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Are We Gonna Use Article V? NATO Article V? (Are We There Yet? Daddy, Are We There Yet?) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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"Are we going to use NATO Article V? Daddy, is Article V going to be used yet? Hmm? Daddy?"


The media seem to be continually mentioning NATO Article V, and constantly asking for No Fly Zones.

We're getting some kind of Armageddon Whining from our rubbernecking media.

"Daddy, can I press the nuke button first? Plz Daddy? Plz?"

Our screwed up media seem to be both looking for ratings, and perhaps trying to help their political patrons distract our attention from the crappy misgovernance happening at home.
Apocalypse Drama Porn is now a nightly occurrence.

The media keep trying to play up a threat of wider war between NATO and Russia, with the goal of transfixing viewers. Audiences can then be distracted from Biden's

"Never mind our lousy misgovernance -- everybody instead stay focused on the coming apocalypse! Greater War is Coming!"
"Are we going to use NATO Article V? Daddy, is Article V going to be used yet? Hmm? Daddy?"


The media seem to be continually mentioning NATO Article V, and constantly asking for No Fly Zones.

We're getting some kind of Armageddon Whining from our rubbernecking media.

"Daddy, can I press the nuke button first? Plz Daddy? Plz?"

Our screwed up media seem to be both looking for ratings, and perhaps trying to help their political patrons distract our attention from the crappy misgovernance happening at home.
Apocalypse Drama Porn is now a nightly occurrence.

The media keep trying to play up a threat of wider war between NATO and Russia, with the goal of transfixing viewers. Audiences can then be distracted from Biden's

"Never mind our lousy misgovernance -- everybody instead stay focused on the coming apocalypse! Greater War is Coming!"
Keep in mind who the Dem propaganda media gets their orders from...
"Are we going to use NATO Article V? Daddy, is Article V going to be used yet? Hmm? Daddy?"


The media seem to be continually mentioning NATO Article V, and constantly asking for No Fly Zones.

We're getting some kind of Armageddon Whining from our rubbernecking media.

"Daddy, can I press the nuke button first? Plz Daddy? Plz?"

Our screwed up media seem to be both looking for ratings, and perhaps trying to help their political patrons distract our attention from the crappy misgovernance happening at home.
Apocalypse Drama Porn is now a nightly occurrence.

The media keep trying to play up a threat of wider war between NATO and Russia, with the goal of transfixing viewers. Audiences can then be distracted from Biden's

"Never mind our lousy misgovernance -- everybody instead stay focused on the coming apocalypse! Greater War is Coming!"

I remember the same media-driven drums of war rumbling in 1967, 73, 79, 80, 89, 91, 2001, 03, 08, 14 and today. The song remains the same. War is good business for media outlets fixed on increasing hits or eyes on screens, it's great business for PR firms who shape public perceptions, it's great business for arms and munitions manufacturers and most importantly it is a wonderful opportunity to transfer public monies into private hands without much public outcry against the government's handing out the money.

Yes, in the present case a new democracy is being threatened with extinction by a totalitarian, state-capitalist, militaristic, regional-superpower. That makes the pro-war cheerleading easier to sell and easier to swallow but it is warmongering nonetheless. There is too much money to be made in conflict and conventional war and that draws in the militarist Warhawks like moths to a bright light. Thus the mistakes of yesterday-year are about to be recycled and used again today. Oh, what a wonderful war, eh?

Cheers and be well.
The story of humanity in 2 pictures. Most people know the right thing to do but they are unwilling to do it if there are any consequences
At least they can perceive that war is a consequences. Until last summer we spent nearly all of this millennium at war, and soldiers and their families aside, Americans were never asked to make any sacrifices. This month, the price of gas went up 25% after we sanctioned Russia and America lost its shit.
Keep in mind who the Dem propaganda media gets their orders from...
Keep in mind who the Trumphumping Putinites get their orders from.

The media is simply reporting what Zelensky is asking for. Zelensky is trying to fight off the Mass Murderer Putin.

It is an age old tactic to keep asking for what you cannot have in order to increase the support for things you can have.

This is not rocket science though I am sure it is for some of you.

As for nukes, I see nothing in the reporting that suggests that the West wants to hit the nuclear button ahead of Russia. Then again, Russian State TV Propaganda might be pushing that line. I am sure there are participants here that pay attention to that nonsense.
Keep in mind who the Trumphumping Putinites get their orders from.

The media is simply reporting what Zelensky is asking for. Zelensky is trying to fight off the Mass Murderer Putin.

It is an age old tactic to keep asking for what you cannot have in order to increase the support for things you can have.

This is not rocket science though I am sure it is for some of you.

As for nukes, I see nothing in the reporting that suggests that the West wants to hit the nuclear button ahead of Russia. Then again, Russian State TV Propaganda might be pushing that line. I am sure there are participants here that pay attention to that nonsense.
Irrelevant comments...

Mouse-That-Roared Zelensky and his little flea jnug are least relevant.

Ah...my God. Is what passes for humor where you come from?
As I posted in another thread. One Russian boomer submarine could destroy most of the heavily populated cities on the East Coast.
In about 5 minutes.
As I posted in another thread. One Russian boomer submarine could destroy most of the heavily populated cities on the East Coast.
In about 5 minutes.
If there is a nuclear exchange the entire world goes up in smoke. Get used to it. I have been used to it since the end of WW2.

You are talking about the east coast of the United States. Geezuz Christ.

and I thought Trump brought out the worst in the Right, the most ludicrous from the Right, the most oblivious from the Right. Heck this war has definitely brought our far worse from the Right than Trump ever could.
If there is a nuclear exchange the entire world goes up in smoke. Get used to it. I have been used to it since the end of WW2.

You are talking about the east coast of the United States. Geezuz Christ.

and I thought Trump brought out the worst in the Right, the most ludicrous from the Right, the most oblivious from the Right. Heck this war has definitely brought our far worse from the Right than Trump ever could.
One submarine. Ever watched The Hunt for Red October? They have many other delivery methods.
That's why we can't get involved. Unless Putin is crazy enough to cross the border into Poland or Romania, then, we are obligated to respond.
Russia and China have supersonic nukes. They can turn us into glass before our first nuke gets off the launch pad.

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