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'Arizona Style' Immigration Law Proposed in Texas (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
Hopefully they are successful in implementing this. Although Texas probably has as many pro-illegals scumbag in office as California does,so I will be surprised if Texas does decided to crack down on illegal immigration.
News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas

ess than an hour after the period began for filing bills for consideration in the 2011 Legislative session, State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball), a leader of the newly muscular conservatives in the Legislature, filed an 'Arizona style' measure that would crack down on illegal immigration, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Riddle says her measure is a response to what she says is the escalating violence caused by Mexican and Latin American gangs in Texas.

"It is absolutely out of control with the gang related crime, which is going through the roof, so, yes, we are addressing this, and quite frankly, I am not worried about political correctness," Riddle told 1200 WOAI news.

The measure would be similar to Arizona's controversial SB 1070, in that it would require that local police work with federal immigration officials in determining the legal status of a person who is in their custody.
If it becomes a law, wonder how long it will take the Obama adminstration to sue Texas? IMO any law like this or AZ's will be tied up in the courts until it reaches the SC. I hope other States will follow AZ and Texas.
Is this one written by private prison companies too?
Is this one written by private prison companies too?

How does that change the fact the Arizona anti-illegal immigration is a great law? I do not give a rats ass if it was PETA,code Pink,American Communist party or Fred Phelps that wrote Arizona's anti-ILLEGAL immigration law, its still a great law.

Screaming bogus accusations of racism and bigotry didn't work so now you all have to resort to "The private prison company wrote Arizona's law". I do not think anyone who is against illegal immigration gives two ****s if the law was written by a private prison company.
How does that change the fact the Arizona anti-illegal immigration is a great law? I do not give a rats ass if it was PETA,code Pink,American Communist party or Fred Phelps that wrote Arizona's anti-ILLEGAL immigration law, its still a great law.

Screaming bogus accusations of racism and bigotry didn't work so now you all have to resort to "The private prison company wrote Arizona's law". I do not think anyone who is against illegal immigration gives two ****s if the law was written by a private prison company.

Do you know who I am. Who did I ever call a racist? Cept bicycleguy hes a racist. Freakout elsewhere please.

Now that youre done freaking out, Let me begin.

You are a r****t by conclusion who would support the expansion of government, prisons, policing, at the expense of your government and people's coffers with no consideration for the consequences on legal immigrants of the color in question. You would never support such an expansion of policing and government for any other purpose with such a disregard for the rights of law abiding citizens in any other situation. Your approval of parties with conflict of interest of the people the law intends to represent fundamentally undermines any legitimacy to whatever government you envision.

Now that Im done.

The measure would be similar to Arizona's controversial SB 1070, in that it would require that local police work with federal immigration officials in determining the legal status of a person who is in their custody.

Doesnt seem so bad I'll read into it.

He tells 1200 WOAI news that every study which has been conducted on illegal immigration in Texas has found that stopping it would strangle the state's economy.

"All of the studies have calculated a net positive to our economy," Villarreal said. "Even considering any services which we provide to our own citizens that they may take advantage of."

But wait it may be stupid. :shrug:

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Is this one written by private prison companies too?

Oh please, It was PBS 15 seconds of fame in AZ. So let's not drag false bs into this thread also.
A) I was talking about NPR.
B) You can subscribe to a massive denial of what actually happened to save face, that wont change the fact it happened.
C) Maybe AZ should watch some damn PBS. Lurn u sumptin.
15 seconds?

Times are tight, huh?
I support deporting Texans back to Texas where they belong!

-- Giant's fan
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You are a r****t by conclusion who would support the expansion of government, prisons, policing, at the expense of your government and people's coffers with no consideration for the consequences on legal immigrants of the color in question. You would never support such an expansion of policing and government for any other purpose with such a disregard for the rights of law abiding citizens in any other situation. Your approval of parties with conflict of interest of the people the law intends to represent fundamentally undermines any legitimacy to whatever government you envision.

What? One doesn't let illegal immigrants break the law with impunity because it might hurt the feelings of legal ones. Shall the TSA stop searching people at airport checkpoints because those who aren't guilty might get their feelings hurt? Be inconvenienced? Have to show identification? Their ticket to ride? Pullleeeze.
What? One doesn't let illegal immigrants break the law with impunity because it might hurt the feelings of legal ones. Shall the TSA stop searching people at airport checkpoints because those who aren't guilty might get their feelings hurt? Be inconvenienced? Have to show identification? Their ticket to ride? Pullleeeze.

Bad analogies originating from a weak argument Puhleeze.

Firstly: I wasn't aware that they racially profiled at the airport or anywhere else.
Secondly: It infringes on the rights of legal immigrants, specifically in that you cannot deny it is to counter mexican illegal immigration, hence to be effective it would require profiling or you and everyone who supports the law would be essentially supporting a law that does nothing. But no, you support a law that will do something, infringe on the freedoms of legals, forcing them to carry documentation, and making them run the risk of detention and investigation if they did not have sufficient identification.

I dig it... its a law against 'illegals', 'were colorblind', 'its not about mexicans, and all those other ones that look the same' its an innocent law that cannot be effective without racial profiling! But honestly, we wont profile!

Jesús Cristo, Gawd.
Bad analogies originating from a weak argument Puhleeze.

Firstly: I wasn't aware that they racially profiled at the airport or anywhere else.
Secondly: It infringes on the rights of legal immigrants, specifically in that you cannot deny it is to counter mexican illegal immigration, hence to be effective it would require profiling or you and everyone who supports the law would be essentially supporting a law that does nothing. But no, you support a law that will do something, infringe on the freedoms of legals, forcing them to carry documentation, and making them run the risk of detention and investigation if they did not have sufficient identification.

I dig it... its a law against 'illegals', 'were colorblind', 'its not about mexicans, and all those other ones that look the same' its an innocent law that cannot be effective without racial profiling! But honestly, we wont profile!

Jesús Cristo, Gawd.

I like your "puhleeze" better than my "pulleeze." I shall use it in the future.

When one is looking for an oriental man named Wong who just fired shots from his SUV into a crowd and killed three people, it is reasonable to stop a black SUV in the area who doesn't signal a lane change and ask to see some identification. Did he pull him over in the first place because he was OWD? Probably.

When one is looking for illegal immigrants, it is reasonable to stop a car that doesn't signal a lane change and ask for identification. Did he pull him over in the first place because he was SWDFGHFW? Probably. In both instances, it's a valid stop. In both instances, it is reasonable for the police to determine if identification shown is valid.

The operable condition is the drivers of the cars are breaking the law. In both cases, you're probably not going to get a ticket unless your name is Wong or Illegal Jose.

When one is looking for under-aged drinkers, it is reasonable to walk into a bar and ask to see the identification of any and all customers. If one patron fits the "profile" of looking 13, it is also reasonable to determine if his identification shown is valid.

Law enforcement uses profiling every day of the week. Couldn't do their jobs without it. Done within the confines of the law, it is not illegal.

The most common example of police racial profiling is "DWB", otherwise known as "driving while black". This refers to the practice of police targeting African Americans for traffic stops because they believe that African Americans are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity. While racial profiling is illegal, a 1996 Supreme Court decision allows police to stop motorists and search their vehicles if they believe trafficking illegal drugs or weapons.

This Supreme Court finding doesn't even state that the vehicle had to be breaking the law in the first place. It's a stop/search.

BTW, you "dig" wrong. It is about people who look Spanish. Too freakin' bad.

*Oriental While Driving
*Spanish While Driving Five Guys Home From Work
Bad analogies originating from a weak argument Puhleeze.

Firstly: I wasn't aware that they racially profiled at the airport or anywhere else.
Secondly: It infringes on the rights of legal immigrants, specifically in that you cannot deny it is to counter mexican illegal immigration, hence to be effective it would require profiling or you and everyone who supports the law would be essentially supporting a law that does nothing. But no, you support a law that will do something, infringe on the freedoms of legals, forcing them to carry documentation, and making them run the risk of detention and investigation if they did not have sufficient identification.

I dig it... its a law against 'illegals', 'were colorblind', 'its not about mexicans, and all those other ones that look the same' its an innocent law that cannot be effective without racial profiling! But honestly, we wont profile!

Jesús Cristo, Gawd.
it could be done without racial profiling if they went to every business and checked EVERYONE working to make sure they were there legally. and if any business was found habitually hiring illegals then pull their license to opperate. go after the businesses illegally hiring these people.
I support deporting Texans back to Texas where they belong!

-- Giant's fan
I always thought only smart Texans leave Texas...so if you send them all back, the IQ of the state might just get a bit higher. It will take a bunch of them tho, to counter the effect of Bush moving back to Texas
It already federal law for legal immigrants (temp or permanent) to carry their papers (visa/green card, etc) with them. So your statement of, "forcing them to carry documentation, and making them run the risk of detention and investigation if they did not have sufficient identification." has no basis except in your mind.
I didn't know naturalized citizens had "Im not illegal" tattooed to their foreheads and were immune to being profiled as illegals as such.

Also I can pose no solution to the problem.

Okay, let's let Texas deport all the cheap labor they want. Then they can cry because all of their businesses have left the state. Let's kick them out of Florida, too. Then the price of orange juice can triple. Where's the upside to this?
Okay, let's let Texas deport all the cheap labor they want. Then they can cry because all of their businesses have left the state. Let's kick them out of Florida, too. Then the price of orange juice can triple. Where's the upside to this?

You pro-illegals sound like AL Gore claiming that the polar icecaps will melt and drown cities. The prices of oranges with triple, the prices of tomatoes will quadruple, the prices of homes will multiple exponentially,you will have to mow your own lawns,You will have to watch your own kids and to take Little Johnny and Jenny to McDonalds you will have to put their happy meals on lay-a-way......Can I get a amen about how e-vile cracking down on illegal immigration is?

The Seattle Times: Local News: Low-paid illegal work force has little impact on prices

More than 7 million illegal immigrants work in the United States. They build houses, pick crops, slaughter cattle, stitch clothes, mow lawns, clean hotel rooms, cook restaurant meals and wash the dishes that come back.

You might assume that the plentiful supply of low-wage illegal workers would translate into significantly lower prices for the goods and services they produce. In fact, their impact on consumer prices — call it the "illegal-worker discount" — is surprisingly small.

The bag of Washington state apples you bought last weekend? Probably a few cents cheaper than it otherwise would have been, economists estimate. That steak dinner at a downtown restaurant? Maybe a buck off. Your new house in Subdivision Estates? Hard to say, but perhaps a few thousand dollars less expensive.

The underlying reason, economists say, is that for most goods the labor — whether legal or illegal, native- or foreign-born — represents only a sliver of the retail price.

Consider those apples — Washington's signature contribution to the American food basket.

At a local QFC, Red Delicious apples go for about 99 cents a pound. Of that, only about 7 cents represents the cost of labor, said Tom Schotzko, a recently retired extension economist at Washington State University. The rest represents the grower's other expenses, warehousing and shipping fees, and the retailer's markup.

And that's for one of the most labor-intensive crops in the state: It takes 150 to 190 hours of labor to grow and harvest an acre of apples, Schotzko said, compared to four hours for an acre of potatoes and 1 ½ hours for an acre of wheat.
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Is this one written by private prison companies too?

Who cares who writes it? Besides if they are adopting Az. law, not much writing to do.
If I'm not mistaken 5 Texans were killed last week by drug cartel. Something needs to be done. Obama is refusing to even send the promised border patrol. States are going to have to take care of the problem themselves. This administration has deserted them.
Who cares who writes it? Besides if they are adopting Az. law, not much writing to do.
If I'm not mistaken 5 Texans were killed last week by drug cartel. Something needs to be done. Obama is refusing to even send the promised border patrol. States are going to have to take care of the problem themselves. This administration has deserted them.

Only this administration?
Okay, let's let Texas deport all the cheap labor they want. Then they can cry because all of their businesses have left the state. Let's kick them out of Florida, too. Then the price of orange juice can triple. Where's the upside to this?
With the unemployment what it is, I think Texas can import workers from other states if needed.
I don't think businesses will be leaving anytime soon. In fact, the opposite.California vs. Texas: The Verdict is In (How to ruin your State and move to TX)

And this for Utah Bill who thinks Texans are stupid. If they are, they are not the stupidest.:2wave:

These judgments are not based on drive-by sociology. According to a report issued earlier this year by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co., Texas students "are, on average, one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age," even though per-pupil expenditures on public school students are 12% higher in California. The details of the Census Bureau data show that Texas not only spends its citizens' dollars more effectively than California but emphasizes priorities that are more broadly beneficial. Per capita spending on transportation was 5.9% lower in California, and highway expenditures in particular were 9.5% lower, a discovery both plausible and infuriating to any Los Angeles commuter losing the will to live while sitting in yet another freeway traffic jam.
Only this administration?

No, Bush stunk when it came to illegal immigration.
However, I seriously doubt he would have been sueing states for wanting to help enforce federal laws.
With the unemployment what it is, I think Texas can import workers from other states if needed.
I don't think businesses will be leaving anytime soon. In fact, the opposite.California vs. Texas: The Verdict is In (How to ruin your State and move to TX)

And this for Utah Bill who thinks Texans are stupid. If they are, they are not the stupidest.:2wave:

These judgments are not based on drive-by sociology. According to a report issued earlier this year by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co., Texas students "are, on average, one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age," even though per-pupil expenditures on public school students are 12% higher in California. The details of the Census Bureau data show that Texas not only spends its citizens' dollars more effectively than California but emphasizes priorities that are more broadly beneficial. Per capita spending on transportation was 5.9% lower in California, and highway expenditures in particular were 9.5% lower, a discovery both plausible and infuriating to any Los Angeles commuter losing the will to live while sitting in yet another freeway traffic jam.

I grew up in Texas, NE side of Houston....Smiley High, class of 64.....at least 2 of my siblings are stupid, but to be fair, they would probably be just as stupid in other states....

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