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Are Ghosts Real? (1 Viewer)



so are Ghosts Real?

well here are some of the things that just doesn't make sense at all.

there is this show called TAPS, or maybe the show was named differently, but the Team was called TAPS, and they try to find evidence of ghost activity...but i realized somethings about this.

Why does every piece of ghost evidence have to be in the dark? why not during the day?

why are they assuming that ghosts like to be more active during the night?(you'll notice they'll always do the ghost hunts during the night)...where is the sense in assuming this?

is it because the chance of capturing real evidence is better during the night? what is the logical sense in assuming this? Do they do it during the night just because everyone else is doing it during the night? that right there is stupid logic.

I wonder if there is a professional ghost hunter who will do it during the day for once, unlike these so called TAPS poeple.

a Human Ghost is the same as us right? hopefully your IQ don't goto hell when you die, so im sure if a human ghost do exist, wouldn't you think atleast one out of THOUSANDS who die constantly each year would like to prove it to the world that ghosts DO exist? Thus, im already somewhat assuming that when you become a Ghost, you are officially in a Vegetative state, that or possibly the energy(soul?) in your body just scatters and you no longer exist, That or you are reincarnated..That or you goto some higher plane called heaven..etc etc.

let me tell you this, If i were a ghost, and IF i could move objects around, and IF i wasn't a Vegetative state and IF my IQ hasn't gone to hell,..and IF i really wanted to prove it to the world...i would do it during the Day and perform something right in front of a ghost hunter's videocam...and Not do it during the night when its dark and allow a ghost hunter to video record me 20 feet away so its obscure enough that its very hard to tell if it is real or not....

...now, despite what i said,there are other variables to consider...

lets assume that perhaps there are good reasons why a human ghost could never help the living world prove the existence of them,

maybe those ghosts who can interact on our plane..moving objects around, slamming doors, the ability to somewhat materialize transparently..etc, is a rare ability, and coincidently that such rare abilities happen to be ghosts that are Nightlovers and just hate the day time to move objects around...:confused:

What are your thoughts about Ghosts?
i hate when people say that ghosts aren't real, how can you not believe in them? I have seen them enough to know that they are real. don't care if you think i am crazy but i have seen them.
I believe the TAPS guys work as plumbers during the day, so night is all they have time for.

The best part about the ghost mystery is we all get to find out the answer eventually.
i think that your theory about the TAPS guys has some holes. anyway, yeah it is cool that we all get to find out for ourselves wheither we believe in ghosts/spirits or not. just to let you know, yeah they do exist.
i was thinking about being a "ghost hunter" after high school, so don't criticize. :cool:
They are a product of peoples imagination. Religious people mostly. I think they believe in the holy ghost.

Good grief, what ever happened to reality?
Old and wise said:
They are a product of peoples imagination. Religious people mostly. I think they believe in the holy ghost.

Good grief, what ever happened to reality?

I don't thinks so..alot of churchgoers think they have something to do with the devil I think. The original post has many good points and I agree with many of them .However I have seen a few strange things along life's journey that I will never understand , so I never doubt anyone else's perception of things . One thing I will say , I have lost many loved ones in my life and many of them great believers in the afterlife and that sort of thing , I feel sure had it been possible to come back as a ghost they would have done so to prove the doubters wrong .:smile:
They definately do exist. I used to be an avid ghost hunter. The reason the vast majority of ghost appearances happen at night is because the hour when the ghosts are most visible is between 1 and 1:30 AM, don't ask me why. If you start hunting them you start seeing them more and more, even if you're not looking for them, at which point you can start seeing them in the daytime.
galenrox said:
They definately do exist. I used to be an avid ghost hunter. The reason the vast majority of ghost appearances happen at night is because the hour when the ghosts are most visible is between 1 and 1:30 AM, don't ask me why. If you start hunting them you start seeing them more and more, even if you're not looking for them, at which point you can start seeing them in the daytime.

Hi galenrox where you by any chance playing in a band at the time
of your ghost hunting exploits ? nudge nudge .
Why don't you lie down on the couch and tell uncle windy all
about it ? Did the grass smell sweetly on those nights galen ;) ;)
If I could come back as a ghost, I'd like to be an incubus!

You know, one of those demons that lies on sleeping women for the purposes of...well..gee...you know...LOL!

I attended one seance once, where the one leading the seance was supposed to have the 'gift.' We were calling Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones who had died. I will never attend another one. Something was happening to me, and I didn't like it, an extra heartbeat in my chest... a faint beat, then growing stronger...not in rhythm with my own... and I fought it, and broke the circle...everyone thought I was kidding, but I knew it was real.

I'm not lying about this....I've also seen faries, or small sprites, or spirits come in through my window at night...about 1-2 feet tall...when I was a child...on numerous occassions....I've read "abduction" books that sound similar to this experience, and I did live close to an AF base...but luckily I no longer have these experiences.

I think as we grow older we often lose the child-like ability to see and hear things that adults do not.

If you've ever lived with a cat...you know there are times when they will suddenly and very intently stare at something that we cannot see.

And no, I was not tripping on acid on any of these occassions! LOL

One more quick story...I was walking with a girlfriend at night who had a small 2 year old daughter. Out of the blue...this daughter says..."You know, the stars were alot brighter in my other life."

True story. I swear to God and everything sacred in this world.
I don't doubt you or galenrox believe me ..
hes a great guy and its just my sense of humour ..:lol:
These stories are incredible though arn't they ?
I once went to a spiritual medium school ...The lights were turned out
and only a small red light burned in this huge old Victorian building .
We sat in a large room which was unheated and smelt musty.
In the centre of the circle which numbered about 30 people or more,
was a small table covered with a cloth. On it lay a silver trumpet
and two other articles which I cant remember.
We sat there for an hour or more whilst a little old lady waited by
the table patiently waiting for a spirit to lift this trumpet and play it .
Whilst she did this she went to each person in turn and told them
about their 'spirit guides' she muttered i see a monkey on your
shoulder sir as she walked past a distinguished looking gent.
How this monkey was meant to tell him anything is beyond
reason... it belonged to the lady that was sat next to him he said .
By the time it had come around to me I was hurting with stifled
laughter . The handkerchief I had stuffed in my mouth had all but
dissolved and through the eerie darkness I could just see the
disdainful look on my wifes face . Needless to say I have
never gone back there but it remains a fond if not unforgettable
moment in my life :lol:
Windy said:
Hi galenrox where you by any chance playing in a band at the time
of your ghost hunting exploits ? nudge nudge .
Why don't you lie down on the couch and tell uncle windy all
about it ? Did the grass smell sweetly on those nights galen ;) ;)
lol, on occasion!
No, most of the time I made it a point to be completely sober and well rested when I went, since I knew full well that if I wasn't, it would hurt my credibility when I told people about what happened.
But yeah, dead seriously, I understand doubt, but this stuff really happened!
democrat17 said:
i hate when people say that ghosts aren't real, how can you not believe in them? I have seen them enough to know that they are real. don't care if you think i am crazy but i have seen them.

How can you believe in them? Have you seen a ghost? I don't believe in anything remotely "supernatural". IMO, science can solve everything.
kal-el said:
How can you believe in them? Have you seen a ghost? I don't believe in anything remotely "supernatural". IMO, science can solve everything.

Sorry I dont believe in Science :lol:
Windy said:
Sorry I dont believe in Science :lol:

How can you not? You use it everyday without even realizing it?
kal-el said:
How can you not? You use it everyday without even realizing it?

You may apply the same analogy to the subject we are discussing :lol:
Windy said:
You may apply the same analogy to the subject we are discussing :lol:

What? I don't see ghosts, any day, nor everyday? I never seen anything supernatural. If it weren't for science and technology, you wouldn't be sitting in front of your computer typing.
kal-el said:
What? I don't see ghosts, any day, nor everyday? I never seen anything supernatural. If it weren't for science and technology, you wouldn't be sitting in front of your computer typing.

Some would argue that you do see ghost's without knowing it ..I dont thank science for this computer I thank the person who invented it .:lol:
Windy said:
Some would argue that you do see ghost's without knowing it ..I dont thank science for this computer I thank the person who invented it .:lol:

Some, but I know everyone uses science and technology everyday without being aware of it. OK, they wouldn't have invented it, without the tools at theirdisposal, that was possible thanks to science.
kal-el said:
Some, but I know everyone uses science and technology everyday without being aware of it. OK, they wouldn't have invented it, without the tools at theirdisposal, that was possible thanks to science.
I was in a car accident...

Do I get to blame science?...:confused:
kal-el said:
Some, but I know everyone uses science and technology everyday without being aware of it. OK, they wouldn't have invented it, without the tools at theirdisposal, that was possible thanks to science.

I see your point but don't agree ..
I and many others I suppose, don't go around
thanking science for everything .
Indeed the people who invented everyday things
only did so out of need ..
necessity is the mother of invention' not science .
A good scientist would not disclaim anything without proof .
Einstein himself worked out mathematically that the probability
of there being a creator far outweighed the numbers against .
Science like religion has done some wonderful things but the
nature of man is such, that much of what could have been
good ends up bad .:2razz:
cnredd said:
I was in a car accident...

Do I get to blame science?...:confused:

:rofl well said :rofl
cnredd said:
I was in a car accident...

Do I get to blame science?...:confused:

Are you gonna blame ghosts? Please,you might as well as blame Santa Clause.
kal-el said:
Are you gonna blame ghosts? Please,you might as well as blame Santa Clause.

Up to now you have given an inteligent debate ,,dont spoil it kal-el :2razz:
Windy said:
Up to now you have given an inteligent debate ,,dont spoil it kal-el :2razz:

That's true though. If you like to pretend ghosts are indeed real, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy must be real too.:2razz:
kal-el said:
That's true though. If you like to pretend ghosts are indeed real, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy must be real too.:2razz:

You have spoiled a good debate . Can you disprove that the Easter Bunny does not exist ?:confused:

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