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Asleep at the Wheel - Bush Incompetence Frightening Republicans (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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From the Harriet Meirs nomination, to the Dubai Ports imbroglio, to the seemingly inattentiveness to important details on intel which led us to Iraq, to the mishandling of Hurricane Katrina, President Bush has managed not only to come across as a Keystone Kop, but is ticking off fellow Republicans, not to mention his base. This leads to an interesting scenario.

The scenario is this - Democrats taking back Congress, due to soft support for Bush among those who supported him heavily from 2000-2004.

Why is this scenario interesting? Because the Democrats are not viewed as competent either. In fact, if you look at our governmental structure, from the top down, what you will see is a kakistocracy - That is, government by the incompetent. Whether it is the Republicans, or the Democrats, this is the most incompetent government in the history of the United States.

Yes, Bush is scaring the bejesus out of his base, but they shouldnt worry. After all, its only Democrats they are running against this year. What's so bad about incompetence, when your opponents are just as incompetent?

Based on this article.
Biased At The Keyboard.

Republicans yawn and chuckle at danarhea's obssession with generating phony outrage at the president. :roll:
aquapub said:
Biased At The Keyboard.

Republicans yawn and chuckle at danarhea's obssession with generating phony outrage at the president. :roll:

You didnt even read the whole post before you started off on your :spin:

Did you read the part where I bashed the Democrats? Of course, you didnt. I must be an angel to bash the Democrats, but I am the devil himself if I bash Bush, right?

The phoney outrage is in your court, along with the collateral hypocrisy.
danarhea said:
You didnt even read the whole post before you started off on your :spin:

Did you read the part where I bashed the Democrats? Of course, you didnt. I must be an angel to bash the Democrats, but I am the devil himself if I bash Bush, right?

The phoney outrage is in your court, along with the collateral hypocrisy.

Yes please don't criticize the Commander in Thief. Do you want the nation to progress or something. You know the man is perfect (a perfect what i don't know). Besides if you find fault you hate America, didn't you know that. Now about that jackass Bill Clinton well that's something else. He certainly ruined this country and out reputation. What nerve of that bastid lowering the deficit, I could just go on and on. How dare you chastise George Bush you mean thing you.
3 responses in 3 days. Dana's numbers are coming up. :lol:
KCConservative said:
3 responses in 3 days. Dana's numbers are coming up. :lol:

Yours makes 5 and mine is 6. Thanks for the support! :rofl
Inuyasha said:
Yes please don't criticize the Commander in Thief. Do you want the nation to progress or something. You know the man is perfect (a perfect what i don't know). Besides if you find fault you hate America, didn't you know that. Now about that jackass Bill Clinton well that's something else. He certainly ruined this country and out reputation. What nerve of that bastid lowering the deficit, I could just go on and on. How dare you chastise George Bush you mean thing you.
If your post was meant to be sacastic you are definitely a traitor and hate America.
BWG said:
Yours makes 5 and mine is 6. Thanks for the support! :rofl
No need to thank me. Actually, I am responsible for reviving many of dana's dead threads. If you look past page one of any category, you'll find many of his threads with very few responses and many with no replies at all. This is the 8th post of the current thread. Notice that only one of the eight actually deal with the lame topic, and that is dana's original post. :lol: Hey, glad I could help. :lol:
Heckuva Job Brownie. More incompetence revealed:

Brown Ignored Disaster Plan, New Report Says

By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 16, 2006; Page A03

Michael D. Brown, former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, deliberately ignored a new national disaster plan and circumvented his boss, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, in trying to manage the federal response to Hurricane Katrina directly with the White House, according to a new House report.

By disregarding the National Response Plan, finished in 2004, Brown deprived "the nation of an opportunity to determine whether the NRP worked," the House investigation concludes in an addendum to its Feb. 15 report, "A Failure of Initiative," scheduled for release today.
cnredd said:
Wow!....Maybe someone should fire him...


He should not have been hired in the first place. After all, we needed someone experienced in handling disasters, not horse shows.
New Pew research poll:

What one word describes Bush? Incompetent.

Fewer and fewer conservatives now see Bush as conservative too.

The single word most frequently associated with George W. Bush today is "incompetent,"and close behind are two other increasingly mentioned descriptors: "idiot" and "liar." All three are mentioned far more often today than a year ago.


This gives a great commentary on politics today. A certain number of people are going to think the president is bad no matter what, and that everything he does is bad. Also, a number of people will think he is great no matter what, and that everything he does is right.

While "incompetent" and "idiot" went up so did "good".

How is that possible?

Also, (and I do identify myself as a Christian, and I am not an anti religion liberal) I find it funny that "Christian" went up. Could it be that the Radical Christian Right, having run out of other good things to say went simply with "Christian".
millsy said:
This gives a great commentary on politics today. A certain number of people are going to think the president is bad no matter what, and that everything he does is bad. Also, a number of people will think he is great no matter what, and that everything he does is right.

While "incompetent" and "idiot" went up so did "good".

How is that possible?

Also, (and I do identify myself as a Christian, and I am not an anti religion liberal) I find it funny that "Christian" went up. Could it be that the Radical Christian Right, having run out of other good things to say went simply with "Christian".

It's not that hard to understand if you look at the data closely.
The reason that "good" went up is that other positives like "integrity", "leader","fair" and "excellent" went down, some weren't even mentioned in the latest data.

So, if you're an unabashed Bush supporter you say "good" rather than saying anything negative. Even that is a backhanded compliment.
hipsterdufus said:
It's not that hard to understand if you look at the data closely.
The reason that "good" went up is that other positives like "integrity", "leader","fair" and "excellent" went down, some weren't even mentioned in the latest data.

So, if you're an unabashed Bush supporter you say "good" rather than saying anything negative. Even that is a backhanded compliment.

Interesting. How do you "know" this about the people polled? Further, what consequences will Bush suffer as a result of these findings? My guess is he won't be running any more political races.
KCConservative said:
Interesting. How do you "know" this about the people polled? Further, what consequences will Bushh suffer as a result of these findings? My guess is he won't be running any more political races.

It's just a theory. Like evolution or gravity. ;)

BTW - Here's Bill Maher from last night's Real Time. He was talking about McCain becoming a supporter of ID and Hillary getting all up in arms about flag burning. In general the dumbing down by presidential candidates to the LCD.

I'm paraphrasing.

"Why do we have to nominate candidates that can get elected in Kanasas?"

I immediately thought of you KC after wiping the Guiness off my nose. ;)

Here's a classic New Rule from Maher just for you.

And finally, New Rule: Just because we have an obligation to rebuild New Orleans doesn't mean we have to put it back in the same place. For $200 billion, we could put the French Quarter on the moon. Why don't we put it someplace it can stay out of harm and do some good? After all, New Orleans is the Big Easy, and a lot of America is uptight. Which is why I say we put New Orleans in Kansas.

What do you say, Kansas? Put down your hoes and come meet some. Welcome New Orleans to the land that fun forgot. An infusion of color and gayness in the dry Kansas plain. Why, it'll be as if they shot "The Wizard of Oz" on location. You're going to love it! New Orleans is one of the great towns. It's my kind of town, an outpost of free living and sophistication in a sea of - well, now, sea.

You can't tell me that the giant swath of red America that Kansas sits in the middle of wouldn't benefit from thousands of insane Creoles who understand that hangovers only happen to people foolish enough to stop drinking. I read this week that the strippers have gone back to work in New Orleans. They don't even have clothes, and already they're taking them off. Kansas could use some of that spirit.

It could use some jazz, some blues...some blacks. The people of New Orleans are the most tolerant of all Americans. I mean, for Christ's sake, they put up with Anne Rice! And as an extra bonus, they're French, and that'll really **** off Bush. When the French land right in the middle of Bob Dole's Viagra farm.

So, don't think of it as a million-and-a-half black people moving in next door. Think of it as the "March of the Penguins." Only, you know, with a million-and-a-half black people.

Yes, I see a shining city on a plain. New Orleans, Kansas. Where people are learning. They're learning that a gay pride parade isn't something to fear; it's something to laugh at. So what do you say, Kansas? They need a home. You need to get the stick out of your a**. It's a win-win! Come on, Kansas, show some curiosity, show some compassion. But most of all, show us your t*ts!!

hipsterdufus said:
It's just a theory. Like evolution or gravity. ;)

BTW - Here's Bill Maher from last night's Real Time. He was talking about McCain becoming a supporter of ID and Hillary getting all up in arms about flag burning. In general the dumbing down by presidential candidates to the LCD.

I'm paraphrasing.

"Why do we have to nominate candidates that can get elected in Kanasas?"

I immediately thought of you KC after wiping the Guiness off my nose. ;)

And what about this reminded you of me? Could it be that you think I am from Kansas? Tell me, do you feel silly having spent all that effort taking pot shots at the state of Kansas while I live in Missouri?

By the way, I performed at a recent Katrina benefit here in Kansas City. We raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Katrina victims and found over 300 residences for people to relocate to in town. In addition, I have already written my check for the annual Kansas City AIDS Walk which is on April 22nd. I walk and perform in that even every year and have done so for the last 18 years. It seems Bill Maher and you have a few things to learn about my city's compassion for Katrina victims, the gay population and simple geography. Kansas City is in Missouri, not Kansas, and it's where jazz was born. ;)

Oh, and what about answering that question on consequences Bush might suffer as a result of this new poll. Any theory?
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Originally posted by KCConservative:
Tell me, do you feel silly having spent all that effort taking pot shots at the state of Kansas while I live in Missouri?
You live in Missouri? Show me!
KCConservative said:
And what about this reminded you of me? Could it be that you think I am from Kansas? Tell me, do you feel silly having spent all that effort taking pot shots at the state of Kansas while I live in Missouri?

Oh well, you're right on the border either way. You certainly sound like you're from Kansas. ;)

By the way, I performed at a recent Katrina benefit here in Kansas City. We raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Katrina victims and found over 300 residences for people to relocate to in town. In addition, I have already written my check for the annual Kansas City AIDS Walk which is on April 22nd. I walk and perform in that even every year and have done so for the last 18 years. It seems Bill Maher and you have a few things to learn about my city's compassion for Katrina victims, the gay population and simple geography. Kansas City is in Missouri, not Kansas, and it's where jazz was born. ;)

I applaud you're efforts. :bravo:
I'm doing a fund raiser myself for musicians that lost their instruments in N.O.

Oh, and what about answering that question on consequences Bush might suffer as a result of this new poll. Any theory?

Consequences for Bush - zero. Ideally the administration would take a closer look at themselves, step back, and try to figure out how they can right their sinking ship of blundering incompetence. Don't hold your breath.
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hipsterdufus said:
Oh well, you're right on the border either way. You certainly sound like you're from Kansas.
And how does somebody from Kansas sound, hip? :roll:
hipsterdufus said:
Consequences for Bush - zero. Ideally the administration would take a closer look at themselves, step back, and try to figure out how they can right their sinking ship of blundering incompetence. Don't hold your breath.

Now you're catching on, hip. The consequences will be zero. Bush has no other elections to win, ever. As for the rest of it, it would only be "ideal" for you and those who hate the man. But he doesn't care about that. His agenda doesn't please everyone, as has been the case in politics for generations. His agenda, however, does please those who elected him twice. Relax, you'll get a shot at the voting booth in 08. In the meantime, I'd hope your party abandons the "blundering incompetance" talk and instead focus on a platform and a viable candidate.
If you are saying that the left should stop trying to beat the President because he won't be running again, so it doesn't matter how low his numbers go, than I agree with you. However the idea that polling the way the President currently is bares zero consequence is off the mark, in my opinion.

Since the Presidents approval rating has started to plummet, he has been embarrassed several times, mostly by people in his own party. Social Security, the Supreme Court Nomination, and the Ports Deal.

In all three of these cases the president was clearly abandoned by his own party members in Congress and the Senate. This I believe is a clear consequence to his terrible polling numbers.
millsy said:
If you are saying that the left should stop trying to beat the President because he won't be running again, so it doesn't matter how low his numbers go, than I agree with you. However the idea that polling the way the President currently is bares zero consequence is off the mark, in my opinion.
Then make your case. What will be his consequence?

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