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Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Finland. Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Finland. Born in Ukraine Eugen Schauman (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Finland. Born in Ukraine 🇺🇦 Eugen Schauman will forever be a hero.​

2021 Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Sakha, Tuva, Ural Republic, etc. ..and to make it topical, he was born in Ukraine. Eugen Schauman will forever be a hero.

Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Finland. Born in Ukraine 🇺🇦 Eugen Schauman will forever be a hero.​

2021 Assassination of the Muscovite Governor General of Sakha, Tuva, Ural Republic, etc. ..and to make it topical, he was born in Ukraine. Eugen Schauman will forever be a hero.

Oh look, Litwin is cheering terrorism again.
Litwin will fight his way to Muscovy if need be
edit for you . resistance to Golden Horde occupation, i know you hate so what ?

100 years as a Free (of Moscow barbaric occupation) nation :

Oh look, a racist “justification” for supporting terrorism.
Oh look, a racist “justification” for supporting terrorism.
Hate West I know you. Muscovy lover.
Putin barbarian horde beaten back. Ukraine free country.
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was your role model K Marx a racist, yes or no ?
Since he wasn’t my “role model”, your “excuse” for your racist blather falls flat.....again.
Muscovy cant have a general.

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