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Are you planning on seeing Moore's film? (1 Viewer)

Are you planning on going to see Moore's film?

  • No - Interested, but lack the funds or some other reason.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It is expected to top all boxoffice records.

Are you planning on going to see this film?
Yes you do. With such an eye opening, secret revealing, educational and very entertaining documentary that hit all kinds of records in its own category. Making millions of dollars, some of us wish we could spend some of that money with him. Don't you all?
No sir - I have this thing called integrity. At least I hope I do.
It's just to bad this film can't be considered slander, or defamation. Mr. Moore could use a good lawsuit against him.

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