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Aristocracy and Democracy (1 Viewer)

Dec 3, 2005
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St.gallen, Switzerland
Political Leaning
Aristocracy and Democracy I

'A human being is inhabited by a whole population of cells which are directly dependent on him and, consequently, strongly influenced by him. This is why they imitate him in everything. If a person habitually transgress the law, his population notices this and becomes exactly like its master, and it is on his head that any repercussions fall. He feels that something is not quite right and complains: 'What's wrong with me? There's a revolution going on inside me!' The truth is that it is he who has taught his cells to behave in this way. All your ailments are the result of the bad upbringing you have given your cells. You do nothing but grumble as you sweep your room; you knock the chairs about, kick your doors shut, bump into the furniture - and your cells imitate you. When they have to move something they kick it, and you cry out in pain and wonder what is going on. Well, it is simply some of your cells kicking the furniture about in imitation of your own behavior.'

What and where is that furniture? What a strange text that is; all about our cells kicking things about! Of course, those who don't know what a human being is or how he is constructed and who don't know that he is inhabited by millions of microscopic creatures will find the whole idea absurd. They don't realize that our cells are tiny intelligent souls; they are a population, a people with whom we are in constant contact. They are our children, our pupils, and we have to teach and guide them. But the trouble is that we don't know them and never bother about them, with the result that they don't obey us. However much we plead or threaten, they refuse to budge.

Take the question of sexuality, for instance: a man can be a pastor, a bishop or anything else you like to imagine, but his sexual organs function as they please, they don't listen to him. An Initiate, on the other hand, who is aware of certain truths and certain rules, knows how to command the cells of his organs so that they obey him. Yes, because he is fully conscious and has learned to communicate with them.

In the passage I read a moment ago, I used the example of people who slam doors and kick the furniture. If human beings were more sensitive and if they analysed themselves, they would notice that all this banging about, all the noise and commotion they cause outwardly, is reflected in their inner being. Admittedly, your tables and chairs have neither souls nor consciousness, but human beings have; they have souls and a psychic life and all this tumult, all those chaotic gestures are reflected in their psychic life. If they were sensitive they would feel the effects of this confusion, disruption and disharmony, for our gestures reverberate not only in our brain but in our whole being. The significance of our gestures, in fact, constitutes a science in itself. Every gesture is an eloquent expression not only of a person's inner attitude, decisions and intentions but also of his level of evolution.

A human being is home to a whole population, therefore, but, as he doesn't know it, he never does anything to care for them or improve their lot. He is more concerned with the world around him and never gives a thought to the world he carries within him and of which he is the educator and master.

And yet the events that go on inside a human being are a replica of what goes on in society. We see the same unrest and upheavals, the same revolutions. Human history tells of many kings who proved to be unfit to rule and were overthrown by their subjects. Knowing nothing about the terrible laws of karma, they reigned over their people with cruelty and injustice and, all the while, secretly and silently, others plotted their downfall an, eventually, toppled them from their thrones. There are any number of examples of this: kings who were dethroned and thrown into dungeons where they lived miserably for years on a diet of bread and water, constantly hoping to be freed, while those who had seized power ruled in their stead. Everybody has heard of such happenings but how many understand that the same things go on in their own inner life? The king within us slips into slothful or licentious habits, leaving the way open to hostile forces which seize him, throw him into prison and start to rule in his place.

Human beings must regain their place at the head of their kingdom, therefore, otherwise they will end by being completely supplanted by thieves and bandits from amongst their own citizens. If a person is unjust and dishonest, if he fails to respect certain laws, the inevitable result is an inner revolution that topples him from power and puts, the reins of government into the hands of monsters. And his friends and neighbours are so blind that they don't even notice that it is not the same person who is in command. Of course, there are extreme cases in which no one can help seeing it: if someone begins to say, 'I'm Genghis Khan, or Jesus christ, or Napoleon Bonaparte', it becomes obvious that he has been replaced. It is certainly neither Genghis Khan nor Napoleon nor, above all, Jesus Christ who has usurped his place! But he himself, poor fellow, has no idea where he is. The phenomenon of the dual personality is widely recognized today; no one doubts that it exists. But what people don't know is that this dual - or rather this multiple - personality exists in every one of us.

Yes, because man is inhabited by millions of different spirits and entities which can all manifest themselves in their different ways depending on circumstances.

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Aristocracy and Democracy II
...This is exactly what goes on at night when, without our being aware of it, thousands of entities work to help our organism to rid itself of its toxins and replenish its forces. If these entities are absent or if they are hindered in their work, you will not be refreshed, even after a night's sleep. If you always rely on external means instead of turning to these intelligent entities, if you never aks them to help you or show them the appreciation they need to do their work properly, you can spend your life in pursuit of healing but, as you don't understand what it really means nor who it is that heals, you will never achieve it. Let me give you an example: you have a machine of some kind that has broken down and, as it can't mend itself, you call a mechanic to come and mend it. But human beings, who constantly experience problems of this nature in their daily lives, have never understood that the situation is exactly the same in themselves.
Believe me, as long as you continue to reject this philosophy, you will never find the solution to your problems, whether they be medical, economic or educational. You must respect and appreciate all these intelligent workers who live within you, for when they see that you treat them with love and gratitude, they will do their work magnificently and you will always feel healthy and even-tempered; nothing will be lacking.
Yes, the external world in which we live contains all kinds of lessons that we must learn to decipher. The example of the machine that breaks down is so clear: it takes a mechanic to get it working again. In the same way, our organs have to be repaired and kept in working order by living entities. A man's organs can be in good shape but, if those who animate them have been ordered to leave, he dies. The machine stops working, even though its organs are infact - and this can be seen in the fact that the organs of his dead body can be grafted onto someone else's body. It is simply that those who kept the machine running have left, so it has stopped. But suppose it had been dedreed that a man was to live for two or three hundred years, his organs would continue to function because they would constantly be fuelled and kept alive by new particles and new entities.
Actually, the human physical body is capable of living for thousands of years. Of course, this is only possible in exceptional circumstances and by a special decree of Providence; generally speaking, owing to the inevitable flaws in their heredity, human beings cannot live much more than a hundred years, it is always possible to work to be stronger and healthier. And the only way to do this is to rely on what is alive and not on what is dead, because only living elements have the power to heal. What happens, for instance, if you have an abcess or an open sore? Where are the entities that know how to heal the sore or clean all the impurities from the abcess? If they have been chloroformed and driven away by your chaotic way of life, the infection in your sore or abscess will get worse and turn into tetanus or gangrene and then you will have to have your leg cut off. All because you have banished the specialized workers who could have healed you. Even though you do everything possible externally, with disinfectants, salves and dressings, the sore will still get infected.
You must understand that the most effective remedies come from within and that, if your inner entities are not allowed to do their work properly, external remedies are powerless to compensate. Conversely, if your inner entities are in good shape, your organism will heal itself, even if there is no outside help available. So, you see, it is all very simple, very clear: you must change your mentality and give first place to the psychic, spiritual dimension; and, above all, you must work to achieve complete control and mastery of yourself so as to reign over your inner population and do good to all around you. Is this possible? Yes, it is. And you will take pride in having fulfilled the mission with which you were sent down to earth: to become a model of integrity, honesty and purity.
You now understand, I am sure, that when I talk about the aristocracy, I am referring to that inner aristocracy that we all possess but which has been toppled from power because it was not equal to its task. This aristocracy has continued to rule in a few, very exceptional cases, in the great philosophers, sages and Initiates. In them, because it is the head that rules, their populace, the cells of the stomach, belly and sexual organs, etc., obey them and work magnificently.
To be sure, all this is beyond the reach of most human beings. They are filled with every imaginable purpose except that of becoming exemplary human beings, true servants of God, conductors of light. And yet, how easy it would be to give them the means to achieve this! The difficulty lies in getting them to aspire to such an ideal. Even the Lord is incapable of giving men this desire; they have to acquire it for themselves. Just as no one can eat in another person's place, no one can aspire to something in their place, either. I give you food, but it is you who have to eat it. If I ate it for you, I would get fatter and you would get thinner. But disciples are an extraordinary breed: they think that their Master should do everything and they themselves nothing. They even want their Master to provide them with love, will-power and perseverance. Unfortunetly, for them, nothing of the kind exists in Initiatic Science.
A Master gives his disciples the means, the methods and the conditions he needs, but it is up to him to do the work, otherwise he will end up in the same situation as the lazy man in the story. It happened, one day, in Turkey: a peasant was digging a ditch and, as it was very hard work, each time he thrust his spade into the ground, he grunted, 'Oof! oof!' A lazy good-for-nothing happened to pass by and, seeing the man digging and I'll do the 'Oof-ing', and then we'll share the wages, too.' 'Agreed!' said the peasant. So there they were, one digging and the other going 'Oof! Oof!'. Of course, when the peasant received his money and kept it all for himself, the other man was furious and brought him up before the cadi (the village magistrate). When the magistrate had heard the story, he said, 'You're right; it's only fair to share.' Turning to the peasant, he said, 'Bring me the coins that you received as wages.' When these were handed to him, the magistrate took them and dropped them on the floor, one by one, then, giving them back to the peasant, he said to the lazy man, 'Since it was you who did the''Oof-ing'', the clink of the coins is for you; but he did the digging, so the coins themselves are for him.' There; that is what will happen to those who expect to receive everything without working for it.
I can give you knowledge, but the good-will must come from you and the two combined will produce unheard-of results. Every day, the luminous spirits of nature will come to you to help you; every day, you will enter deeper and deeper into this extraordinary philosophy; every day, you will become freer and freer and freer.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Aristocracy and Democracy III

A great number of today's books, films, magazines and shows lead people in the direction of disorder, anarchy and chaos. And they are tremendously popular! It is astonishing to see to what extent human nature needs to feed on such diabolical stuff. So much so that you cannot really blame artists and writers for giving the public this kind of food; they are simply trying to provide what it demands so avidly. It is not entirely their fault therefore, but even so, if they had been taught by Initiates, they would know that they must not stoop to satisfy the baser appetites and lusts of men's lower nature. They would stay on a higher level and, in this way, the public would be forced to rise in order to reach them and to reach the higher intelligence and beauty that they possess.

Instead of this, in trying to satisfy the masses, the demos, the stomach, they have helped to supplant the aristocracy of the brain, with the result that it is now men's lower nature that has the upper hand and flaunts itself, lays down the law and imposes its will.

Oh yes; we are all very 'democratic' nowadays; the masses rule; ignorance holds sway, and intelligence, the aristocracy, has been defeated because it was incapable of retaining its superiority. The time has come to form, once again, an intellectual, moral and spiritual aristocracy so that the masses may evolve. Those who are in control - the demos, the stomach, the belly and the sexual organs - must allow the head to rule, for it is not for the head to gratify the desires of the belly and the sexual organs.

To be sure, if democracy has taken power, it is because the aristocracy has degenerated, just as the social and political aristocracy degenerated. To be an aristocrat does not mean to possess a name, a title, a prominent position or great estates; it means to have high personal standards of morality, generosity and strength of character.

People wanted to get rid of the monarchy and the aristocracy, to do away with tsars and nobles... Yes, but those who are now in power, even in Communist countries, perpetrate the same crimes as the overlords of old, and, once again, popular uprisings will liquidate them in their turn, because they, too, are unworthy: they have forgotten that they overthrew the monarchy and the nobility in order to establish the reign of brotherhood and justice. With the passing of the years they have forgotten their ideal and become materialized and corrupt, just as the Church, in the course of the centuries, has forgotten the principles of love taught by Jesus and become materialized.

It is time, now, to restore the aristocracy of the heart and soul, the aristocracy of the Initiates and great Masters, of all those truly enlightened beings who have proved their worth. Words are not enough. Everybody is capable of making wonderful speeches, but how many are capable of putting their words into practice? As long as those who rule and are in command are not enlightened by Initiatic Science, what good can come of their decisions? They may not actually spark bloody confrontations but nor will they produce a veritable transformation of mentalities. You only have to open your eyes and see this for yourself: do the majority of human beings demand spiritual, divine riches? No; all they ask for is money, pleasure and the freedom to indulge themselves like animals. All their demands are for their belly and stomach, never for light. In these conditions, how can you expect the masses to change the world and bring about the Kingdom of God? When they begin to ask for something more, yes, perhaps; but it is not by making some minor changes on the economic, material, financial or political level that they will bring about any great transformations. It will always be the same old story; always the same filth. The trouble is that no one has yet understood what it is that has to be changed.

True, talk of change is on everyone's lips, but all I see are the tireless endeavours of a handful of ambitious man who are bent on getting to the top so as to have more power and more money. They don't prepare themselves, they don't work to become purer and nobler or to achieve self-mastery, to become examples for others. That is not what interests them. What use would it be to them to be better human beings? That is not what they need. They need a position of power, the opportunity to gratify their passions and their thirst for conquests and revenge. This si why the world will never know peace.

The truth is that present-day society is so unenlightened that it encourages all the baser tendencies of its members. Parents are so ignorant that they think that their duty as educators is to bring up their children to look for favours and privileges in life. Instead of teaching their children to prepare themselves for their future responsibilities, so that they will be worthy of them and fulfil them with integrity, they force the most pernicious advice on them and are elated when they meet with outward success, even if it is not deserved. People's amtitious are always confined to the material plane and since, in order to succeed, one has to use cunning, deceit and violence, they end by destroying all that is best in their character.

Human beings have no difficulty in understanding that wealth makes it possible for them to influence events and reverse certain situations but, as it is rarely through honesty and generosity that they become rich - rather the contrary - they are ready to transgress every law to obtain that wealth. You will say, 'That's all very well, but if we followed your advice and spent all our time preparing and strengthening ourselves and becoming examples, conditions in the world are such that we would always be unknown and stuck away in some obscure job at the bottom of the ladder.' What makes you so sure? If you are capable and truly exceptional, if you are truly a model, a sun, whether you like it or not, others will come and fetch you, by force if necessary, and place you at their head to rule and guide them. If this has not yet happened, it is because you have not earned it; you are not yet sufficiently perfect.

Human beings are in need of true light, true science and true power. They need these things and are constantly in search of them, but, as those they frequent are not always shining examples, they get along as best they can, using dishonesty and violence in order to succeed at all costs. Inwardly, they all need something sublime but, as they never meet that something, they become discouraged and begin to imitate the brigands and vultures that surround them, telling themselves - like so many others -'Virtue is never rewarded', 'An honest man dies of hunger' and 'Man is a wild beast for his fellow men'. In this way, each individual descends to the level of those around him and conforms to the lowest common denominator.

But if, in the future, some human beings embrace this Teaching, struggle against the general trend and sacrifice everything else for the sake of this sublime ideal, you would soon see that others would love and appreciate them and seek them out. And this is how the Kingdom of God will be established on earth. If it has not already come, it is because the majority of those in power are not motivated by a high ideal. Naturally, they would never be so stupid, so insane as to have such a sublime goal! They are only interested in what they can get out of the situation. But if some of them do decide to achieve this ideal come what may, then, believe me, they will find true power, true light and true beauty.

The sad thing is that a great many adolescents do have this desire to work for an ideal, to make great sacrifices, to conduct themselves as true, valiant knights. But then, after a time, when they come up against hard facts and are urged by those around them to be 'sensible' and 'realistic', they abandon their dreams and try to adapt and become like others. Obviously, even if a person's aspirations and impulses are excellent, he needs support; he needs someone to advise him and help him not to go back on the choices he has made, otherwise he will be worn down by a multitude of little difficulties and the jokes and jeers of his companions until he becomes exactly like the wild beasts all round him.

When I talk about the aristocracy, therefore, I am talking about the true inner aristocracy. When this aristocracy succeeds in maintaining its pre-eminent position in a human being, harmony reigns amongst the whole population of cells but, if it is unequal to its taks, it is overthrown and its opponents - his instincts, lusts, vices and failings - take power into their own hands. And then, as the revolutionary song has it, all the aristocrats will be strung up! This always happens when the inner nobility is unworthy: the aristocrats are sent to the guillotine and the rabble takes power into its own hands.

And, very often, this is what happens to you, too. Of course, the blind won't see it but, if you meet an Initiate, he will understand the situation immediatly and will say, 'My poor fellow, why on earth have you let things degenerate to such an extent? You're no better than a slave! And you don't even know how it happened! Well, it is for one of three reasons: either you lacked light, or you had no love for the divine world, or you didn't have the will-power to keep working.' There are only three possible explanations, not four or five or ten or more.

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