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Aviation Groups Call For Lifting All COVID Restrictions On Air Travel (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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They should have never been implemented in the first place. Finally maybe I can start blowing SW points I’ve been sitting on.

Good news

Two major aviation groups are calling on Europe to lift all COVID-related restrictions, citing a recent study that shows the effects of those measures are limited.

The Airports Council International Europe (ACI) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for “all remaining COVID restrictions applying to intra-EU and Schengen area travel to be dropped, including all testing requirements, the need to present proof of vaccination, or complete a Passenger Locator Form (PLF),” reads a statement.

Businesses negatively affected by legal measures imposed in the public interest object. This is apparently news.


Of course they object. It would be news if they didn't. Instead of indirectly (and moronically) crap on public health measures with business complaints, just make the argument that we should have shrugged and let 2+ more million Americans die. At least you'd be saying what you intend to say directly.
there is a group that is pretty unified in not wanting people to get COVID.

They don't want you getting constipated either

Just saying
They don't want you getting constipated either

Just saying
yeah, an upset stomach and COVID are exactly the same.

but don't worry too much. we all know here that you're the king of COVID misinformation so no one except other extremists take your threads/posts seriously.
Big business aligned with Democrats? Who would have thought?

Big business aligned with Democrats? Who would have thought?


Goodness, this crap is tiring. Yeah, in some blue states restrictions lifted in red states many months ago are being lifted, as infections plummet, thus proving it's DEMOCRATS!!!! in bed with big business. Did this crap sound smart in your head before you posted it?

Goodness, this crap is tiring. Yeah, in some blue states restrictions lifted in red states many months ago are being lifted, as infections plummet, thus proving it's DEMOCRATS!!!! in bed with big business. Did this crap sound smart in your head before you posted it?
Their actions are aligned. I guess you could argue that Democrats and big corporations are just following the science, but that doesn't check out. Both are fighting for the status quo; defend that if you will.
Their actions are aligned.
Who is "their" whose actions are "aligned" somehow? Republicans and Big Business, since Republicans lifted sanctions months ago?
I guess you could argue that Democrats and big corporations are just following the science, but that doesn't check out. Both are fighting for the status quo; defend that if you will.
What status quo? And what "science?"

If they're lifting sanctions, that's not the "status quo" - that's a change in the status quo. Do you know what the term means? So how can I defend the status quo by perhaps supporting a change in the status quo, and if I support a change in the status quo in some blue states and cities, I'm not fighting for or somehow "defending" an unspecified status quo, unless I'm in a red state in which the "status quo" from the government's standpoint is "do what you want" and has been for many months.

You're making no sense at any level, which isn't a surprise since your post has nothing to do with the OP, which is about aviation groups calling for end of restrictions in EUROPE, which is a different place than the U.S., and a region of the world in which Democrats have no influence.

I'm flying international on Wednesday. I'm indifferent to the mild restrictions in place. Basically I have to take a test before departure back to the U.S. That will take a few minutes and cost about $30. Seems reasonable enough. I'd rather not sit next to someone sick with COVID for the 6 hour international flight jammed elbow to elbow. 🤷‍♀️ And if I'm infected, I guess I'm stuck in the foreign country for a few days. Oh well, that too seems reasonable.
About time .
Covid was a dead hoax from the end of last November when South Africa first reported soppy variant Moronic to the WHO .

The game is up with the Vaxx producer's shares falling off the cliff .

Round up the evil doers , try them and publicly execute the genocidal lunatics
About time .
Covid was a dead hoax from the end of last November when South Africa first reported soppy variant Moronic to the WHO .

The game is up with the Vaxx producer's shares falling off the cliff .

Round up the evil doers , try them and publicly execute the genocidal lunatics

More lies.

And calling for killing of innocent people.
Who is "their" whose actions are "aligned" somehow? Republicans and Big Business, since Republicans lifted sanctions months ago?

What status quo? And what "science?"

If they're lifting sanctions, that's not the "status quo" - that's a change in the status quo. Do you know what the term means? So how can I defend the status quo by perhaps supporting a change in the status quo, and if I support a change in the status quo in some blue states and cities, I'm not fighting for or somehow "defending" an unspecified status quo, unless I'm in a red state in which the "status quo" from the government's standpoint is "do what you want" and has been for many months.

You're making no sense at any level, which isn't a surprise since your post has nothing to do with the OP, which is about aviation groups calling for end of restrictions in EUROPE, which is a different place than the U.S., and a region of the world in which Democrats have no influence.

I'm flying international on Wednesday. I'm indifferent to the mild restrictions in place. Basically I have to take a test before departure back to the U.S. That will take a few minutes and cost about $30. Seems reasonable enough. I'd rather not sit next to someone sick with COVID for the 6 hour international flight jammed elbow to elbow. 🤷‍♀️ And if I'm infected, I guess I'm stuck in the foreign country for a few days. Oh well, that too seems reasonable.
I got to "sanctions" and realized that you are posting on a different topic than this thread is about. Good luck with that.
They should have never been implemented in the first place. Finally maybe I can start blowing SW points I’ve been sitting on.

Good news

Two major aviation groups are calling on Europe to lift all COVID-related restrictions, citing a recent study that shows the effects of those measures are limited.

The Airports Council International Europe (ACI) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for “all remaining COVID restrictions applying to intra-EU and Schengen area travel to be dropped, including all testing requirements, the need to present proof of vaccination, or complete a Passenger Locator Form (PLF),” reads a statement.

Someone doesn’t know what “intra” means. 🙄
They should have never been implemented in the first place. Finally maybe I can start blowing SW points I’ve been sitting on.

Good news

Two major aviation groups are calling on Europe to lift all COVID-related restrictions, citing a recent study that shows the effects of those measures are limited.

The Airports Council International Europe (ACI) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for “all remaining COVID restrictions applying to intra-EU and Schengen area travel to be dropped, including all testing requirements, the need to present proof of vaccination, or complete a Passenger Locator Form (PLF),” reads a statement.

That's Europe. Duh
I got to "sanctions" and realized that you are posting on a different topic than this thread is about. Good luck with that.
You knew what I meant, or you have a problem with reading comprehension, which isn't my problem. Your BUTWHATABOUT is stupid and trolling. You don't know what 'status quo' means or what defending that might entail, or you misused the term, very stupidly. You just want to whine about Democrats in a topic that has nothing to do with them.
You knew what I meant, or you have a problem with reading comprehension, which isn't my problem. Your BUTWHATABOUT is stupid and trolling. You don't know what 'status quo' means or what defending that might entail, or you misused the term, very stupidly. You just want to whine about Democrats in a topic that has nothing to do with them.
No need to apologize man. We all make mistakes! It's all good.
Let’s think about this for a moment.

During the height of the pandemic continued air travel was justified by telling us airlines are one of the safest environments due to ventilation.

Then what’s changed?

Mask are not required indoors but now the only threat remaining where mandatory mask use is required is where we were once the safest while eating peanuts.

The airlines.

More confusing Covid government messaging
Businesses negatively affected by legal measures imposed in the public interest object. This is apparently news.


Of course they object. It would be news if they didn't. Instead of indirectly (and moronically) crap on public health measures with business complaints, just make the argument that we should have shrugged and let 2+ more million Americans die. At least you'd be saying what you intend to say directly.
Please. The airlines were all to willing to cooperate. Traffic at airports is close to pre pandemic levels even with mask mandates so the share holders are being taken care of.

Hint- The airlines shifted after Biden’s bullying mandate was ruled unconstitutional
Next in the news: cops call for abolition of body cams and miranda rights, prisoners demand locks on cell blocks be banned and billionaires want zero taxes.

Next in the news: cops call for abolition of body cams and miranda rights, prisoners demand locks on cell blocks be banned and billionaires want zero taxes.

Deflection noted and summarily dismissed
Deflection noted and summarily dismissed
Oooohh, I’ve been dithmithed...

There’s a world outside America’s petty perceived left-right squabbles. International airlines have been responding to changing conditions and it is no surprise American carriers have followed. It has nothing to do with anyone’s imagined ‘bullying’.
And it looks like courts agree... The status quo is resumed, and profits can continue... imagine that...
Timing is everything. I applaud the recent ruling albeit 2 years late.

I like being right.

Trump right.

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