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Are Republicans actually conservative? (1 Viewer)


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Aug 17, 2005
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How is it that a; President presides over one of the worst economic periods in American history, and during which, goes on a 4 your wild goose chase halfway across the globe for some guy who may or may not be alive in some mountains; also launches a war for some reason (I'm not exactly which is the reason du jour this week), spending literally the kingdoms fortune, or more literally, borrowing more than the kingdom can pay back; presiding over the shredding the Constitution, and still be considered a Conservative icon?

Listen, for the sake of our nation, these jokers in Washington are no longer representing us, the people. It's not being a "traitor" to say so, its just finally waking up from this induced haze they have us in. And it's not a Democrat or Republican, or Conservative vs. Liberal thing. They've hoodwinked all of us into arguing with each other while they steal our tax dollars. George W. is not "the Great Uniter", nor did he ever want to be. Both sides are barking loudly at each other while the criminal slips out the window unnoticed...
I would also like to add that Im not a Democrat either, so the topic title might be misleading. In fact, my Democratic state senators and some of the representatives are junk.

I am a very liberal conservative. We need to focus on America, and fixing our sinking ship, instead of sending our sailors to bail out everyone elses. We need to live our life free of excessive government and corporate control. The Republican party no longer stands for this, for the interests of the common man. In fact, Republicans have tricked the majority of the nation into voting against their own interests.
There is no such thing as a Liberal Conservative......They are opposites....At best you are a moderate.........

That said not all Republicans are Conservative but there are a hell of a lot more Republicans that are Conservatives then there are Democrats.........In fact I can't think of one Democrat who is a Conservative on both social and political issues.........
Hrm. Well seeing as how you dont know my beliefs, how can you accurately tell me what I believe?

I mean, I guess I could say Im a very moderate conservative, but that doesnt reallly fit with what I believe. I belive in some Conservative concepts (guns, military, smaller government) and some Liberal (pro choice, multiculturalism and multifaith (no 10 Commandments!), pro working man).
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porkchopexpress said:
Hrm. Well seeing as how you dont know my beliefs, how can you accurately tell me what I believe?

I mean, I guess I could say Im a very moderate conservative, but that doesnt reallly fit with what I believe. I belive in some Conservative concepts (guns, military, smaller government) and some Liberal (pro choice, multiculturalism and multifaith (no 10 Commandments!), pro working man).

The point I am trying to make to you is you can't be a liberal conservative.......They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.......You can be a moderate (John Breax) or a moderate liberal (Joe leiberman) or a moderate conservative(Evan Bayh)..........But a liberal is a liberal (John Kerry) and a Conservative is a conservative (George Allen)..........
Why is there even a thread on a topic like this? This is a waiste of human time. I am going to let my dog discuss this topic cause this is rediculous:screwy
How so skilmatic? Can you refute anything I said? Or is your specialty just misspelling and snide comments?
Wel aktualy I neva mispel a werd. :lol:

But to answer your question I really could care less on a debate on if conservatives are really republican or vice versa. We could be discussing this till the world ends and this topic will have nothing to do with making this world a better place. All it is is a endless ******* contest nothing more. Get over yourself.
porkchopexpress said:
How so skilmatic? Can you refute anything I said? Or is your specialty just misspelling and snide comments?

You have provided no sources but ask for them from others?

You complain of "snide comments" and use phrases like "wild goose chase" and "shredding the Constitution" & "these jokers in Washington"?

Doesn't work that way here....You show some respect and intelligence, you'll be likely to get some inreturn...

But to start out spewing agenda driven rhetoric and snide comments will equally result in the same....garbage in; garbage out.
Awwe man *******isnt a bad word,:lol:

Gotta learn how to work around the rules....like the United Nations...


Got it, $hithead?:rofl
Gotta learn how to work around the rules....like the United Nations...


Got it, $hithead?

Hey that was a great anecdote there. You mind if I use ot sometime on some of my college peers? :lol:
Hey that was a great anecdote there. You mind if I use ot sometime on some of my college peers? :lol:

Not a prob...I'll let you know when I have copyright protection.:smile:
porkchopexpress said:
Hrm. Well seeing as how you dont know my beliefs, how can you accurately tell me what I believe?

I mean, I guess I could say Im a very moderate conservative, but that doesnt reallly fit with what I believe. I belive in some Conservative concepts (guns, military, smaller government) and some Liberal (pro choice, multiculturalism and multifaith (no 10 Commandments!), pro working man).
Let me take a shot at this.You can be physcally conservative like tax cutts and smaller gov. while socially liberal like pro-choice, higher taxes,pro-pc stuff, running our country into the ground(just kidding). You would probably like Bill O'reilly on Fox news.
porkchopexpress said:
How is it that a; President presides over one of the worst economic periods in American history, and during which, goes on a 4 your wild goose chase halfway across the globe for some guy who may or may not be alive in some mountains; also launches a war for some reason (I'm not exactly which is the reason du jour this week), spending literally the kingdoms fortune, or more literally, borrowing more than the kingdom can pay back; presiding over the shredding the Constitution, and still be considered a Conservative icon?
Have you seen the numbers on the economy?Unemployment is near 5%( it used to be said that you could consider 5.7% full employment) New jobs are being created every month. Home sales are up. The crime rate is down. The economy is growing and the deficit is shrinking. Pres. Bush does not get the credit for it because of the liberal media.
Have you seen the numbers on the economy?Unemployment is near 5%( it used to be said that you could consider 5.7% full employment) New jobs are being created every month. Home sales are up. The crime rate is down. The economy is growing and the deficit is shrinking. Pres. Bush does not get the credit for it because of the liberal media.

This is so true and I aint even a bush lover. But I can sure read numbers. I personally have never had a problem finding a job anywhere.

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