aps said:
When we thought that Saddam Hussein had WMDs that could be used against us, sure, we supported the war. Personally, I never thought that,
Really? And what led you to that conclusion when everyone else, the US intelligence, the UN inspectors, the French, the Germans, the Russians, the Clinton administration, everyone said he did have them. You must have had something really good to lead you to buck the comventional wisdom. What was it?
but regardless, Americans believed our president and his adminstration when they warned us of Iraq'a capabilities.
And every other intelligence agency. And in fact the capabilities were proven along with the desire. The only thing we didn't find were completed weapons and boiling cauldrons of chemical and biological weapons.
But we get out there and there are no WMDs to be found. Huh? So how was Iraq/Saddam Hussein a threat to us?
Read the Kay and Duelfer reports and the Senate Hearing reports and the 9/11 commission reports. His plan was to ge the sanctions ended so he could presue his interest which included producing WMD and furthering his ties with terrorist groups. And he had progressed pretty far into that plan.
Frankly, I don't care about the Iraqis and what Saddam was doing to them.
So much for freedom and liberty for oppressed peoples I guess.
I do care about sending our troops to invade a country that wasn't a threat to us to begin with,
He was not only a threat to us but the entire region and the entire world. Had he been successful in his plan, which he would have been had we not used force to stop him, the entire world would be a much more dangerous place.
I truly believe that Bush exaggerated the evidence to support this war. He was talking about going after Saddam Hussein in January 2001--right after he was inaugurated.
It was the policy of the United States, instituted under the Clinton administration, to remove him. And Bush and his administration only stated what everyone else believed. The fact is we still don't know what happened to all the materials the UN Inspectors said he had. The fact is once the sanctions were lifted he would have been right back into full production of WMD.
Oh how petty.
We have insurgents in Iraq NOW because we invaded there. They weren't there before our invasion.
And we had Alqaeda and Hamas and others there before and we would have had more of them there had we not removed Saddam. Where do you think the Taliban and Alqaeda would have run to from Afghanistan if Saddam was still in power? Iraq.
Who is here to protect us here if we get a terrorist attack?
The same people who would be protecting us if we weren't in Iraq.
Everything isn't necessarily one way or another. I understand why people say that those of us who do not support the war still support our troops. If you see that things are only the way you see them, that seems small-minded to me.
Do you want our soldiers to win or do you want them to lose? That is the telling point as to whether you support them.