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Attack on the Yule Tide(Winter Solstice Holiday!) (1 Viewer)


Sep 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
Honestly...the annual ratings gimmick..."they want to take away Christmas!"

What about the Yule Tide!

The Christians destroyed our Winter Solstice holiday (the precise day when there is the least amount of sunlight, followed by more and more sunlight progressively.)


Why do you think Christmas is held on Dec 25th?

That was the day of Winter Solstice on the Old Calendar.

Now it falls on the 21st of Dec and we celebrate Christmas on the 25th.

This is an old Nordic as well as Roman holiday.

In the Nordic region they had the Yule tree (Christmas Tree) and the Yule Log...which we still recognize during christmas.

In Rome there was a religion called the Church of the Holy Roman Soldier...they worshipped the Indo-Aryan God Mithras...he was the hero/god of the Old Roman Empire.

Mithras slaughters the Cosmic Bull whose blood gives birth to the universe!!! (A similar story appears as well in Gilgamesh.)


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They can attack it all they want....personally I would rather they just Ignored it and left us alone. I will celebrate Yule with my family as I have for years......without fanfare and in the spirit of rebirth it was meant to give.
tecoyah said:
They can attack it all they want....personally I would rather they just Ignored it and left us alone. I will celebrate Yule with my family as I have for years......without fanfare and in the spirit of rebirth it was meant to give.

That is terrific!

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