I agree with you -- Arnold himself is too far removed from the events leading up to this war, to properly understand what's been going on.
US-sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014, and the incorporation of radical elements into Ukraine's military, as well as indiscriminate killing of civilians in Donbass.
Ukraine has become a cauldron for a tug-of-war between rival powers.
Neo-Con Deep Staters like Victoria Nuland, who helped to bring about the illegal invasion of Iraq, have snuck between Republican and Democrat administrations, continually pushing their own agendas for destabilization, including supporting regime change in Ukraine that was only going to build up political pressures in Russia.
I think Nuland and others have likely done this because of the strong backlash against them from European officials over their Iraq invasion. They realized they can't re-shape the Middle East unless they can first bring the Europeans to heel. And the way to do this is through the strength of NATO and revival of Cold War animosities in Europe. This will have unintentional consequences for Asia, where the US had been trying to pivot to in order to contain the power of rising China. Ironically, China's rise was abetted by Cold Warriors like Nixon & Kissinger who made overtures to it in order to contain the Soviet Union through new pressure on its eastern border.
I don't think Ah-nold sees any of this, or has the foreign policy understanding to do so. Likewise, I don't think a lot of the US Congress have the background to see it either.
There will be consequences -- just as there were consequences for the United States from its support of jihadists in Afghanistan.