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Are Muslims saved? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Ok, so, most of us know that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share some fundamental principles and the like.

so, according to Christanity, Jews are saved, so, are Muslims saved?

Since Islam does accept jesus died and rose (I do believe anyway), wouldn't they be saved anyway? Even though they believe in the teachings of mohammed also?

I think so.
According to Christianity, Jews arn't saved either because they don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah.

but anywayz...
Muslems believe that Jesus was a prophet, lesser then mohommad, who didn't die for mans sins.
They also only believe in God as one, not the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

They also believe everyone is born innocent, and all sins can be wiped away by acts of the will, while Christians believe that we are all born with sin.

They also believe that Allah doesnt love those who do wrong, everyone must earn their own salvation. Christians believe that a loving God sent his Son to die for our sins, so we are able to share in his presence once again, because he delights in us :)

Although the Quran which has ideas all credited to God, Muhummad had dictacted parts of Quran, while the rest were written by his followers years later. The Quran jumps from palce to place lacking narrtive unity.

So Basiccaly, I dont believe they are saved.
technicly they are not saved as are everyone but christians (according to christianity)....but as the bible says....God is merciful.
NOBODY is saved. All religion is crap and as Lenin wisely put it, it is the opiate of the masses. Religion is pure bullshite and the cause of most of the evil in the world.

When you are dead, they will roll you into that hole in the ground and that's the end of it. Period. End of discussion. Finis. Turn out the lights. It's all over. There are no 72 virgins. No heavenly mansions; nobody playing harps and all of that silly childish nonsense.

Nobody really knows how we got here or the ultimate answers, but it sure isn't found in some "holy" book concocted by some religious hustlers who are on a mission from "God."
teenonfire4him77 said:
According to Christianity, Jews arn't saved either because they don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah.

Thats not true. In Revelations the first to ascend to heaven are members of the 12 original tribes of Israel..which are all jewish. No one knows who is written in the Book of Life but Revelations tells us that everyone will have a chance to repent in the end times.
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GOd the almighty is my maker
but Religion thats evil

very very evil
its used to control the masses and to get otherwise rational people to do irational things
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Thats not true. In Revelations the first to ascend to heaven are members of the 12 original tribes of Israel..which are all jewish. No one knows who is written in the Book of Life but Revelations tells us that everyone will have a chance to repent in the end times.
Well, for me, I take the bok of Revelations symbolic. (although i think some of the events have already played out)

Of course everyone is given a fair chance, that is why Jesus said that He will not come again until everyone hears about him, then given the chance to refuse or accept...giving a chance.
Read 2 Timothy 3, seems like we been in the end times for a while...:shock:
teenonfire4him77 said:
Well, for me, I take the bok of Revelations symbolic. (although i think some of the events have already played out)

Of course everyone is given a fair chance, that is why Jesus said that He will not come again until everyone hears about him, then given the chance to refuse or accept...giving a chance.
Read 2 Timothy 3, seems like we been in the end times for a while...:shock:

Lol..people thought the end times were upon us 5 years ago, 100 years ago, 1500 years ago, etc etc. It doesn't really matter when. That bit about jesus not comming again until everyone hears about him isn't really true. It says in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"
There is a great deal of conflict within the scripture on this subject.
Saved from what? Eternal heaven or hell?

There is no such thing. It is nothing but a fairy tale that weak minded people believe.
I think the big cheese would take a good Muslim over a bad Christian everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
cnredd said:
I think the big cheese would take a good Muslim over a bad Christian everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.

The trick is knowing who the "good Muslims" are. Even "bad Christians" aren't blowing up people at random and flying airbombs into office buildings.
Missouri Mule said:
The trick is knowing who the "good Muslims" are. Even "bad Christians" aren't blowing up people at random and flying airbombs into office buildings.

No, they are calling for assasinations of political leaders.
kal-el said:
No, they are calling for assasinations of political leaders.

Robertson? Gimme a break. He's a fruitcake. Besides, he hasn't been flying airbombs into office buildings. When that happens, be sure to let me know; OK?
Missouri Mule said:
Robertson? Gimme a break. He's a fruitcake. Besides, he hasn't been flying airbombs into office buildings. When that happens, be sure to let me know; OK?

If we lived in a primitive society, I'm sure he would.
kal-el said:
If we lived in a primitive society, I'm sure he would.

I doubt it. He was too much a coward that his daddy got him off the hook in the Korean War. I'll believe this is a valid comparison when he starts recruiting "holy" warriors who blow themselves up among innocent people. Call me when that happens, OK?
kal-el said:
If we lived in a primitive society, I'm sure he would.
Is this from the same person who started the thread "L.A. Riots"?

When have humans acted in any other way than "primitive"?:confused:
Missouri Mule said:
I doubt it. He was too much a coward that his daddy got him off the hook in the Korean War. I'll believe this is a valid comparison when he starts recruiting "holy" warriors who blow themselves up among innocent people. Call me when that happens, OK?

Sure thing.

Originally posted by cnredd
Is this from the same person who started the thread "L.A. Riots"?

When have humans acted in any other way than "primitive"?

You're right, all humans are primitive, but they cover that up,and act civilized(for the most part). When man-made, or natual disasters leave behind chaos, their true colors become apparent.
kal-el said:
You're right, all humans are primitive, but they cover that up,and act civilized(for the most part). When man-made, or natual disasters leave behind chaos, their true colors become apparent.
The words here have been used correctly...

"act civilized"...

Paraphrasing George Carlin...

Look how dumb the average person is...

Realize that means half of the people are dumber than THAT!
Missouri Mule said:
The trick is knowing who the "good Muslims" are. Even "bad Christians" aren't blowing up people at random and flying airbombs into office buildings.

Hmmm....Instresting because the leader of the KKK is an ordained Baptist Minister......so I see plenty of Hate being spewed by "Bad Christians"

Surenderer said:
Hmmm....Instresting because the leader of the KKK is an ordained Baptist Minister......so I see plenty of Hate being spewed by "Bad Christians"


I haven't kept up with the KKK. What's his name and what actual denomination is he exactly? "Baptist" covers a broad spectrum, if in fact that is what he is. We can fairly certain that he is isn't part of the National Baptist group.
ok wow...so back on topic...

Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Lol..people thought the end times were upon us 5 years ago, 100 years ago, 1500 years ago, etc etc. It doesn't really matter when. That bit about jesus not comming again until everyone hears about him isn't really true. It says in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"
There is a great deal of conflict within the scripture on this subject.
Actually it doesnt conflict, if you readi n context, it is not literally people do not know 'of' God, it means know him as in engaging in that personal relationship and believing in him, and allowign him to work in you

Lebanon was ruled by ruthless fundamental/radical christians.

Guess you never bothered to hear about Sudan's civil war...christian suicide bombers all over.

Osama is just like them, he's just non-christian, so of course in a western christian society we're going to make him out to be evil. Well, he is, but he doesn't represent the rest of islam does he? I doubt it. Thats like me saying the church of scientology is the core representation of christianity.
teenonfire4him77 said:
ok wow...so back on topic...

Actually it doesnt conflict, if you readi n context, it is not literally people do not know 'of' God, it means know him as in engaging in that personal relationship and believing in him, and allowign him to work in you

Thats not neccessarily true. Read it again in it's proper context. "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"
The coma cleary seperates "them that know not God" and "they that obey not the gospel." This is old english, you have to translate it accordingly. In addition..this verse really isn't true. Revelations tells us that some will be permitted to repent during the tribulation.

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