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ARGGHHH! It's election day in new jersey!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 19, 2005
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Mudslinging, namecalling, who can outspend who....this state is freakin NUTS!!!
We have more undecided, scared voters than freakin Iraq!!!!
I'm ashamed to admit I have no idea what their postions are because they were so busy cutting the other down, no one bothered to state a platform with certainty!! Uh, yea...property taxes are high, need to control those. DUH! Uh, yea, past administrations have had their share of corruption, but if elected, that'll stop. DUH! Doubt it....Not one original idea. Not one conviction of heart. Both obscene millionaires.
Local elections? Worse...here we have a guy who is running for re-election whose wife has been on the Board of Education for 10 years. Can you say 'conflict of interest', children? Yet he gets elected and is running again!!
I'm going back to bed...wake me when it's over :(
ngdawg said:
Mudslinging, namecalling, who can outspend who....this state is freakin NUTS!!!
We have more undecided, scared voters than freakin Iraq!!!!
I'm ashamed to admit I have no idea what their postions are because they were so busy cutting the other down, no one bothered to state a platform with certainty!! Uh, yea...property taxes are high, need to control those. DUH! Uh, yea, past administrations have had their share of corruption, but if elected, that'll stop. DUH! Doubt it....Not one original idea. Not one conviction of heart. Both obscene millionaires.
Local elections? Worse...here we have a guy who is running for re-election whose wife has been on the Board of Education for 10 years. Can you say 'conflict of interest', children? Yet he gets elected and is running again!!
I'm going back to bed...wake me when it's over :(

What's wrong with that? Sounds like she got on the board of education before he was voted into office. Unless your guys' terms are longer than 10 years.
She did...terms on the board are for as long as you garner the votes and she's been on a very long time. Spouse ran 2 years ago, got elected.
It's a conflict of interest-doesn't matter what would need to be done if the Board wants more money, honey is going to swing that way to get it. Favoritism, nepotism, this town thrives on it.
Quick anecdote how this town works: This candidate, during his first two years, initiated a 'township quality of life inspection'. Only problem was, only ONE neighborhood got 'inspected'-workers drove around taking pictures of properties. The reason the one got inspected? It's the oldest section and has the lowest taxes (averaging half of other neighborhoods). I live in it, got a 'notice' to 'repair unsafe steps, remove 'dismantled vehicle'. The 'dismantled vehicle, a 1949 Cadillac, wasn't dismantled, it's quite complete, if a bit worse for wear, sits behind a fence. Town law states one unregistered vehicle is allowed if stored on property. The steps? Just dirty. They didn't inspect, they looked from a car. I called, raised holy hell about their mistaken assumptions and prejudice against our part of town. The inspections stopped, probably I wasn't the only one to complain.
We have also had principals hired whose spouses were on the Board of Education; a niece of this political couple is a teacher as is the grandaughter of the Democratic Party chairman (the couple runs on the Democratic ticket). Just one big happy family!

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