so are Ghosts Real?
well here are some of the things that just doesn't make sense at all.
there is this show called TAPS, or maybe the show was named differently, but the Team was called TAPS, and they try to find evidence of ghost activity...but i realized somethings about this.
Why does every piece of ghost evidence have to be in the dark? why not during the day?
why are they assuming that ghosts like to be more active during the night?(you'll notice they'll always do the ghost hunts during the night)...where is the sense in assuming this?
is it because the chance of capturing real evidence is better during the night? what is the logical sense in assuming this? Do they do it during the night just because everyone else is doing it during the night? that right there is stupid logic.
I wonder if there is a professional ghost hunter who will do it during the day for once, unlike these so called TAPS poeple.
a Human Ghost is the same as us right? hopefully your IQ don't goto hell when you die, so im sure if a human ghost do exist, wouldn't you think atleast one out of THOUSANDS who die constantly each year would like to prove it to the world that ghosts DO exist? Thus, im already somewhat assuming that when you become a Ghost, you are officially in a Vegetative state, that or possibly the energy(soul?) in your body just scatters and you no longer exist, That or you are reincarnated..That or you goto some higher plane called heaven..etc etc.
let me tell you this, If i were a ghost, and IF i could move objects around, and IF i wasn't a Vegetative state and IF my IQ hasn't gone to hell,..and IF i really wanted to prove it to the world...i would do it during the Day and perform something right in front of a ghost hunter's videocam...and Not do it during the night when its dark and allow a ghost hunter to video record me 20 feet away so its obscure enough that its very hard to tell if it is real or not....
...now, despite what i said,there are other variables to consider...
lets assume that perhaps there are good reasons why a human ghost could never help the living world prove the existence of them,
maybe those ghosts who can interact on our plane..moving objects around, slamming doors, the ability to somewhat materialize transparently..etc, is a rare ability, and coincidently that such rare abilities happen to be ghosts that are Nightlovers and just hate the day time to move objects around...
What are your thoughts about Ghosts?
well here are some of the things that just doesn't make sense at all.
there is this show called TAPS, or maybe the show was named differently, but the Team was called TAPS, and they try to find evidence of ghost activity...but i realized somethings about this.
Why does every piece of ghost evidence have to be in the dark? why not during the day?
why are they assuming that ghosts like to be more active during the night?(you'll notice they'll always do the ghost hunts during the night)...where is the sense in assuming this?
is it because the chance of capturing real evidence is better during the night? what is the logical sense in assuming this? Do they do it during the night just because everyone else is doing it during the night? that right there is stupid logic.
I wonder if there is a professional ghost hunter who will do it during the day for once, unlike these so called TAPS poeple.
a Human Ghost is the same as us right? hopefully your IQ don't goto hell when you die, so im sure if a human ghost do exist, wouldn't you think atleast one out of THOUSANDS who die constantly each year would like to prove it to the world that ghosts DO exist? Thus, im already somewhat assuming that when you become a Ghost, you are officially in a Vegetative state, that or possibly the energy(soul?) in your body just scatters and you no longer exist, That or you are reincarnated..That or you goto some higher plane called heaven..etc etc.
let me tell you this, If i were a ghost, and IF i could move objects around, and IF i wasn't a Vegetative state and IF my IQ hasn't gone to hell,..and IF i really wanted to prove it to the world...i would do it during the Day and perform something right in front of a ghost hunter's videocam...and Not do it during the night when its dark and allow a ghost hunter to video record me 20 feet away so its obscure enough that its very hard to tell if it is real or not....
...now, despite what i said,there are other variables to consider...
lets assume that perhaps there are good reasons why a human ghost could never help the living world prove the existence of them,
maybe those ghosts who can interact on our plane..moving objects around, slamming doors, the ability to somewhat materialize transparently..etc, is a rare ability, and coincidently that such rare abilities happen to be ghosts that are Nightlovers and just hate the day time to move objects around...
What are your thoughts about Ghosts?