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Arizona Governor Says He’d Rather Have a White Nationalist in State Legislature than a Democrat (1 Viewer)


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Jan 22, 2019
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Arizona Governor Says He’d Rather Have a White Nationalist in State Legislature than a Democrat

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was questioned Thursday about his efforts to get Wendy Rogers elected to the state senate in 2020, and whether he has any regrets in light of how Rogers has been promoting white nationalist causes.
Rogers has intertwined herself with the Q-Anon crowd, has espoused racist “great replacement” theories, has called for Christian theocracy, and is a member of the paramilitary group the Oath Keepers. She is also a ‘Big Lie’ proponent, falsely claiming that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.
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The Racism within Republican Ranks have continued to feel embolden to promote their White Nationalist Ideology and Agenda. They are devoted to the ideology of the Old Confederacy based mentality of Racism's White Nationalism.

History shows the savagery of the adopted mentality within Modern Day Republicanism of that same Ideology which caused and created the Slaughter of the Native American Indians, to Slavery, and the system of Racial Segregation and many other biases and hard core prejudices of every type within the general society. One can look back over history and if one is truthful, they can and will acknowledge the Prejudice, Ethnicity Bias and Racism that has been enacted upon "People" based on country of ancestral origin, to skin color and hair texture, Religious ideology and their attack on the Multicultural realism that exist within the make up of American Citizen population.

Republican White Nationalist and other Racist Groups within their ranks, think supporting Autocratic ideas and agenda will give them the recreation of the past.

It will not succeed, beause people will not submit to what they know from history is barbaric savagery.

Arizona Governor Says He’d Rather Have a White Nationalist in State Legislature than a Democrat

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was questioned Thursday about his efforts to get Wendy Rogers elected to the state senate in 2020, and whether he has any regrets in light of how Rogers has been promoting white nationalist causes.
Rogers has intertwined herself with the Q-Anon crowd, has espoused racist “great replacement” theories, has called for Christian theocracy, and is a member of the paramilitary group the Oath Keepers. She is also a ‘Big Lie’ proponent, falsely claiming that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.
end quote

The Racism within Republican Ranks have continued to feel embolden to promote their White Nationalist Ideology and Agenda. They are devoted to the ideology of the Old Confederacy based mentality of Racism's White Nationalism.

History shows the savagery of the adopted mentality within Modern Day Republicanism of that same Ideology which caused and created the Slaughter of the Native American Indians, to Slavery, and the system of Racial Segregation and many other biases and hard core prejudices of every type within the general society. One can look back over history and if one is truthful, they can and will acknowledge the Prejudice, Ethnicity Bias and Racism that has been enacted upon "People" based on country of ancestral origin, to skin color and hair texture, Religious ideology and their attack on the Multicultural realism that exist within the make up of American Citizen population.

Republican White Nationalist and other Racist Groups within their ranks, think supporting Autocratic ideas and agenda will give them the recreation of the past.

It will not succeed, beause people will not submit to what they know from history is barbaric savagery.
And they won’t be able to tell who’s on their side or just waiting to mow down the front line from the one right behind it.

Simple fact: If you are a racist, you are an idiot.
Here he is...

Reminds me of the poster who said he'd rather have a pedophile in office than a Democrat.

Or how about the ones who would rather be russian than a democrat? It only goes to show the true feelings of the republican party. Hatred of the dems is the only real plank. Oh I forgot, and the new plan to tax the poor.
Ah, yes, Democrats are gaining here, and set to win 2022. I sense the fear. I do appreciate the help Dushy. Thanks and bye :)
@beefheart is there something in the water there? Gosar, Ducey, Arpaio...

Complete assholes, all of them.

Wendy is a pathetic person, she moved from place to place because she kept losing elections, until she found crazyland and got elected.
democrats are more of a threat than any white nationalist has ever been
I know: Social Security, Medicare, employment protections, the ACA, helping to form the UN, the Peace Corps, even handed human rights promotion, trying to lessen deficits — will the atrocities ever cease?!?
Welcome to the Grand Trump Party…

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