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Art School Bombed In Mariupol, As Zelenskiy Accuses Russian Forces Of War Crimes (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Mariupol, Ukraine. The indiscriminate destruction of residential buildings by the Russian military.

The Russian military has bombed an art school where about 400 people had taken refuge in the besieged Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, local authorities said. The officials reported on the Telegram messaging service on March 20 that the school’s building was destroyed and that people may be buried under the rubble. There was no immediate word on casualties. It comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the siege of Mariupol will go down in history for what he said are the war crimes committed there by Russian troops. “To do this to a peaceful city -- what the occupiers did -- is a terror that will be remembered for centuries to come,” Zelenskiy said in a video address to the nation early on March 20. Russian air strikes on March 16 flattened a theater in Mariupol where civilians were sheltering. City authorities said 130 people were rescued but many more could remain under the debris. Rescue workers are still searching for survivors. Russian forces bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol earlier in the war.

In Mariupol, “children and the elderly are dying. The city is destroyed and it is wiped off the face of the Earth,” Mariupol police officer Michail Vershnin said in a video addressed to Western leaders and authenticated by the Associated Press. Local authorities said that some 400,000 people have been trapped in Mariupol for more than two weeks, sheltering from heavy bombardment that has severed central supplies of electricity, heating, and water. Vadym Denysenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said in televised remarks on March 19 that Ukrainian and Russian forces were battling at Mariupol’s Azovstal steel plant. “One of the largest metallurgical plants in Europe is actually being destroyed,” he said. The United Nations has said that at least 847 civilians have been killed and 1,399 wounded in Ukraine since the war began, though it said the actual toll is likely much higher. The World Health Organization said it has verified 43 attacks on hospitals and health facilities in Ukraine.

Putin's War Crime Brigades keep killing civilians all across Ukraine. Civilians are also being kidnapped in Mariupol.
A No Fly Zone and permission to bomb Russian assets would stop this bullshit in 1 or 2 days. Guaranteed.
A No Fly Zone and permission to bomb Russian assets would stop this bullshit in 1 or 2 days. Guaranteed.

No NATO nation would agree to creating and enforcing a NFZ over Ukraine. Doing so would result in open war between NATO and Russian forces.

But I do wish that the US and her NATO allies would stop publicly proclaiming what they won't do.

Leave it ambiguous and keep Moscow off-balance. Stop with the "self-deterrence".

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