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Army veteran pleads to lesser charge in Syria fighting case (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 9, 2013
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I wonder why he wasn't allowed to fight along side our ally's in Syria?

Washington (CNN) -- A former U.S. soldier accused of fighting with terrorists against Syrian forces pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and was released from custody.
Eric Harroun was sentenced to time served by a federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, on Thursday.
Court documents showed he pleaded guilty to an export charge involving conspiracy to transfer defense articles and services.

Army veteran pleads to lesser charge in Syria fighting case - CNN.com
I wonder why he wasn't allowed to fight along side our ally's in Syria?

Washington (CNN) -- A former U.S. soldier accused of fighting with terrorists against Syrian forces pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and was released from custody.
Eric Harroun was sentenced to time served by a federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, on Thursday.
Court documents showed he pleaded guilty to an export charge involving conspiracy to transfer defense articles and services.

Army veteran pleads to lesser charge in Syria fighting case - CNN.com

What gives the US any jurisdiction over what someone does outside of the US? The UCMJ does for our Military, but it only applies to military. Unless he broke a law while actually inside the US or violated the UCMJ while on active duty, then the US has absolutely no right to charge him with anything.
What gives the US any jurisdiction over what someone does outside of the US? The UCMJ does for our Military, but it only applies to military. Unless he broke a law while actually inside the US or violated the UCMJ while on active duty, then the US has absolutely no right to charge him with anything.

Sense when did jurisdiction ever stop the US from ****ing up anyone's parade?

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