop some of the opression of women caused by liberal thinking males.
An "oppression" you have not proved and only hinted at in an outright lie. yeah, good one, LIAR!
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Today 4,000 babies were killed.
Lives that could be another Jen or a Mother Teresa or someone that can cure cancer
Or hitler.
In the scope of the universe or even someones life 9 months is not alot of time.
Ah, so it is OK to enslave women this way because it is only for 9 months? you truly are showing yourself to be a flagrant misogynist.
This has nothing to do with womens rights.
yes it does in your theocratic, rightwing, misogynistic, hate mongering desire to see women enslaved. THAT is what rpolifers obviously are all about.
No one should have the right to kill someone else.
And an embryo/fetus is not "someone else."
I am glad you see adoption as a possibility for women.
Sure. It is always part of a parenting decision.
Life is to prescious to special to unique to just flush it away. Everyone who has sex should make this the basis to have sex or not.
"should" they now? Why? because you say so? Sorry, but I don't agree. Poeple don't have to conform to your wishes merely because you have some moral hickup about sex. and wanting to control women. people are free to do whatever they want without your theocratic, rightwing, misogynistic, hate mongering thumb being on them.
If I get pregnant can I care for a Baby. Will he be responsible. If not sorry it has to be No That is the point in time you have to decide what happens to your body.
yes, if the woman is pregnant and doesn't feel she can care for a baby, then she can decide to adopt out. If she decides that she also can not handle being pregnant and give birth, then she can have an abortion.
After that it is to late and you made the decision an accepted the risk.To many lives are being lost only for sexual gradification. That will never justify murder.
Irrelevant revisionist linguistic hyperbole you are spewing here. You are outright dishonest in your claims.
steen said:
Sure it would. That's anonsense claim. Parents sometimes merely want to know so they can prepare. Your claim is false.
But then, nobody are talking about killing babies, your deceptive, revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding.
Really? That is a "fact"? I say you are lying. I say you are outright lying here and smearing anybody not adhering to your hate mongering misogyny against women.


Now prove me wrong, LIAR!
An "oppression" you have not proved and only hinted at in an outright lie. yeah, good one, LIAR!

I guess he had another cow his letters were really big this time.

Why haven't Liberal Senators or congressmen supported or even bring forward any bill that would help women get support fom their male partner during pregnancy.
Steen Amiosyntesis is a dangerous procedure for the baby. When we were asked. We said what could the info be used for. The doctor then told us if a serious genetic condition existed we could terminate the pregnancy. needless to say what we told him. A friend had this test done this was in the early 90's It showed a genetic problem but they did not know what it was. He and his wife struggled about making a decision about abortion They decided not to. They had a little girl She was borned with a club foot. easily corrected.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Why haven't Liberal Senators or congressmen supported or even bring forward any bill that would help women get support fom their male partner during pregnancy.
They are probably to busy fending off the most heinous attacks on women's freedom to have any energy lest to actually dealing with such. Until the fuundie misogynist theocrats back off from their attempt at pushing their will on everybody else, there is little energy left from fighting that oppression to hndle anything else.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Steen Amiosyntesis is a dangerous procedure for the baby. When we were asked. We said what could the info be used for. The doctor then told us if a serious genetic condition existed we could terminate the pregnancy. needless to say what we told him. A friend had this test done this was in the early 90's It showed a genetic problem but they did not know what it was. He and his wife struggled about making a decision about abortion They decided not to. They had a little girl She was borned with a club foot. easily corrected.
And these are screens, not absolute diagnoses.

And not everythiong is done through amniocenteses anymore either.
Seems like the thread starter is doing nothing more than playing on emotions to gain an edge.

Socialists tried that tactic on me years ago. Never works once you see through the bullshit.
128shot said:
Seems like the thread starter is doing nothing more than playing on emotions to gain an edge.

Socialists tried that tactic on me years ago. Never works once you see through the bullshit.

Do you have Brown eyes? Abortion is an emotional issue. We can not change that. Life are at stake. The most innocent are being killed.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Abortion is an emotional issue. We can not change that.
Nonsense, it is a medical procedure, nothing else. But the prolife oppression of women, THAT certainly is emotional. And obviously scary for the PL to admit to, as they always run from dealing with it.
Life are at stake.
Womens' lives, hopes and dreams as well as their freedom, yes.
The most innocent are being killed.
Ha, it is mindless tissue.
steen said:
Nonsense, it is a medical procedure, nothing else. But the prolife oppression of women, THAT certainly is emotional. And obviously scary for the PL to admit to, as they always run from dealing with it.
Womens' lives, hopes and dreams as well as their freedom, yes.
Ha, it is mindless tissue.

You can not change or manipulate this> "The Baby has his or her own DNA making the baby a Unique individual yes a person . The new Supreme court will overturn Roe vs Wade. Then maybe people who do not want to be pregnant will take the precautions to avoid pregnancy. Instead of getting pregnant then killing another human being.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Having said all that; I also believe that women that use abortion as some
twisted form of birth control should be dragged behind a car for 5 miles; stoned; and torn limb from limb by rabid lions...

This statement....by itself explains the type of individual you are, and makes everything else you have to say....irrelevant. Think about the mindset that on the one hand loves little Jennifer, and on the other Hates hundreds of thousands of Women in this world.

I thank you for making it all so easy to see who you are.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
You can not change or manipulate this> "The Baby has his or her own DNA making the baby a Unique individual yes a person .
But then, it is a false claim anyway. You are right that I can not change your false claim, but I can point out that it is false.
The new Supreme court will overturn Roe vs Wade.
maybe, maybe not. However, your wishful thinking doesn't have any bearing on the current reality.
Then maybe people who do not want to be pregnant will take the precautions to avoid pregnancy.
Ah, so you are back to blaming her. Back to the theocratic misogynistic hate mongering?
Instead of getting pregnant then killing another human being.
But then, abortions don't kill a human being, regardless of your repetitive unsubstantiated expression that you believe this.
steen said:
But then, it is a false claim anyway. You are right that I can not change your false claim, but I can point out that it is false.

How can you say it is false? What is a baby growing in a Mom's womb?
Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life? DNA says the baby is a human being Unique an individual. Human Being DNA comes from a person. And at conception that person has Human being DNA unique Individual not Moms or Dads SomeBody elses DNA His or her own!!

steen said:
maybe, maybe not. However, your wishful thinking doesn't have any bearing on the current reality.

Current reality has the 1st abortion case in 5 yrs being argued right now Even Ginsburg showed signs she might vote right on this one.

steen said:
Ah, so you are back to blaming her. Back to the theocratic misogynistic hate mongering?

How can people be consider I meant women? Oh Maybe you think because i said people who do not want to get pregnant? My wife and I were pregnant 6 times. Oh I see you will now argue I was not pregnant. Hmmm seem like it No Iwas not pregnant we were since we did it together. If you were going to suggest this I already did. Some of my most admired & Loved people are females In fact I can honestly say MOST are females. As a Dad of 2 girls they can have any right but they can not have a right I do not have. I can not kill an innocent human being see DNA above.

But then, abortions don't kill a human being, regardless of your repetitive unsubstantiated expression that you believe this.

DNA says the baby is a human being Unique an individual. Human Being DNA comes from a person. And at conception that person has Human being DNA unique Individual not Moms or Dads SomeBody elses DNA His or her own!!
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
steen said:
But then, it is a false claim anyway. You are right that I can not change your false claim, but I can point out that it is false.
How can you say it is false? What is a baby growing in a Mom's womb?
It is not a baby.
Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life?
It does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being."

hey, it is not MY fault that youspew false, revisionist linguistic hyperbole instead of truth.
DNA says the baby is a human being
Perhaps, perhaps not. DNA doesn't assure that.
an individual.
Human Being DNA comes from a person.
And at conception that person
has Human being DNA
unique Individual
not Moms or Dads SomeBody elses DNA His or her own!!
Which doesn't prove anything. After all, you could have described a hydatidiform mole.
DNA says the baby
is a human being
Unique an individual.
Human Being DNA comes from a person.
And at conception that person
has Human being DNA
unique Individual
Not necessarily.
not Moms or Dads SomeBody elses DNA His or her own!!
Which doesn't prove anything. After all, you could have described a hydatidiform mole.
steen Says "It is not a baby.
Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life?
It does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being."
hey, it is not MY fault that youspew false, revisionist linguistic hyperbole instead of truth.

JP Says " If He or She is not a Baby and not a Human Being in Mom's womb.
What is in Mom's Womb?"

JP "DNA says the baby is a human being "

steen "false."

JP says "Then what is the DNA identifying in the Mom's womb HMMM I can not think of any other specis that a Human Mom would be pregnant with. Oh please do not tell me about the state fair half snake half human as one Pro Abortion person told me recently."

JP said "Unique"

steen "Perhaps, perhaps not. DNA doesn't assure that."

JP says as he is scratching his bald head all the time realizing grass does not grow on a busy street. " What? DNA doen not make someone unique? HMMM"

JP said "an individual."

steen said "False"

JP is getting hungry he says "HMMMM"

JP Said "Human Being DNA comes from a person."

steen says "False."

JP Says If Human being DNA does not come from a person. Where does it come from?

Anyway What the heck is a hydatidiform mole? Moles are not human and do not produce human being DNA? Only persons produce Human being DNA.
ngdawg said:

Thank You that has been bothering me Lets look at what that is.

This is only My opinion.

This is a hydatidiform mole. Molar pregnancies are uncommon and occur when there is fertilization of an ovum by a sperm but loss of maternal chromosomes,

So if it loses maternal Chrosomes it is identified as hydatidiform mole. not a human being?

leaving a 46XX karyotype composed only of paternal chromosomes, enough to form a placenta, but not a fetus.

So this is saying it is not a Baby because everyone knows fetus is latin for baby. So it is not human.

The result is a mass of tissue with grape-like swollen villi.

So that what it is !! Not human.

Guess what DNA evidence proved that.

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