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Atlas Shrugged Day (1 Viewer)

Would you support an Atlas Shrugged Day?

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Oct 9, 2005
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Southern California
Political Leaning
The last group discriminated against - the only one not given special privileges - and the one that built western civilization - white males. Would you support one day a year in which all white males go on strike - refuse to work? This poll is for white males only.
Umm no...

I was quite interested when I saw the title of this thread. Imagine my disappointment in seeing what you were suggesting. Frankly I'm a little offended if the lesson you took away from Atlas Shrugged was to go on strike to benefit society...
Kandahar said:
Umm no...

I was quite interested when I saw the title of this thread. Imagine my disappointment in seeing what you were suggesting. Frankly I'm a little offended if the lesson you took away from Atlas Shrugged was to go on strike to benefit society...

You misinterpreted what I said - white males should go on strike as a demand for justice for themselves.
alphamale said:
You misinterpreted what I said - white males should go on strike as a demand for justice for themselves.

Based, of course, on the vast amount of unjustice that white males face on a regular basis. Better, higher paying jobs....really, I don't know how they stand it. I would have revolted long ago if I were as downtrodden as the poor, poor white male.
alphamale said:
You misinterpreted what I said - white males should go on strike as a demand for justice for themselves.

That's a bastardization of anything Ayn Rand was suggesting. Go on strike for social justice? Atlas Shrugged? You've gotta be kidding me.

Next time you want to invent a new holiday, try to come up with a name that's less diametrically opposed to what it's supposed to represent.
Kelzie said:
Based, of course, on the vast amount of unjustice that white males face on a regular basis. Better, higher paying jobs....really, I don't know how they stand it. I would have revolted long ago if I were as downtrodden as the poor, poor white male.

Yep, you have no idea how difficult it is. Just last week I was driving through a black neighborhood and the cops stopped me for no reason, then proceeded to beat me. :lol:
Kelzie said:
Based, of course, on the vast amount of unjustice that white males face on a regular basis. Better, higher paying jobs....really, I don't know how they stand it. I would have revolted long ago if I were as downtrodden as the poor, poor white male.

The ones who mostly fit your description are the CEOs, university administrators, cynical unprincipled politicians, liberal/left judges and other white uncle toms who have sold younger white males down the river to make peace with minorities and feminists.
Kandahar said:
That's a bastardization of anything Ayn Rand was suggesting. Go on strike for social justice? Atlas Shrugged? You've gotta be kidding me.

Next time you want to invent a new holiday, try to come up with a name that's less diametrically opposed to what it's supposed to represent.

Did I say "social justice"? I don't remember saying that. WMs should temporarily unite in their own individual self-interest.
Kandahar said:
Yep, you have no idea how difficult it is. Just last week I was driving through a black neighborhood and the cops stopped me for no reason, then proceeded to beat me.

But it's difficult for blacks too - why, just last year some of them tried to get in the University of Michigan law school - but the school gave the white males extra admission points just for being white males! :lol:
alphamale said:
Did I say "social justice"? I don't remember saying that. WMs should temporarily unite in their own individual self-interest.

Striking for social justice is clearly what you're advocating. Granted, you have a ...unique view on what social justice is, but the concept is the same.

I don't know about you, but I have a much stronger individual self-interest in receiving a paycheck, than in striking and protesting and looking like an idiot for the sake of an issue that frankly doesn't affect me at all.
Kandahar said:
Yep, you have no idea how difficult it is. Just last week I was driving through a black neighborhood and the cops stopped me for no reason, then proceeded to beat me. :lol:

Well, what did you expect? You were obviously up to no good. :mrgreen:
alphamale said:
But it's difficult for blacks too - why, just last year some of them tried to get in the University of Michigan law school - but the school gave the white males extra admission points just for being white males! :lol:

I don't attend the University of Michigan law school, so how exactly is it in my self-interest to forego my paycheck to join in your crusade against the deplorable conditions we white males find ourselves in?
alphamale said:
The ones who mostly fit your description are the CEOs, university administrators, cynical unprincipled politicians, liberal/left judges and other white uncle toms who have sold younger white males down the river to make peace with minorities and feminists.

Now, see if they were female/minority "CEOs, university administrators, cynical unprincipled politicians, liberal/left judges" selling you down the river, you might have a point. Alas, you don't.
Kandahar said:
Striking for social justice is clearly what you're advocating. Granted, you have a ...unique view on what social justice is, but the concept is the same.

Well, no. Ayn Rand recognized that individuals could freely unite if they desired in a cause of mutual interest - e.g. read the last chapter of Anthem.

I don't know about you, but I have a much stronger individual self-interest in receiving a paycheck, than in striking and protesting and looking like an idiot for the sake of an issue that frankly doesn't affect me at all.

If it doesn't affect you, don't strike. Hopefully, many WMs who have been affected (and there are many) would fill the ranks.
alphamale said:
But it's difficult for blacks too - why, just last year some of them tried to get in the University of Michigan law school - but the school gave the white males extra admission points just for being white males! :lol:

I can't say I blame them. Based off of the incredibly low admission numbers for white males across the entire board of centers of higher education, educated white males are fast becoming an endangered species. Guess that's what happens when they start having to compete. Maybe if they'd shut off the x-box, pull up their pants, and limit their drinking to two nights a week they might do a little better.
Kelzie said:
Now, see if they were female/minority "CEOs, university administrators, cynical unprincipled politicians, liberal/left judges" selling you down the river, you might have a point. Alas, you don't.

Uh, that was pretty incoherent. They have the same melanin levels and the same genitals as me and others, so it's OK if they sell us down the river? The kind of bizarre group-think that made liberal irrationality famous.
Kandahar said:
I don't attend the University of Michigan law school, so how exactly is it in my self-interest to forego my paycheck to join in your crusade against the deplorable conditions we white males find ourselves in?

If you escaped the discrimination, don't join. Hmmm ... second time I said that ... hope it registers this time ...
Kelzie said:
I can't say I blame them. Based off of the incredibly low admission numbers for white males across the entire board of centers of higher education, educated white males are fast becoming an endangered species. Guess that's what happens when they start having to compete. Maybe if they'd shut off the x-box, pull up their pants, and limit their drinking to two nights a week they might do a little better.

Yeah, in the intellectual arena, WMs can't compete - a quick look at world history would show you that!!! :lol: :cool: ;)
alphamale said:
Uh, that was pretty incoherent. They have the same melanin levels and the same genitals as me and others, so it's OK if they sell us down the river? The kind of bizarre group-think that made liberal irrationality famous.

Point out what part you had difficulty understanding, and I will explain it to you. Or I can go get my seven year-old sister to do it too.
alphamale said:
Yeah, in the intellectual arena, WMs can't compete - a quick look at world history would show you that!!! :lol: :cool: ;)

Well, sure. Once they put down everybody else, of course they will excel. Level the playing field and they (well not they, the intelligent ones seem to appreciate the additional resources that minorities and females bring) cry foul. There there poor white male. If blaming your failure on women and minorities makes you feel better, I don't mind.
This whole thread is ridiculous, not the least of which is the title. Let's give evolution a holiday too; we can call it "Jerry Falwell Day." Or let's celebrate the virtues of the free market and call it "Karl Marx Day." :lol:

If it makes you feel any better I'm generally against affirmative action in government-funded businesses/schools. But your solution and justification is ridiculous, as well as your implication that Ayn Rand would support this nonsense.
Kelzie said:
Point out what part you had difficulty understanding, and I will explain it to you. Or I can go get my seven year-old sister to do it too.

There's nothing there to understand - it was just another non-sequitur.
alphamale said:
There's nothing there to understand - it was just another non-sequitur.

Well, if you understood it, you shouldn't have used the word "incoherent". For the future, that word means incomprehensible. Which is a fancy way of saying you didn't understand it.
Kelzie said:
Well, sure. Once they put down everybody else, of course they will excel. Level the playing field and they (well not they, the intelligent ones seem to appreciate the additional resources that minorities and females bring) cry foul. There there poor white male. If blaming your failure on women and minorities makes you feel better, I don't mind.

Don't give me any "level the playing field" bullshit - the LAST thing minorities and their spokesmen are interested in is a level playing field - they are discriminated in favor of in employment, pay, promotion, layoffs, the military, police and fire departments, loans, scholarships, union apprenticeships, gerrymandered congressional districts, college admissions, professional school admissions, government contracts ... on and on and on. In no way are they "competing" against white males - rather they are cruising through life with a free pass issued by the government.

To a lesser degree, same with females - the Title IX perverse interpretation has wiped out male sports teams in order to set up a kind of "special olympics" for women. Head to head, there's almost no sport in which women wouldn't be clobbered in "level the playing field" against men.
alphamale said:
Don't give me any "level the playing field" bullshit - the LAST thing minorities and their spokesmen are interested in is a level playing field - they are discriminated in favor of in employment, pay, promotion, layoffs, the military, police and fire departments, loans, scholarships, union apprenticeships, gerrymandered congressional districts, college admissions, professional school admissions, government contracts ... on and on and on. In no way are they "competing" against white males - rather they are cruising through life with a free pass issued by the government.

To a lesser degree, same with females - the Title IX perverse interpretation has wiped out male sports teams in order to set up a kind of "special olympics" for women. Head to head, there's almost no sport in which women wouldn't be clobbered in "level the playing field" against men.

There is no college that practices affirmative action for females. We just happen to be more deserving of attendance than white males.

Got a big problem with women's sports, huh? Don't watch it.

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