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Are The POTUS Debates Completely Worthless At This Point? (1 Viewer)

Are the 2020 POTUS Debates Completely Worthless?

  • Don't know, don't care, won't watch any of it at all. Whole thing a a sham.

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Oct 18, 2007
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Are the 2020 POTUS debates completely worthless at this point?

What are the odds anyone out there might have their mind changed by watching the train-wreck that's about to unfold?

Other than strengthen your resolve around your own preferred candidate, do you honestly think the debates serve any purpose this year at all?
Can anyone actually still be "sitting on the fence" about who to vote for, or against?
Are the 2020 POTUS debates completely worthless at this point?

What are the odds anyone out there might have their mind changed by watching the train-wreck that's about to unfold?

Other than strengthen your resolve around your own preferred candidate, do you honestly think the debates serve any purpose this year at all?
Can anyone actually still be "sitting on the fence" about who to vote for, or against?
Scared your senile guy will wet himself on prime time TV?
Scared your senile guy will wet himself on prime time TV?

Nope, just honest about the vast majority of folks not changing which “senile guy” they will vote for based on what they might say during a political TV show.
None of the above. But great entertainment value. For a limited period of time.
This year, I believe they are. Both candidates are gaffe machines. One side will point out the gaffes of one candidate while ignoring those of the other, and vice versa. Unless one of them shits themselves, I don't see any movement in the polls with debates this go round.

I believe if there was a big audience like in years past, that would benefit Trump, but without them, he falls flat.
Are The POTUS Debates Completely Worthless At This Point?

They always were worthless as Trump is a pathological liar.

Joe is being stupid to debate. You can't debate such a twisted man.
Are the 2020 POTUS debates completely worthless at this point?

What are the odds anyone out there might have their mind changed by watching the train-wreck that's about to unfold?

Other than strengthen your resolve around your own preferred candidate, do you honestly think the debates serve any purpose this year at all?
Can anyone actually still be "sitting on the fence" about who to vote for, or against?
There are a lot of useful idiots in this country who will be influenced by the outcome of the debates. These are the same people for whom the media keep constantly raising nonsense campaign issues against Trump. If the media didn't think they could influence people, they wouldn't waste their time.

The only difference is that with the debates, there's not only no guarantee that the influence will be against Trump, but there is a VERY HIGH chance that the influence will be against Biden. For Biden supporters, this is a chance they don't want to take. Hence, people like Nancy making up excuses why Biden should not debate Trump.

Now me? I'm not a useful idiot. The debates won't influence me at all. At best, it'll be entertainment. At worst, I'll tune out in disgust when I see Wallace and his buddies put their thumbs on the scale.
There are a lot of useful idiots in this country who will be influenced by the outcome of the debates. These are the same people for whom the media keep constantly raising nonsense campaign issues against Trump. If the media didn't think they could influence people, they wouldn't waste their time.

The only difference is that with the debates, there's not only no guarantee that the influence will be against Trump, but there is a VERY HIGH chance that the influence will be against Biden. For Biden supporters, this is a chance they don't want to take. Hence, people like Nancy making up excuses why Biden should not debate Trump.

Now me? I'm not a useful idiot. The debates won't influence me at all. At best, it'll be entertainment. At worst, I'll tune out in disgust when I see Wallace and his buddies put their thumbs on the scale.

Are these the same people taking all those anti-catholic shots at Amy ChirstWafer Bathroom? Cause I keep hearing how terrified we are of Biden appearing at the debates and yet...in 24 hours he will. He’ll be standing right there next to your dude. Not a single moment of hesitation about it, either.

And then Donald Trump will begin saying words.
I hope he does! This way Trump will lose to a guy who wet himself on prime time TV.

ONe of my fav things I’m lookinng forward to is reminding Trump voters their boi lost to a Sleepy Hiden Dotard.
Now me? I'm not a useful idiot.

ROTFLMAO.... I literally spit my coffee just now... keep posting!!!!!

I love when folks self image is so different than how they are perceived in the real world. Good stuff.
Are these the same people taking all those anti-catholic shots at Amy ChirstWafer Bathroom? Cause I keep hearing how terrified we are of Biden appearing at the debates and yet...in 24 hours he will. He’ll be standing right there next to your dude. Not a single moment of hesitation about it, either.

And then Donald Trump will begin saying words.
It'll be very entertaining when Biden defends himself with a push-up challenge or when he gets angry and threatens to take Trump out behind the gym.

(Just make sure there's no little girls...older girls...married women...grandmothers...or little boys...around.)
They will be entertaining at least.

I don't they they are useful.

Trump will lie and get fact checked on the spot which will be funny.
It'll be very entertaining when Biden defends himself with a push-up challenge or when he gets angry and threatens to take Trump out behind the gym.

(Just make sure there's no little girls...older girls...married women...grandmothers...or little boys...around.)

Why are you afraid Trump will get horny and distracted?

Trump is just going to fight with everyone. He’s going to scream fake news, and say “Hunter” a lot. And then he’ll have to answer questions. And then the caterwauling will begin. ANd then you will be here on Tuesday night cursing out Wallace.
America is still a democracy, at least on paper. So yes the debate(s) are important as they can better inform the voters of the candidates positions and help the demos to be better informed through the clash of ideas. Now admittedly there will also be a clash of synthetic realities from both candidates but seeing that juxtaposition might be useful and informative to the American electorate.

What would be nice is a system of real-time fact checking to keep the candidates and their handlers as honest as possible, but fear of exposing more of Biden's gaffs and more of Trump's outright lies no doubt would make both candidates' campaigns flatly reject this. More's the pity but that's to be expected in a "post-truth" world of politics.

Cheers and be well.
It’s 3 & 5 for me.
There is no one on the fence at this point that isn’t voting for Donald Trump.
There's people on the fence who want to vote Democrat, but need a better reason than "Our guy isn't Trump."
Yes, the debates are useless yet they are comedy gold popcorn ready moments in the making. Especially this year watching two these old, arrogant, angry, senile white guys argue it out.

The real reason they are useless is their positions on matters are set and well known long before the debate occurs, we are not really talking about structured debates with a back and forth arguments referencing materials, empirical support, or anything else really. The merit of the argument comes down to the same ideological positions on matters the party itself generally wants anyway.

The economy, social issues, abortion, gun rights, healthcare, education, taxation and spending, international affairs, what have you... the ideological position is noted, and that is about it. Any numbers given are targeted and sanitized to make the point the ideology wants to make.

As a 'debate' the subjects themselves are not really looked at in terms of winner and loser. They are after the fact sent through an endless series of political spin machines, politicians lining up behind their party (usually,) media coverage with their own leans and bias, fact checkers that sometimes have their own leans and bias, the huge commentary market that is nothing but bias, etc.

If a voter makes a decision between these two based on the debates alone I would consider them uninformed.

But I'll still watch, this year's debates should be both hysterical and sad. Hysterical watching these relics, sad that these two are the best the nation has... supposedly.

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