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Attack on Christmas (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Has anyone noticed this year our politically correct left wing friends attack on Christmas? The ACLU is bringing lawsuits against school districts that have Christmas Pageants and refer to the holidays as the Christmas holidays...They must be addressed as the holiday season and not the Christmas season...........This is happened in the school district where I live......Why does the left want God out of everything? I will never understand this.......

I am not that religeous of a person but I am God fearing and I believe if God is looking down on this world and sees what is happening he cannot be happy..........

Think about it............
The ACLU are vermin.To them anything christian is the same thing as a cross is to a vampire.
Navy Pride said:
Has anyone noticed this year our politically correct left wing friends attack on Christmas? The ACLU is bringing lawsuits against school districts that have Christmas Pageants and refer to the holidays as the Christmas holidays...They must be addressed as the holiday season and not the Christmas season...........This is happened in the school district where I live......Why does the left want God out of everything? I will never understand this.......

I am not that religeous of a person but I am God fearing and I believe if God is looking down on this world and sees what is happening he cannot be happy..........

Think about it............

Uh huh.
Do you have a link to this lawsuit? (Don't bother posting it if it's a link to Rush Limbaugh or something similar.) I find it very difficult to believe that the ACLU is suing your school district for putting on a Christmas show. I bet that either there's more to the story than you're revealing, or you made the entire thing up.
I do kind of see their point. While probably 98% of this country has some sort of religious belief, not all are based on the worship of Christ. From Ramadan to Channukah to Christmas to Winter Solstice, this is a season of varied celebration and by using one aspect, we ignore the others.
If you research the origins of the holiday as Christmas, you'll find it was a fabricated holiday by the Catholic church hundreds of years ago to counter the pagan Winter Solstice celebrations and the traditions of the tree, etc. were also pagan(druid,etc) in origin.

The ACLU takes what it perceives the amendments of the Constitution mean legally. While we have separation of church and state, its intent was that no religion will govern the people of this country. Our currency says In God We Trust, we pledge allegiance using the words One Nation Under God and donations to churches are tax-deductible and those same churches are tax-exempt. But those are not exclusive to Christian organizations.
Is it contrary? Not really. But Christmas as a singular holiday is exclusive of all others that occur at the same time. This country is diverse-the presumption that only Christ matters is narrow-minded.
Kandahar said:
Uh huh.
Do you have a link to this lawsuit? (Don't bother posting it if it's a link to Rush Limbaugh or something similar.) I find it very difficult to believe that the ACLU is suing your school district for putting on a Christmas show. I bet that either there's more to the story than you're revealing, or you made the entire thing up.

Kandahar said:
Uh huh.
Do you have a link to this lawsuit? (Don't bother posting it if it's a link to Rush Limbaugh or something similar.) I find it very difficult to believe that the ACLU is suing your school district for putting on a Christmas show. I bet that either there's more to the story than you're revealing, or you made the entire thing up.

The ACLU threatened a law suit and the weasley politically correct liberal school district caved but there were others that didn't...check the post above mine and try and keep up..........
Navy Pride said:
The ACLU threatened a law suit and the weasley politically correct liberal school district caved but there were others that didn't...check the post above mine and try and keep up..........

I heard that on NPR as well. They seem a bit whimsical as to whom they sue and for what at times.


September 20, 2005: ACLU of New Jersey joins lawsuit supporting second-grader's right to sing "Awesome God" at a talent show.

August 4, 2005: ACLU helps free a New Mexico street preacher from prison.

May 25, 2005: ACLU sues Wisconsin prison on behalf of a Muslim woman who was forced to remove her headscarf in front of male guards and prisoners.

February 2005: ACLU of Pennsylvania successfully defends the right of an African American Evangelical church to occupy a church building purchased in a predominantly white parish.

December 22, 2004: ACLU of New Jersey successfully defends right of religious expression by jurors.

December 14, 2004: ACLU joins Pennsylvania parents in filing first-ever challenge to "Intelligent Design" instruction in public schools.

November 20, 2004: ACLU of Nevada supports free speech rights of evangelists to preach on the sidewalks of the strip in Las Vegas.

November 12, 2004: ACLU of Georgia files a lawsuit on behalf of parents challenging evolution disclaimers in science textbooks.

November 9, 2004: ACLU of Nevada defends a Mormon student who was suspended after wearing a T-shirt with a religious message to school.

August 11, 2004: ACLU of Nebraska defends church facing eviction by the city of Lincoln.

July 10, 2004: Indiana Civil Liberties Union defends the rights of a Baptist minister to preach his message on public streets.

June 9, 2004: ACLU of Nebraska files a lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim woman barred from a public pool because she refused to wear a swimsuit.

June 3, 2004: Under pressure from the ACLU of Virginia, officials agree not to prohibit baptisms on public property in Falmouth Waterside Park in Stafford County.

May 11, 2004: After ACLU of Michigan intervened on behalf of a Christian Valedictorian, a public high school agrees to stop censoring religious yearbook entries.

March 25, 2004: ACLU of Washington defends an Evangelical minister's right to preach on sidewalks.

February 21, 2003: ACLU of Massachusetts defends students punished for distributing candy canes with religious messages.

October 28, 2002: ACLU of Pennsylvania files discrimination lawsuit over denial of zoning permit for African American Baptist church.

July 11, 2002: ACLU supports right of Iowa students to distribute Christian literature at school.

April 17, 2002: In a victory for the Rev. Jerry Falwell and the ACLU of Virginia, a federal judge strikes down a provision of the Virginia Constitution that bans religious organizations from incorporating.

January 18, 2002: ACLU defends Christian church's right to run "anti-Santa" ads in Boston subways.

Its kind of like a pack of crazed lawyer piranah that bite at anything that steps in the water.
ngdawg said:

The first link talks about a lawsuit over a city that put overtly religious symbols in front of the city hall. I'm going to remain neutral on that case, but it's not the same thing as a school putting on a Christmas play.

The second and third links are from an incredibly partisan source and hardly even worth the time to read. Why would I give them anymore credibility than I give Navy Pride?
Kandahar said:
The first link talks about a lawsuit over a city that put overtly religious symbols in front of the city hall. I'm going to remain neutral on that case, but it's not the same thing as a school putting on a Christmas play.

The second and third links are from an incredibly partisan source and hardly even worth the time to read. Why would I give them anymore credibility than I give Navy Pride?

Why am I not surprised that you would remain neutral.:roll:

As Jack Nicholson once said. "You can't handle the truth."
akyron said:
I heard that on NPR as well. They seem a bit whimsical as to whom they sue and for what at times.

How does that list mean that they're "whimsical"? In every one of those cases, they're defending freedom of speech or freedom of religion. They defend the right of individuals to practice whatever religion they want, in both public and private. The only thing they have a problem with is public endorsement of religion. Why is this concept of separation of church and state so difficult for you guys to understand?
Navy Pride said:
Why am I not surprised that you would remain neutral.:roll:

As Jack Nicholson once said. "You can't handle the truth."

Stop changing the subject. You couldn't back up your original claim, so now you're trying to draw me into this irrelevant side debate about a completely different situation. I'm remaining neutral on this case because you aren't going to bait me. Either provide some evidence for your original claim or stop running your mouth.
Kandahar said:
How does that list mean that they're "whimsical"?

Whimsical in the cases they choose to defend and prosecute. Sometimes they are on offense and sometimes on defense and sometimes in conflict.
People talk about the ACLU as if they are a one brained entity. This is unlikely. They appear to go in many different directions with many different people.

Schools Dropping Scouting Sponsorships, Fearing Lawsuits

I was in the boy scouts for years and I don't recall ever going to church as a group.

I am still wondering how they finagled NAMBLA into freedom of speech.

Man/Boy Love and the Gay Movement
Freedom is indivisible. The liberation of children, women, boy-lovers, and homosexuals in general, can occur only as complementary facets of the same dream. -- David Thorstad

Seems pretty disgusting to me and blatantly smacks of supporting criminal acts against children.

I can understand where they are coming from on the MATRIX issue but it still seems a little like supporting terrorism by not allowing a free exchange of information about suspected terrorists across state lines. I agree there should be some controls though.
Navy Pride said:
Why does the left want God out of everything? ..

The ACLU has elements of a religion in itself.
Attack on X-mas? That is funny. I would think christians should be more concerned about how christ is used to pimp consumer goods every few months. X-mas, easter, and "x-mas in july" come to mind. Everything is a "war" with neo-con zealots. Keep pimping your "savior" and thinking a torture device is sacred.
Navy Pride said:
Has anyone noticed this year our politically correct left wing friends attack on Christmas? The ACLU is bringing lawsuits against school districts that have Christmas Pageants and refer to the holidays as the Christmas holidays...They must be addressed as the holiday season and not the Christmas season...........This is happened in the school district where I live......Why does the left want God out of everything? I will never understand this.......

I am not that religeous of a person but I am God fearing and I believe if God is looking down on this world and sees what is happening he cannot be happy..........

Think about it............

One of the "fruits" and "benefits" of living in a multicultural society no doubt!
Personally, I don't mind all the religion integrated with Christmas. I just ignore it.

Interestingly enough, where I work we deliver items throughout the year to a veterans retirement home. We are not allowed to bring Christmas cards because it is associated with particular religions. We deliver Valentines (from adults and kids) and have been asked to remove any Valentine that has a religious message. Frankly, I think that's over the top, but that's me.
aps said:
Personally, I don't mind all the religion integrated with Christmas. I just ignore it.

Interestingly enough, where I work we deliver items throughout the year to a veterans retirement home. We are not allowed to bring Christmas cards because it is associated with particular religions. We deliver Valentines (from adults and kids) and have been asked to remove any Valentine that has a religious message. Frankly, I think that's over the top, but that's me.

People in the West are imprisoned,imprisoned psychologically in that they are afraid to speak their minds if their views are contrary to the majority or what the majority are told to say or think.This insiduous form of conditioning has been a gradual process throughout the last 60 years and the chief architects of this conditioning use the media,education,anything that can influence and subtly control the masses.
People will only be able to break free from this tyranny by an act of moral courage.So if you feel like distributing "religious" cards at Yule,whatever your religion may be then do so and do not allow yourself to be held in tyranny!
I think if you live in a country that is predominately another culture or religion you respect that culture or religion....As and example if I lived in China I would expect the Buddist culture to dominate....If people come to this country then they have to expect the Christian culture to dominate......
Gottos said:
People in the West are imprisoned,imprisoned psychologically in that they are afraid to speak their minds if their views are contrary to the majority or what the majority are told to say or think.This insiduous form of conditioning has been a gradual process throughout the last 60 years and the chief architects of this conditioning use the media,education,anything that can influence and subtly control the masses.
People will only be able to break free from this tyranny by an act of moral courage.So if you feel like distributing "religious" cards at Yule,whatever your religion may be then do so and do not allow yourself to be held in tyranny!

Yes, don't be another persecuted Christian, held in tyranny, restricted from practising his religion except for in a dark closet in his house. Don't worry about liberals sniping at you for bowing your head where they can see you, they are bad shots anyway, which is why they want gun control. Rise up, wherever you are at this moment, and fear no evil, show your faith by spitting in the eye of the shadow of death, or, better, direct the light of your Saviour toward him, and evanesce his ass to death. Then pray, wherever you are, to your God, whether you are standing on line at the WalMart, on the street, are currently in jail, or even, if you can muster the nerve, pray in the rotunda or your local court house, regardless of who looks askew at you. That's right, pray in any state-owned building. Nobody can stop you. If you won't pray there, because you feel uncomfortable, then you are a loser, and you should ask God for a backbone, as yours is flaccid.
Navy Pride said:
I think if you live in a country that is predominately another culture or religion you respect that culture or religion....As and example if I lived in China I would expect the Buddist culture to dominate....If people come to this country then they have to expect the Christian culture to dominate......

When in Rome, right?

People come here for complete freedom, no religion dominates, they worship theirs, you worship yours. I don't want people who come to my country to be dominated in any way by Christianity, and I sure am glad the U.S. was formed to back up this ideal. I agree on the respect, though.
tryreading said:
Yes, don't be another persecuted Christian, held in tyranny, restricted from practising his religion except for in a dark closet in his house. Don't worry about liberals sniping at you for bowing your head where they can see you, they are bad shots anyway, which is why they want gun control. Rise up, wherever you are at this moment, and fear no evil, show your faith by spitting in the eye of the shadow of death, or, better, direct the light of your Saviour toward him, and evanesce his ass to death. Then pray, wherever you are, to your God, whether you are standing on line at the WalMart, on the street, are currently in jail, or even, if you can muster the nerve, pray in the rotunda or your local court house, regardless of who looks askew at you. That's right, pray in any state-owned building. Nobody can stop you. If you won't pray there, because you feel uncomfortable, then you are a loser, and you should ask God for a backbone, as yours is flaccid.

Thank you for the "welcome".
I am not a christian,far from it,an Odinist in fact.
What I am pointing out is that people all over the western world are held in mental bondage to the forces of decay,the death forces in their manifestation of political correctness and reverse discrimination.
I am not quite sure what you are trying to say:your post made little sense.
tryreading said:
When in Rome, right?

People come here for complete freedom, no religion dominates, they worship theirs, you worship yours. I don't want people who come to my country to be dominated in any way by Christianity, and I sure am glad the U.S. was formed to back up this ideal. I agree on the respect, though.

So you are in favour of immigrants being allowed to practice their religious customs? Fine,I don`t disagree with that but it is hight time that the customs of the majority were respected as well!
Navy Pride said:
I think if you live in a country that is predominately another culture or religion you respect that culture or religion....As and example if I lived in China I would expect the Buddist culture to dominate....If people come to this country then they have to expect the Christian culture to dominate......
You're comparing a communist country like China to us? Think about what you said here for a minute and you'll see difference. :doh
Gottos said:
Thank you for the "welcome".
I am not a christian,far from it,an Odinist in fact.
What I am pointing out is that people all over the western world are held in mental bondage to the forces of decay,the death forces in their manifestation of political correctness and reverse discrimination.
I am not quite sure what you are trying to say:your post made little sense.

My post was meant to be humorous. I could not tell from what you said whether you felt like one of the persecuted Christians or not, so I didn't respond seriously, but my point was that Christians who think they are restricted or controlled in this country I take less than seriously.

It would be very hard to persecute a majority.
Gottos said:
So you are in favour of immigrants being allowed to practice their religious customs? Fine,I don`t disagree with that but it is hight time that the customs of the majority were respected as well!

Of course I am in favor of this, and openly encourage it.

The customs of the majority are practiced freely in this country. I respect the right of the majority to worship as they please, but my respect is voluntary, and should only be so.

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