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Arline Security Measures (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
What do you think we should do to secure ourselves against another 9/11?

Naturally, the one Democrat Bush left in office when he took over after Clinton was Norman Mineta, Secretery of Transportation, who has turned airline security into a politically correct Muslim love fest.

My way would be:

1) Screen all CARGO.

2) Seal the cockpits.

3) Arm the pilots.

4) Stop body cavity searches on old ladies meant to appease liberals.

5) Let passengers get a frequent flyer "already thoroughly screened" pass for future travel.

6) Let all passengers except Arab men go through a metal detector and be done with it. (Yes, this is racial profiling, what about it?) As long as the cockpits are sealed, any non-Muslim who might slip through with a butter knife or something could never crash the plane anyway.
1) Screen all CARGO.

2) Seal the cockpits.

3) Arm the pilots.

4) Stop body cavity searches on old ladies meant to appease liberals.
Hey! Liberals have to get their jollies, too!

5) Let passengers get a frequent flyer "already thoroughly screened" pass for future travel.
Nope. Ahmed Akmed Jihad Man could get screened OK 100 times, and then on the 101st

6) Let all passengers except Arab men go through a metal detector and be done with it. (Yes, this is racial profiling, what about it?)
Checking everyone for explosives and X-raying all carry-ons, etc iss till a good idea. But yes - young Arab males desrve extra attention.
aquapub said:
My way would be:

1) Screen all CARGO.

2) Seal the cockpits.

3) Arm the pilots.

4) Stop body cavity searches on old ladies meant to appease liberals.

5) Let passengers get a frequent flyer "already thoroughly screened" pass for future travel.

6) Let all passengers except Arab men go through a metal detector and be done with it. (Yes, this is racial profiling, what about it?) As long as the cockpits are sealed, any non-Muslim who might slip through with a butter
knife or something could never crash the plane anyway.

I always wondered why future aircraft designs didn't include a separate
entry for the cockpit? No way to enter from the pax area.

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