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Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus (1 Viewer)


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Sep 2, 2017
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Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus. question: whats Putin is gonna do ? will he attack one more country ?

"Top Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan, chief editor of the state Russia Today news agency, called on Russia to invade Belarus to restore order as anti-government protests rage across the country.

Her comments come as pro-Russian dictator Alexander Lukashenko is using brutal force against Belarusian protesters to maintain his power after a fraudulent presidential election, which took place on Aug. 9." Head of Russia Today calls for Russian military intervention into Belarus | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus. question: whats Putin is gonna do ? will he attack one more country ?

"Top Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan, chief editor of the state Russia Today news agency, called on Russia to invade Belarus to restore order as anti-government protests rage across the country.

Her comments come as pro-Russian dictator Alexander Lukashenko is using brutal force against Belarusian protesters to maintain his power after a fraudulent presidential election, which took place on Aug. 9." Head of Russia Today calls for Russian military intervention into Belarus | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice

Don't worry. Your dictator will win.
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

What is it with defaulting to the "whore" epithet whenever confronted with a female men do not agree with?
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

Don't worry. Your dictator will win.

who of these 2 is my ?
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

That isn't what you think it is.

Some comments on RT videos and views are wound through porn sites, say FBK employees.

And have you EVIDENCE she was a prostitute?
i knew that you are gonna support the ara prostitute Prostitute | Definition of Prostitute at Dictionary.com

But where exactly does this money go afterwards? Most of it is transferred to the aforementioned “Gold Vision” production studio. This means that for every episode of “International Sawmill” two payments are received: first by NTV and then by Aeroflot. In total, it gets to a whopping 6.6 million rubles ($101 thousand) for the production of every single episode of this show.

If “International Sawmill” has such a high budget, then everyone working on it must have a really high salary, right? Wrong. The main actress gets 10 thousand rubles ($150) per episode. Keosayan himself makes 74 million rubles ($1.1 million) a year, but there’s one person working on the show who earns even more than him: Margarita Simonyan, artistic director of “International Sawmill”. Her annual salary is 76 million rubles ($1.2 million). The fact that she works on this show is actually a well-kept secret: Simonyan isn’t mentioned in the credit, and she’s never publicly admitted it. However, payments received by her with a clear explanation of their purpose leave us absolutely no doubt.

The relatives of our couple also got a piece of the pie. Tigran Keosayan’s brother has earned 9 million rubles ($138 thousand) as the formal director of “Gold Vision”, and his daughter-in-law Yunona Glotova, who works as the executive producer of “International Sawmill”, has made another 7 million ($108 thousand) over the past two years.

According to our calculations, over the past three years, 480 million rubles ($7.3 million) have been transferred to the accounts of Simoyan and Keosayan for their work on “International Sawmill”. They will receive another 160 million ($2.5 million) this year, meaning that they will have pocketed 640 million rubles ($9.8 million) over four years.
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

What "prostitute"?

The text you quoted has NOTHING to do with prostitution.

"a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money." you are typical one who uses such services, the best man for pugabe and simonyan
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

"a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money." you are typical one who uses such services, the best man for pugabe and simonyan

So, a businessman or businesswoman is a "whore" in your eyes.

And Pugabe isn't real..
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

So, a businessman or businesswoman is a "whore" in your eyes.

And Pugabe isn't real..

the thugs and thieves are businesswoman/businessman for you . such degradation of putlersists and putlerism here , pliz keep posting
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

the thugs and thieves are businesswoman/businessman for you . such degradation of putlersists and putlerism here , pliz keep posting

Successful RUSSIANS piss you off....


And this "Putler" thing... Oh, that is right. You can't use real names for places and people. All you have are Lithuanian Baba Yaga names.
Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

Successful RUSSIANS piss you off....


1) Armenians
"154 million rubles (about $2 million by today’s exchange rate). Nearly two-thirds of this money came from the federal government. According to the BBC, the funds were released at the personal request of Alexey Gromov, the Putin administration’s first deputy chief of staff, after Russia’s Cinema Fund rejected the film’s application for funding. The remaining 54 million rubles, according to Navalny’s sources, came from businesses affiliated with Arkady Rotenberg, the billionaire who built the Crimean bridge.

According to the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Simonyan and her family pocketed roughly 30 percent of the money allocated to the film:

Margarita Simonyan, 9.1 million rubles ($115,660) — screenwriter
Tigran Keosayan, 13.9 million rubles ($176,645) — director
Alexandra Keosayan (Tigran’s daughter from his first marriage), 4 million rubles ($50,830) — director’s assistant)
David Keosayan (Tigran’s brother), 8 million rubles ($101,680) — general producer
Laura Keosayan (David’s daughter), 755,000 rubles ($9,600) — actress
Edmond Keosayan (David’s son), 4 million rubles — unit production manager
Yunona Glotova (Edmond Keosayan’s wife), 6.1 million rubles ($77,530) — executive producer
Alyona Khmelniktskaya (Tigran Keosayan’s ex-wife), 184,000 rubles ($2,340) — actress

At the same time, all the other actors with roles in the film received a combined 10 million rubles ($127,130). The stars of the movie, Ekaterina Shpitsa and Alexey Demidov, earned 1.8 and 1.3 million rubles ($22,900 and $16,525), respectively. Another actor in the movie, Sergey Nikonenko, confirms that he agreed to join the cast for half his normal salary (881,000 rubles, or $11,200). Other cast members approached by the website Open Media declined to comment on FBK’s report.

“These tens of millions of rubles paid out in fees aren’t just an indication of how irrationally Simonyan and Keosayan value their work; they’re a means of stealing. A handful of people connected by family ties agreed to inflate their rates and pay each other many times more money and grab funds allocated by the state for a film,”"

Re: Armenian whore and Head of "Russia" Today calls for "Russian" military intervention into Belarus

1) Armenians
"154 million rubles (about $2 million by today’s exchange rate). Nearly two-thirds of this money came from the federal government. According to the BBC, the funds were released at the personal request of Alexey Gromov, the Putin administration’s first deputy chief of staff, after Russia’s Cinema Fund rejected the film’s application for funding. The remaining 54 million rubles, according to Navalny’s sources, came from businesses affiliated with Arkady Rotenberg, the billionaire who built the Crimean bridge.

According to the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Simonyan and her family pocketed roughly 30 percent of the money allocated to the film:

Margarita Simonyan, 9.1 million rubles ($115,660) — screenwriter
Tigran Keosayan, 13.9 million rubles ($176,645) — director
Alexandra Keosayan (Tigran’s daughter from his first marriage), 4 million rubles ($50,830) — director’s assistant)
David Keosayan (Tigran’s brother), 8 million rubles ($101,680) — general producer
Laura Keosayan (David’s daughter), 755,000 rubles ($9,600) — actress
Edmond Keosayan (David’s son), 4 million rubles — unit production manager
Yunona Glotova (Edmond Keosayan’s wife), 6.1 million rubles ($77,530) — executive producer
Alyona Khmelniktskaya (Tigran Keosayan’s ex-wife), 184,000 rubles ($2,340) — actress

At the same time, all the other actors with roles in the film received a combined 10 million rubles ($127,130). The stars of the movie, Ekaterina Shpitsa and Alexey Demidov, earned 1.8 and 1.3 million rubles ($22,900 and $16,525), respectively. Another actor in the movie, Sergey Nikonenko, confirms that he agreed to join the cast for half his normal salary (881,000 rubles, or $11,200). Other cast members approached by the website Open Media declined to comment on FBK’s report.

“These tens of millions of rubles paid out in fees aren’t just an indication of how irrationally Simonyan and Keosayan value their work; they’re a means of stealing. A handful of people connected by family ties agreed to inflate their rates and pay each other many times more money and grab funds allocated by the state for a film,”"


Ah, now successful ARMENIANS piss you off. Nice to know.

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