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Are Republicans really planning on brushing the 1/6 insurrection under the rug once they take power in November? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 18, 2016
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Political Leaning
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. If you do, you are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, so too can these protests. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway and thought we would all be better off without it, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!
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If, If they take power in november.
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. You are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, these can be overlooked as well. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way of government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!
NOOOOOOOOO I'm sure they will really try to dig into it and punish those responsible......
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. If you do, you are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, so too can these protests. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!
Hypocrisy is not in their universe.

They will happily punish opponents while protecting allies from the same thing.
Look for the payback of the century = issuing pardons galore for those who keep their mouths shut and those who are sitting in jail.
Good luck with that! They will take the House but the DOJ is under Garland until 2024.....thats where the real action needs to come from.
Hypocrisy is not in their universe.

They will happily punish opponents while protecting allies from the same thing.

It’s a very short sighted approach. They seem to think they are the only ones capable of playing dirty, and mistake patience and repeated forebearance with weakness.
Good luck with that! They will take the House but the DOJ is under Garland until 2024.....thats where the real action needs to come from.

I am beginning to think Garland is just a scared little p—-y and can’t be counted on to do his job. I would be surprised if he does anything at this point.
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. If you do, you are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, so too can these protests. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway and thought we would all be better off without it, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!

We will not expect anything less from the looney left.....bring it on! Jan. 6, Jan. 6, Jan. 6, mantra is eerily similar to Russia, Russia, Russia....let the losers cry!
Of course they will brush it under the rug. Any continued discussion/investigation of it will only remind the public that the GOP's response to January 6th makes them look complicit, indifferent, or incompetent.

Now, would the Democrats do the same thing if the roles were reversed? I think it'd be a safe bet.
There was no insurrection. The autopsy on 1/6 should focus on procedures by Capital Police to prepare for a riot, and Congressional leadership to review and set in place procedures for securing the Capital grounds.

Meanwhile, charge and try the idiots who trespassed, destroyed property, rioted, or assaulted anyone.

The rest of the noise is all political, and aimed at smearing Trump.
I am beginning to think Garland is just a scared little p—-y and can’t be counted on to do his job. I would be surprised if he does anything at this point.
Be patient. This is a very big deal, it must be done meticulously and in a way that is iron clad. He knows his stuff....be patient.
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. If you do, you are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, so too can these protests. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway and thought we would all be better off without it, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!
Who knows what they'll do? Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they keep the dog and pony show going...but change its direction. You know, toward the Capitol Police, Nancy, the DC Mayor...maybe even subpoena documents, video and testimony from the FBI and DOJ.

You'll be okay with that, I'm sure.
It’s a very short sighted approach. They seem to think they are the only ones capable of playing dirty, and mistake patience and repeated forebearance with weakness.
Some humans be like that.

I don't know if it's how they were brought up or some kind of instinctual thing.
Well, why not?

The Dems in 2020 swept the lawlessness of riots and arson and even murder under the rug.

What is good for the goose is ...
Well, why not?

The Dems in 2020 swept the lawlessness of riots and arson and even murder under the rug.

What is good for the goose is ...
Really! That's how it works? That's how you want your country to be? I feel very sorry for you.
Well, why not?

The Dems in 2020 swept the lawlessness of riots and arson and even murder under the rug.

What is good for the goose is ...
This is why the nation is screwed.

Too many people on both sides with the "well the other side's doing it too!" party before country mentality.
Certainly seems like it based on all they have said so far.

But remember: two can play that game. If you do, you are going to have so many “stop the steal” movements all over the country on your hands, from the local to the federal level, you won’t know which end is up.

We will play “be like Trump”, because obviously it’s a model which is proving to work very well. We will call any election we don’t like “rigged” and call to “stop the steal”. The crowd turnouts will be the largest in history, believe me! We will threaten to hang public officials and disrupt government functioning.

We may or may not be armed with firearms and heavy weaponry. You won’t really know. But it’s none of your business, because after all the whole purpose of firearms by the Second Amendment is to take down governments any time we don’t like it, right? So we will just be practicing our Second Amendment rights, and it’s none of your business if we are heavily armed or not.

We will then pretend it was just a peaceful protest or just a friendly tour of the state and federal government buildings. And if 1/6 can be overlooked, so too can these protests. The legal precedent will have been set. It will all just get brushed under the rug, and this will be the routine new way government functions (or not) here in the United States. Don’t go crying to the courts at that point. But hey, you never liked Government anyway and thought we would all be better off without it, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

You ready to play that game? Hey it’ll be fun!
Maybe just throw it in the trashcan of life. You guys have been trying for over a year and have produces squat. Face it, it's yet another LW wet dream that produces nothing but sticky sheets.
This is why the nation is screwed.

Too many people on both sides with the "well the other side's doing it too!" party before country mentality.

Insurrection, or calling any election you don’t like rigged, has only been done by only one side- well, at least so far. But if you really like playing this game, you should get ready to really play it. Turns out both sides can take turns. Should be fun- we can show the world how American democracy really works and what the founding fathers really intended- complete with firearms any time we don’t like Government and and watering the tree of liberty with blood frequently.
It will never be mentioned by anyone in the next Republican administration. Seldom will it ever be mentioned by any elected republican, period.
Yes, they will. I don't agree with the rest of the OP.
Maybe just throw it in the trashcan of life. You guys have been trying for over a year and have produces squat. Face it, it's yet another LW wet dream that produces nothing but sticky sheets.

On the contrary- no administration in the history of this country has ever produced so many convicts, felons, and indictments. If we are fishing, it’s been a very bountiful fishing expedition so far indeed; and to think we are just getting started.

But you know what happens when people cannot look to the government for justice anymore and have to take the law to their own hands? Even more bountiful fishing expeditions.
Some humans be like that.

I don't know if it's how they were brought up or some kind of instinctual thing.

It’s mob psychology- coming from being under the spell of a corrupt cult prophet ready to burn the country to the ground for his own personal power and greedy cable “news networks” ready to sell their soul for ratings.

Here’s to hoping the spell breaks soon. Couldn’t be soon enough.

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