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Are we going to have fun with Albert Pirro, or what? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Seems Jeanine Pirro's husband, Albert Pirro, is a very shady character. You know Jeanine Pirro, the candidate the GOP is throwing against Hillary Clinton in 2006.

Yes, Albert Pirro, the convicted felon who served time in prison, Jeanine Pirro's husband. And now we come to find that Albert had a love-child whom he may be trying to buy off.

Seems you've got nothing to worry about Hillary!

I love it! :cool:

Wednesday, August 17, 2005; Posted: 11:04 a.m. EDT (15:04 GMT)


NEW YORK (AP) -- The husband of Senate candidate Jeanine Pirro denied Monday that he was trying to prevent his illegitimate daughter from becoming a problem for the campaign by "mending fences" and promising to buy her a car.

Jaclyn Lichtefeld, 22, whose mother had an affair with Albert Pirro, agreed, saying: "I have had a very good relationship with my father for years now."

The comments in e-mail messages to reporters followed a New York Post story that said Albert Pirro "got busy mending fences with a potential political liability -- his love child."

The story said that on August 10, the day Jeanine Pirro announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination for the seat held by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Albert Pirro promised to buy his daughter a new car...
KidRocks said:
Seems Jeanine Pirro's husband, Albert Pirro, is a very shady character. You know Jeanine Pirro, the candidate the GOP is throwing against Hillary Clinton in 2006.

Yes, Albert Pirro, the convicted felon who served time in prison, Jeanine Pirro's husband. And now we come to find that Albert had a love-child whom he may be trying to buy off.

Seems you've got nothing to worry about Hillary!

I love it! :cool:
And the liberal character assassination train continues...

Never mind the fact that Jeanine Pirro is not in any way responsible for her husband's felony conviction or any "love-child" he may have.

Never mind the fact that these have absolutely no bearing on one's competency to be a U.S. senator.

All that matters is the last name "Pirro" next to the words "felony" and the liberal character assassination effort begins.

Tell you what, KidRocks. When you can tell me how this story diminishes Pirro's ability to be a better senator than Hillary, then I'll start regarding you as something more intelligent than a blindly partisan hack.
battleax86 said:
And the liberal character assassination train continues...

Never mind the fact that Jeanine Pirro is not in any way responsible for her husband's felony conviction or any "love-child" he may have.

Never mind the fact that these have absolutely no bearing on one's competency to be a U.S. senator.

All that matters is the last name "Pirro" next to the words "felony" and the liberal character assassination effort begins.

Tell you what, KidRocks. When you can tell me how this story diminishes Pirro's ability to be a better senator than Hillary, then I'll start regarding you as something more intelligent than a blindly partisan hack.

Guilt by association my friend, and since when is printing the truth of someone's shady background "character assassination"? Jeanine Pirro's competency can indeed be questioned since she picked and married that so called 'man'.

I suppose you feel Hillary is also a 'competent' senator despite HER husbands shennanigans. Right?
KidRocks said:
Guilt by association my friend, and since when is printing the truth of someone's shady background "character assassination"?
When it is for no other purpose than to attack someone who is not responsible for that background, and for political purposes, it is indeed character assassination. Furthermore, "guilt by association" is, in and of itself, a logical fallacy akin to prosecuting a son for his father's crimes.

KidRocks said:
Jeanine Pirro's competency can indeed be questioned since she picked and married that so called 'man'.
No, the man that a woman marries does not, in any way, effect her ability to be a U.S. senator.

KidRocks said:
I suppose you feel Hillary is also a 'competent' senator despite HER husbands shennanigans. Right?
I consider Hillary to be an incompetent senator because of her views, not her husband's actions. But, then, if Jeanine Pirro is incompetent because her husband's crime and infidelity, then Hillary must also be incompetent because of her husband's crime and infidelity. Whoops! :doh :lol:
battleax86 said:
When it is for no other purpose than to attack someone who is not responsible for that background, and for political purposes, it is indeed character assassination. Furthermore, "guilt by association" is, in and of itself, a logical fallacy akin to prosecuting a son for his father's crimes.

No, the man that a woman marries does not, in any way, effect her ability to be a U.S. senator.

I consider Hillary to be an incompetent senator because of her views, not her husband's actions. But, then, if Jeanine Pirro is incompetent because her husband's crime and infidelity, then Hillary must also be incompetent because of her husband's crime and infidelity. Whoops! :doh :lol:

Right, and now you know the rest of the story, how Hillary has been demonized through and through by the right because of her husband.

When we start to compare husbands, well, Bill Clinton looks like an angel compared to Albert Pirro and his crimes! :lol:
KidRocks said:
Right, and now you know the rest of the story, how Hillary has been demonized through and through by the right because of her husband.
No, she's been attacked because of her own actions, not Bill's.

KidRocks said:
When we start to compare husbands, well, Bill Clinton looks like an angel compared to Albert Pirro and his crimes! :lol:
Not really. Perjury and obstruction of justice isn't any better than tax evasion. :roll:

My point is that neither woman should be judged by their husbands or have thier husband's scandals attributed to them. Your attempt to attack Jeanine Pirro because of her husband's actions is nothing more than blind partisanship.
battleax86 said:
No, she's been attacked because of her own actions, not Bill's.

Not really. Perjury and obstruction of justice isn't any better than tax evasion. :roll:

My point is that neither woman should be judged by their husbands or have thier husband's scandals attributed to them. Your attempt to attack Jeanine Pirro because of her husband's actions is nothing more than blind partisanship.

NO! She's been demonized, attacked and flogged by the extremists because of her husband, but you knew that. Nice try though.

Wrong again, Pirro's crimes have been much, much worse than Clintons. Try again.
KidRocks said:
NO! She's been demonized, attacked and flogged by the extremists because of her husband, but you knew that. Nice try though.

Wrong again, Pirro's crimes have been much, much worse than Clintons. Try again.

So the thrust of your argument is Hillary should be elected because her husband is guilty of things that are less wrong than her opponent's husband?
KidRocks said:
NO! She's been demonized, attacked and flogged by the extremists because of her husband, but you knew that. Nice try though.
To begin with, the recent elections have shown that we are not extremists. Secondly, her husband's position may have helped her into the limelight, but any attacks on her were because of her actions alone. Furthermore, I don't recall anybody attacking Bill because of Hillary's actions. You see, rational people don't attack others over their spouses' actions. :wink:

KidRocks said:
Wrong again, Pirro's crimes have been much, much worse than Clintons. Try again.
No, tax evasion isn't any worse than perjury and obstruction of justice.

cnredd said:
So the thrust of your argument is Hillary should be elected because her husband is guilty of things that are less wrong than her opponent's husband?
Pretty much. :lol:
KidRocks said:
Right, and now you know the rest of the story, how Hillary has been demonized through and through by the right because of her husband.

When we start to compare husbands, well, Bill Clinton looks like an angel compared to Albert Pirro and his crimes! :lol:

No because of her husband, because of herself.
KidRocks said:
NO! She's been demonized, attacked and flogged by the extremists because of her husband, but you knew that. Nice try though.

Wrong again, Pirro's crimes have been much, much worse than Clintons. Try again.

Wrong again. Hillary, not Bill, was the one involved in Whitewater, Fostergate, Memogate, Filegate. He's not smart enough to pull those off. He was only involved in dispicable behavior with women and using his power as Governor and President to get sexual favors and sexually harass and assulat women and then committing perjury before a federal judge and grand jury. She IS rightfully judged on the fact that she let's a man treat her the way she does and that she apparently doesn't have the strenght to leave him, but that's another story.
battleax86 said:
No, tax evasion isn't any worse than perjury and obstruction of justice.

Actually it's not as bad.
Stinger said:
She IS rightfully judged on the fact that she let's a man treat her the way she does and that she apparently doesn't have the strenght to leave him, but that's another story.

NOW should've crushed her instead of putting her up on a pedestal...

Tells you what kind of "bi-partisan" organization they are doesn't it?
KidRocks said:
When we start to compare husbands, well, Bill Clinton looks like an angel compared to Albert Pirro and his crimes! :lol:

Looks like I'm not the only one comparing husbands, and as predicted, Bill Clinton comes off looking good when compared to Albert Pirro.

Read todays following article...


Husbands hot topic in Clinton Senate race

(AP) -- Is this a Senate race or country music?

Cheating husbands. An out-of-wedlock child. Prison bars. Strong, independent women standing by their wayward men.

The stuff of late nights, neon-lit jukeboxes and smoky roadhouses?

Not quite.

The women are Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeanine Pirro, both lawyers and both with homes in a tony suburb north of New York City, and they're on a possible political collision course.

Clinton is the former first lady seeking a second term as New York's junior Democratic senator, and just possibly eyeing a run for the White House in 2008. Pirro, a district attorney known for her cable television crime-case commentary, wants to be the Republican to challenge Clinton's 2006 re-election bid.
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KidRocks said:
Looks like I'm not the only one comparing husbands, and as predicted, Bill Clinton comes off looking good when compared to Albert Pirro.
So Bill Clinton is somehow better than Albert Pirro because Pirro served time for a lesser crime than the crime Clinton was let off the hook for? :lol:

The fact is that this race should focus on the issues, not who has the better husband. It's typical of a partisan hack like you to focus on anything but the issues and personally attack someone who is not even involved in the race just because they are related to the person who you want to discredit. Quite frankly, you're a joke.
battleax86 said:
So Bill Clinton is somehow better than Albert Pirro because Pirro served time for a lesser crime than the crime Clinton was let off the hook for? :lol:

The fact is that this race should focus on the issues, not who has the better husband. It's typical of a partisan hack like you to focus on anything but the issues and personally attack someone who is not even involved in the race just because they are related to the person who you want to discredit. Quite frankly, you're a joke.

Oh, so now it's the issues you extremists want to discuss. Albert Pirro is the issue right now and it's too bad if you don't approve baby.

Funny how you extremists suddenly shift from "character counts" to "character doesn't count" when it suits your politically-correct agenda.

LOL... and I love it!
KidRocks said:
Oh, so now it's the issues you extremists want to discuss. Albert Pirro is the issue right now and it's too bad if you don't approve baby.
Sorry son, the issue in this election is Jeanine Pirro and Hillary Clinton, not their relatives. Once again, you liberals can try all of the character assassination that you want, but people will see through it.

KidRocks said:
Funny how you extremists suddenly shift from "character counts" to "character doesn't count" when it suits your politically-correct agenda.
Nice :spin:

1. I've never said that character didn't count. However, it's not Jeanine Pirro's character that you're attacking. It's her husband's. Al Pirro is not up for election and, therefore, his character and the character of anyone else not named Jeanine Pirro or Hillary Clinton is irrelevant.

2. Once again, the recent elections have shown that we are not extremists. I know that it's a painful memory for you, but, then again, most facts are painful for liberals like yourself to dwell on.

KidRocks said:
LOL... and I love it!
I'm glad you love getting shown for the fool that you are. :cool:
battleax86 said:
Sorry son, the issue in this election is Jeanine Pirro and Hillary Clinton, not their relatives. Once again, you liberals can try all of the character assassination that you want, but people will see through it.

Nice :spin:

1. I've never said that character didn't count. However, it's not Jeanine Pirro's character that you're attacking. It's her husband's. Al Pirro is not up for election and, therefore, his character and the character of anyone else not named Jeanine Pirro or Hillary Clinton is irrelevant.

2. Once again, the recent elections have shown that we are not extremists. I know that it's a painful memory for you, but, then again, most facts are painful for liberals like yourself to dwell on.

I'm glad you love getting shown for the fool that you are. :cool:


Jeanine Pirro will have to answer for her husbands sins. Hillary Clinton is attacked by the extremists day in and day out because she dared to stand by her man... and the dittoheads just hate the hell out of that fact.

They wanted to see Hillary crap all over Bill Clinton and divorce him, they wanted blood, they wanted a messy divorce so they could watch with glee! Hillary did not cooperate and you r-winger hate her for it.

Hillary got the last laugh when she was elected Senator of New York and sent the Hillary-hater extremists into a rage, thus they are now consumed with pure hatred for Hillary! :cool:

I love it!
KidRocks said:
Yet another brilliant response from the liberal troll. :lol:

KidRocks said:
Jeanine Pirro will have to answer for her husbands sins.
OK, let's look at the irony of this for a second:

You are claiming that Jeanine Pirro should answer for a white-collar crime that her husband committed and has already served his time for.

On the other hand, you are claiming (falsely, I might add) that Hillary was attacked by Republicans because of her husband's crimes (which were more serious than Al Pirro's) and that it was wrong of the Republicans.

Yet, here you are, doing the exact same thing that you are falsely accusing Republicans of doing to Hillary. Are you so blindly partisan that you can't see the inherent hypocrisy in your posts?

KidRocks said:
Hillary Clinton is attacked by the extremists day in and day out because she dared to stand by her man... and the dittoheads just hate the hell out of that fact.

They wanted to see Hillary crap all over Bill Clinton and divorce him, they wanted blood, they wanted a messy divorce so they could watch with glee! Hillary did not cooperate and you r-winger hate her for it.
That's a lie and you know it. Conservative opposition to Hillary is based solely on her political views, not her husband's actions or the fact that she didn't divorce him. Hell, I even supported her decision to stay with him. I would've understood if she hadn't, but I think she made a good choice.

KidRocks said:
Hillary got the last laugh when she was elected Senator of New York and sent the Hillary-hater extremists into a rage, thus they are now consumed with pure hatred for Hillary! :cool:
This quote has just raised the irony meter another level. Looking over this forum, I don't see a single thread devoted to Hillary Clinton, attacking Hillary Clinton, or attacking Hillary Clinton for the crimes that her husband committed while he was the highest-ranking government official.

What I do see is a thread, started by you, attacking Jeanine Pirro because of her husband's offenses as a private citizen, offenses which he has already served his time for and which were far lesser offenses than the crimes of Hillary's husband.

So, while you falsely accuse Republicans of hating Hillary because of her husband and proceed to attack us over something that we never did, you are doing the exact same thing that you are accusing us of. That would make you a...drumroll, please...hypocrite!

I think you need to take a serious look at who the extremist is here.

KidRocks said:
I love it!
Yes, I'm starting to love this thread, too. At first, I wondered why my fellow Republicans at Political Crossfire were petitioning the moderators to lift the ban on you. Now I know why. :cool:
KidRocks said:
Funny how you extremists suddenly shift from "character counts" to "character doesn't count" when it suits your politically-correct agenda.

Guilt by association my friend, and since when is printing the truth of someone's shady background "character assassination"? Jeanine Pirro's competency can indeed be questioned since she picked and married that so called 'man'.

When we start to compare husbands, well, Bill Clinton looks like an angel compared to Albert Pirro and his crimes!

Jeanine Pirro will have to answer for her husbands sins


It's funny because this kid just doesn't seem to understand how stupid he sounds.
battleax86 said:
Yet another brilliant response from the liberal troll. :lol:

OK, let's look at the irony of this for a second:

You are claiming that Jeanine Pirro should answer for a white-collar crime that her husband committed and has already served his time for.

On the other hand, you are claiming (falsely, I might add) that Hillary was attacked by Republicans because of her husband's crimes (which were more serious than Al Pirro's) and that it was wrong of the Republicans.

Yet, here you are, doing the exact same thing that you are falsely accusing Republicans of doing to Hillary. Are you so blindly partisan that you can't see the inherent hypocrisy in your posts?

That's a lie and you know it. Conservative opposition to Hillary is based solely on her political views, not her husband's actions or the fact that she didn't divorce him. Hell, I even supported her decision to stay with him. I would've understood if she hadn't, but I think she made a good choice.

This quote has just raised the irony meter another level. Looking over this forum, I don't see a single thread devoted to Hillary Clinton, attacking Hillary Clinton, or attacking Hillary Clinton for the crimes that her husband committed while he was the highest-ranking government official.

What I do see is a thread, started by you, attacking Jeanine Pirro because of her husband's offenses as a private citizen, offenses which he has already served his time for and which were far lesser offenses than the crimes of Hillary's husband.

So, while you falsely accuse Republicans of hating Hillary because of her husband and proceed to attack us over something that we never did, you are doing the exact same thing that you are accusing us of. That would make you a...drumroll, please...hypocrite!

I think you need to take a serious look at who the extremist is here.

Yes, I'm starting to love this thread, too. At first, I wondered why my fellow Republicans at Political Crossfire were petitioning the moderators to lift the ban on you. Now I know why. :cool:

Come now battleax, can't you decipher and read between the lines? Critical thinking I think it's called. Let me clear things a little for you may I?

First of all, my posts are usually directed at, and listen up... at r-wing extremists and dittoheads.

It is "they" who usually hate the Clintons with a passion, it is they who play the "anti-American card" with a ferver. It is they whom I dedicate myself to stooping to there level to make a point, yes, I said 'stooping to their level', it's all they understand and respect though they may grumble. One has to fight 'fire with fire' and that's what I do,

So, in summation... "if the shoe fits", battleax.

Gawd, I hate to use cliches with you battlaax. :roll:
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KidRocks said:
Come now battleax, can't you decipher and read between the lines? Critical thinking I think it's called. Let me clear things a little for you may I?

First of all, my posts are usually directed at, and listen up... at r-wing extremists and dittoheads.

It is "they" who usually hate the Clintons with a passion, it is they who play the "anti-American card" with a ferver. It is they whom I dedicate myself to stooping to there level to make a point, yes, I said 'stooping to their level', it's all they understand and respect though they may grumble. One has to fight 'fire with fire' and that's what I do,

So, in summation... "if the shoe fits", battleax.

Gawd, I hate to use cliches with you battlaax. :roll:
So now you try to backtrack and say you weren't really talking about me. :lol:

Sorry, but that's not what a rational person would think when you said this in response to my post:

KidRocks said:
They wanted to see Hillary crap all over Bill Clinton and divorce him, they wanted blood, they wanted a messy divorce so they could watch with glee! Hillary did not cooperate and you r-winger hate her for it.
Furthermore, as I've already pointed out, there is no one in this forum attacking Hillary Clinton at all, let alone her husband's actions. To the conservatives of this board, she's just another one of the 40+ Democrat senators we want to see defeated at the polls. You are not merely "stooping to [someone else's] level." You have created your own low level. Now, if you want to debate rationally, like the rest of the people on this board, then I'm all for it, but you've already seen what happened with your trollish behavior on Political Crossfire. Don't make the same mistake here.

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