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Atheists....U.S. Citizens? (1 Viewer)


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Political Leaning
George H.W. Bush once stated, while President of the United States, that 'Atheists should not be considered U.S. citizens'. Being an atheist myself, I found this comment extremely bigot and against the fundamentals of this country's freedom of religion, or lack thereof. Am I the only one who finds that extremely offensive?!
hipster_19 said:
George H.W. Bush once stated, while President of the United States, that 'Atheists should not be considered U.S. citizens'. Being an atheist myself, I found this comment extremely bigot and against the fundamentals of this country's freedom of religion, or lack thereof. Am I the only one who finds that extremely offensive?!

Yes and no. Yes him saying that because I'm an atheists also, but on the other hand his is a daffy bas*ard.
cherokee said:
Yes and no. Yes him saying that because I'm an atheists also, but on the other hand his is a daffy bas*ard.

Alright, Atheists Unite!! :2wave: But, doesn't it bother you that a President can have that kind of opinion over people with no constitutional basis? Where in any federal script does it say that atheists should not have the same rights and freedoms as other people? Just because we don't buy into the whole 'God created the world in 6 days' bull?!
hipster_19 said:
George H.W. Bush once stated, while President of the United States, that 'Atheists should not be considered U.S. citizens'. Being an atheist myself, I found this comment extremely bigot and against the fundamentals of this country's freedom of religion, or lack thereof. Am I the only one who finds that extremely offensive?!

That's a highly offensive quote from the ex pres and yes, very bigoted.
hipsterdufus said:
That's a highly offensive quote from the ex pres and yes, very bigoted.

From one hipster to another, thank you!
hipster_19 said:
Alright, Atheists Unite!! :2wave: But, doesn't it bother you that a President can have that kind of opinion over people with no constitutional basis? Where in any federal script does it say that atheists should not have the same rights and freedoms as other people? Just because we don't buy into the whole 'God created the world in 6 days' bull?!

Yes it does but I know he could never change anything.

Like his son today
He's always saying stupid chit. Like Robin Williams said about Jr Bush
"You dont have to make up chit, Just like him talk for 5 minutes"..

I think this has something to do Barb and Dick fighting over the voice controls
cherokee said:
Yes it does but I know he could never change anything.

Like his son today
He's always saying stupid chit. Like Robin Williams said about Jr Bush
"You dont have to make up chit, Just like him talk for 5 minutes"..

I think this has something to do Barb and Dick fighting over the voice controls

I know he himself could never change anything, but there's got to be more out there that think like him. If people are trying to outlaw things like abortion and gay marriage, what's next? We atheists could be rounded up and shipped out! :) I know its doubtful, but when did this country turn from freedom of religion and speech to freedom of whatever is in the majority?!
hipster_19 said:
I know he himself could never change anything, but there's got to be more out there that think like him. If people are trying to outlaw things like abortion and gay marriage, what's next? We atheists could be rounded up and shipped out! :) I know its doubtful, but when did this country turn from freedom of religion and speech to freedom of whatever is in the majority?!

Maybe so I really don’t have the answer. I do know the US as like a lot of the countries in world has some real whacked-out-nut-case-people. Some who believe the entire world should believe in and behave as they do.
( I wont mention names).

But I will bring up this tidbit of history. Here in the US how long has it been since blacks could vote? Many groups used the bible to prohibit blacks from voting. (I will post the passage when I can find it again).
That didn’t last very long…did it..

For gay marriage and abortion…. This is the fight we see today just remember not too long ago you as a female could not own property or vote and the man with darker skin then mine was sub human….
We have come along way and will continue to go even further.
cherokee said:
Maybe so I really don’t have the answer. I do know the US as like a lot of the countries in world has some real whacked-out-nut-case-people. Who believes the entire world should believe in and behave as they do.
( I wont mention names).

But I will bring up this tidbit of history. Here in the US how long has it been since blacks could vote? Many groups used the bible to prohibit blacks from voting. (I will post the passage when I can find it again).
That didn’t last very long…did it..

For gay marriage and abortion…. This is the fight we see today just remember not too long ago you as a female could not own property or vote and the man with darker skin then mine was sub human….
We have come along way and will continue to go even further.

I understand that we have come a long way, and we will continue to move further. However, this man was our PRESIDENT!!! He was voted into the most powerful office in our country by the people!! That in itself has to throw up a red flag! And now, his son is our PRESIDENT! And, with all due respect, the 'nut' obviously doesn't fall far from the tree. No, I'm sorry, I was wrong, that wasn't said with any respect at all!
hipster_19 said:
I understand that we have come a long way, and we will continue to move further. However, this man was our PRESIDENT!!! He was voted into the most powerful office in our country by the people!! That in itself has to throw up a red flag! And now, his son is our PRESIDENT! And, with all due respect, the 'nut' obviously doesn't fall far from the tree. No, I'm sorry, I was wrong, that wasn't said with any respect at all!

I wouldnt worry too much The Reps wont be in office much longer.

Respect? Bush?...LOLOL...He is a nut case.lolol...

We need an Independent come the next election!
hipster_19 said:
George H.W. Bush once stated, while President of the United States, that 'Atheists should not be considered U.S. citizens'. Being an atheist myself, I found this comment extremely bigot and against the fundamentals of this country's freedom of religion, or lack thereof. Am I the only one who finds that extremely offensive?!

Yes, I find it highly offensive, as well as bigoted. And this coming from the President of the United States. I guess since he believes in the validity of the bible so much, he's prepared to kill others of differing faiths, so god is instructing people to break his very own 6th commandment.
If you cut me, my blood-- my pagan blood-- comes out Red, White, and Blue.

As an American and a pagan, I find his comments mortally offensive.
I'm not an atheist myself (I'm Jewish), but I still find his comments rather biggoted and worrisome.

hipster_19 said:
We atheists could be rounded up and shipped out! :) I know its doubtful, but when did this country turn from freedom of religion and speech to freedom of whatever is in the majority?!
Meh...not as doubtful as one would imagine. The more influence religion has over our laws in a country that's supposed to have seperation of church and state, the more that concern is validated.

To compare it to something I can relate to more easily, people say that this is America, we're all safe here, but isn't there always that rising fear that something like the Holocaust will happen again (not even necessarilly to the Jews)? When you think about it, Germany used to be considered completely safe, religiously tolerent, etc. Gradually, in small steps starting with basic statements like these, the persecution started.

I'm not saying it's GOING to happen, it's just a bit of my paranoia surffacing, but....
Comrade Brian said:
What's a "hipster"?:confused:

It's like what Louis Armstrong said about jazz:

"Man, if you gotta ask, you'll never know." ;)

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