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At the Mount Kenya Safari Club (1 Viewer)

The bar entrance is right behind me in this photo. The equator bisects the bar, so a drink ordered in one hemisphere is consumed in another.
Very interesting concept that you don't see every day, and kudos to the people who had that idea! Does the Kenyan government own the bar, or individual businessmen? Does it have a golf course?

Now that's something to tell the grandkids about! :thumbs:

Greetings, Jack. :2wave:
The club is private, owned a Canadian hotel chain. There is no golf course but there is an animal orphanage.

Good evening, Polgara.:2wave:
I have dear friends who went on an African safari for three weeks with a private guide from Great Britain and his native crew. He's been an avid hunter all of his life. Was in his early 70's when he went. He came home with three or four trophies, each one costing thousands of dollars in permit fees. The trip of a lifetime, he called it. You even remind me of him. ;)
MaggieD;bt2778 said:
I have dear friends who went on an African safari for three weeks with a private guide from Great Britain and his native crew. He's been an avid hunter all of his life. Was in his early 70's when he went. He came home with three or four trophies, each one costing thousands of dollars in permit fees. The trip of a lifetime, he called it. You even remind me of him. ;)

Thanks. I do my hunting with a camera.

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