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Attacking america. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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So you support trump do you? I ask why? Do you actually listen to the man? What about america does he actually like? The military are losers and suckers. His own supporters he doesn't even want to shake their hands. He attacks our election system every day telling us if he loses it's because the election was rigged and the democrats cheated. He and his cohorts are trying to kill the ACA and yet after ten years they still have nothing to replace it with. The administration is like a revolving door with people coming and going constantly. Acting heads of everything, he tells us constantly to not believe the press, the deep state is out to get him, every institution we have is corrupt and full of people out to get him. His attorney general does what he wants instead of upholding the law. The debt is climbing, there's unrest in the streets partly due to trump's backing the cops and white nationalism. Trade wars we are not winning, he's alienating our allies and on and on.

In my opinion, trump and his supporters are tearing down america while they claim to be about law and order.

Let's not forget, this president was impeached and many still support him. Sad.
So you support trump do you? I ask why? Do you actually listen to the man?
I DO support Trump, but it's not because I listen to him and it is especially not because I listen to the opinions of people who listen to him. I support Trump because of his goals and his actions toward those goals.

Perhaps...instead of listening to Trump or to people who listen to Trump, YOU should look at his goals and his actions toward those goals. Maybe you would support him, too.
So you support trump do you? I ask why? Do you actually listen to the man? What about america does he actually like? The military are losers and suckers. His own supporters he doesn't even want to shake their hands. He attacks our election system every day telling us if he loses it's because the election was rigged and the democrats cheated. He and his cohorts are trying to kill the ACA and yet after ten years they still have nothing to replace it with. The administration is like a revolving door with people coming and going constantly. Acting heads of everything, he tells us constantly to not believe the press, the deep state is out to get him, every institution we have is corrupt and full of people out to get him. His attorney general does what he wants instead of upholding the law. The debt is climbing, there's unrest in the streets partly due to trump's backing the cops and white nationalism. Trade wars we are not winning, he's alienating our allies and on and on.

In my opinion, trump and his supporters are tearing down america while they claim to be about law and order.

Let's not forget, this president was impeached and many still support him. Sad.

You can add Trump's support of RW extremist who kill more fellow Americans and LEO than any other group in the US and His support of Putin who wants nothing more than to destroy democracy and America. That's as un-American and un-patriotic as you can get.
I DO support Trump, but it's not because I listen to him and it is especially not because I listen to the opinions of people who listen to him. I support Trump because of his goals and his actions toward those goals.

Perhaps...instead of listening to Trump or to people who listen to Trump, YOU should look at his goals and his actions toward those goals. Maybe you would support him, too.

Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.
I DO support Trump, but it's not because I listen to him and it is especially not because I listen to the opinions of people who listen to him. I support Trump because of his goals and his actions toward those goals.

Perhaps...instead of listening to Trump or to people who listen to Trump, YOU should look at his goals and his actions toward those goals. Maybe you would support him, too.

I support Trump because of his goals and his actions toward those goals.

Except for building the wall and Mexico paying for it right?
Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.

Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president.

Trump was anybody who supported Trump ambitions
Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.
Except for building the wall and Mexico paying for it right?
And all you can do is repeat what you heard someone else say...you know, their lies.

1. The tax cuts were for ALL Americans, but especially for small and medium businesses. This was right in line with his goal to help Main Street USA.
2. "40 miles" is a blatant lie. Trump has built hundreds of miles of border wall.
3. And, if it wasn't for Congressional opposition Mexico WOULD be paying for the wall.
So you support trump do you? I ask why? Do you actually listen to the man? What about america does he actually like? The military are losers and suckers. His own supporters he doesn't even want to shake their hands. He attacks our election system every day telling us if he loses it's because the election was rigged and the democrats cheated. He and his cohorts are trying to kill the ACA and yet after ten years they still have nothing to replace it with. The administration is like a revolving door with people coming and going constantly. Acting heads of everything, he tells us constantly to not believe the press, the deep state is out to get him, every institution we have is corrupt and full of people out to get him. His attorney general does what he wants instead of upholding the law. The debt is climbing, there's unrest in the streets partly due to trump's backing the cops and white nationalism. Trade wars we are not winning, he's alienating our allies and on and on.

In my opinion, trump and his supporters are tearing down america while they claim to be about law and order.

Let's not forget, this president was impeached and many still support him. Sad.
why do democrats hate the constitution, and America, why do they support abortion mills like planned parent hood, why do they support, looters, rioters, and flag burners, the democrats are going to destroy this nation. the democrat party is now a party of Marxist, communist, socialist, and radical left wing democrats who hate freedom and our liberty. they are so sure that their right they have a puppet who looks like week end at Bernies, as their candidate. the democrats are planning on stealing this election. Biden if he shows up for the debates will have a teleprompter and will already have the questions before the debates. Biden has been hiden in his basement because the democratic party is afraid he will stick his foot in his mouth as he often does.
Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.

3. Confirming 3 justices to Supreme Court.
Going by his actions I'd say Trump's goals include taking "United" out of the United States; replacing loyalty to the constitution with loyalty to him; and treating allies like enemies and enemies like allies.
I support Trump because he was elected to the office and I respect the Constitution and the rule of law.

I support Trump for reelection because he has been an good President and deserves a second term.
And all you can do is repeat what you heard someone else say...you know, their lies.

1. The tax cuts were for ALL Americans, but especially for small and medium businesses. This was right in line with his goal to help Main Street USA.
2. "40 miles" is a blatant lie. Trump has built hundreds of miles of border wall.
3. And, if it wasn't for Congressional opposition Mexico WOULD be paying for the wall.
The tax cuts were for ALL Americans,

Did you know as a result of those tax cut , even more Americans pay 0 in a Fed income tax? Way to go Mycroft!

Trump has built hundreds of miles of border wall.

Let's get specific? Exactly how many miles? Also, he started where there was already fences(Hello)

And, if it wasn't for Congressional opposition Mexico WOULD be paying for the wall.

Wait a minute? You're talking about the man who has the "Art of the deal" behind him? I also didn't hear that at the 2016 Trump campaign rallies did you?
I DO support Trump, but it's not because I listen to him and it is especially not because I listen to the opinions of people who listen to him. I support Trump because of his goals and his actions toward those goals.

Perhaps...instead of listening to Trump or to people who listen to Trump, YOU should look at his goals and his actions toward those goals. Maybe you would support him, too.
Really? I probably pay more attention to our president than most republicans. The wall, his signature promise during his campaign, how's it going? Bigger, better, cheaper healthcare, how's that going? Cheaper drug costs, any headway there? The debt, very ill and covid still going strong.

What he has done is grow the debt, throw doubt everywhere, gave the super wealthy and corporate america a nice tax cut and appointed two judges to the supreme court. If you are a republican who votes mainly on the abortion issue I'm sure you're happy. Other than that the man is an incompetant disaster for america.
And all you can do is repeat what you heard someone else say...you know, their lies.

1. The tax cuts were for ALL Americans, but especially for small and medium businesses. This was right in line with his goal to help Main Street USA.
2. "40 miles" is a blatant lie. Trump has built hundreds of miles of border wall.
3. And, if it wasn't for Congressional opposition Mexico WOULD be paying for the wall.

1 Most of the money went towards corp buybacks. When Pelosi referred to the 1k bonuses companies were pretending were the result of the tax cut as “crumbs”, she was validated.
2 How many miles of new wall where non existed previously have been built?
3 GOP owned congress the first 2 years of Trump’s term. (Go ahead, mention RINOS so we can see how disconnected from GOP talking points you are.)
Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.

It was not just the rich that benefited from the tax cuts "wrong". 40 miles is a gross under evaluation. "wrong". Why did you intentionally ignore all the other good that he has done despite the constant DEMONRAT attacks? Just admit you hate the man's personality and leave it at that.
Trump was a New York Democrat up until he ran for president. He's not sincere about any of those goals.

Let's look at his actions.

1. Tax cuts for the rich. The only real legislation he's passed, and the only reason he passed that is because the republicans who controlled the house and senate wanted it too.

2. 40 miles of border fence along a 2,000 mile long border.

So taking your advice, looking at his goals and actions, I'd say he just wanted to be president for some reason. Maybe to get back at Obama for making fun of him.

He has most certainly succeeded in appointing fed judges, to the max. That, above all else, was tantamount to Republican nirvana.

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