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are gay people less violent? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2012
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The darkside of the moon
Political Leaning
I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.
I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.

why do you think they are gay ?

Of course. Homosexuals are effeminate almost-men. They can't physically compete for women, so they turn their attention to other weak, effeminate almost-men.
Are gay people less violent?
Gay women aren't.

Mother of God. Not at all.
I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.

People are people, which means some are more violent and some are less violent than others. Still it is somewhat silly to think that merely because someone is homosexual (either gay or lesbian) they are inherently less violent than heterosexuals.

First you need to recognize that homosexuals make up a fairly tiny percentage of the total population. As a result, just as a relatively small percentage of the heterosexual population frequently act in an overtly violent manner you will also see a relatively smaller percentage of the homosexual population frequently egaging in overtly violent acts.

In the second place, your anecdotal evidence is merely that...anecdotal from personal experience. I have seen all sorts of violent behavior among gays and lesbians in my forays into their scene; this incudes domestic violence between couples.

So to address your original point? No, I don't presume that homosexuals are less violent than any other people. Instead I assume that they are exactly like any other people and can react with violence if they believe the circumstances require or compel it.
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I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.

You're basing all this on your own personal experience.

I would suggest your sampling is insufficient.
There are numerous factors that cause people to engage in violent behaviour. These factors may be cultural, developmental or psychological. As a general rule the cultural factors relating to environment and peer pressure probably do mitigate against people who live an openly gay life, in a network of regular gay interaction from acting violently.

It's my experience that violence is less tolerated in gay social circles than in many predominantly straight ones. The developmental and psychological factors however appear to me to be pretty much the same for gay and straight people. If you grow up in an environment where violence flourishes, then you might find yourself learning to deal with issues in a violent way. Of course, you may go the opposite way and have a greater aversion to violence as a result - everyone's different.

Psychological issues of anxiety, depression, aggression and frustration can also lead to violent outcomes, and I can't see how one's sexual orientation makes a huge difference to that.

I've known many, many cases of domestic violence within lesbian and gay relationships; I think it's quite an issue although there are those in the community who would prefer that we didn't discuss it for fear of giving the wrong impression. Because of this, I reckon LGBT domestic violence is often swept under the carpet in a way that isn't as common in straight relationships any more.
You sound as though you have a personal experience regarding this. Please do tell.
I'll just say that whatever graces may be conferred by a certain orientation, if any, placidity is not among them.
I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.

Getting kick around again huh. It sounds like you are doing a little random intellectual rambling, which is fine and actually quite interesting. If we are going to just speculate and play with this notion based on nothing other than personal observations, therefore not promote opinions as factual just a little harmless speculation....then I would agree with you.

If there is any truth to it statistically I would speculate that, based on my personal experience, most gay men I know or have known are more self actualized on the whole. They understand their own sexuality better for the most part. So perhaps the silly ego driven competitive pissing contests that hetero men tend to engage in just aren't necessary.
Gay people are just as violent as anybody else. Its just that gays make up such a small part of society so there isn't as much violence committed by gay people. But i am willing to Betty the percentages are about the same. there is a floor in the jail in my county that is designated strictly fur gay people. There are violent offenders there. Again the population on that floor is much smaller but that only really indicates that the gay population is smaller.
I do kind of wonder, given the history of civil rights abuses gays have suffered worldwide throughout history, why I have never heard of a gay terrorist group.
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I do kind of wonder, given the history of civil rights abuses gays have suffered worldwide throughout hisory, why I have never heard of a gay terrorist group.
Duh. Tea Party.
A female officer I worked with years ago was bisexual. We were pretty good friends, at least on the job.

One night I got in for shift briefing and everyone looked upset. Turns out we'd just found out our shiftmate, the female officer in question, had been shot dead in a domestic incident involving her lesbian lover.

Another lesbian officer was said to suffer frequent physical abuse from her domestic partner, but routinely refused to press charges.

That's about all the anecdotes I have on this subject, FWIW. :shrug:
I have been to a number of straight bars. The occasional fight happens. in some places it is common, and in others it is less. I have spent much more time in gay bars and clubs. I have never seen a fight in a gay place. By fight I mean physical. I have seen a number of fights in straight bars. I know gays are capable of throwing punches, it is just that I have not found it to be as common as straight people.

Then there is the domestic abuse thing. The only time I have heard of gay domestic abuse was with things like springer and the rare cops. I know plenty of straight people who have had issues with abuse. I have to admit that in this case i have not seen the actual abuse most of the time, but I am pretty sure it is not complete BS in most cases.

There just does not seem to be a large amount of violent crime committed by homosexuals. There may be other types of crime like drugs or theft, but it seems that violence is very lacking in the community. I am not complaining, i just wonder why it seems to be.
Your anecdotes do not match mine.

I have spoken with a number of homosexual couples.

Much of the violence between homosexual partners occurs behind closed doors at home.

Male homosexual couples' relationships are generally more physical, and that high degree of physicality frequently escalates to violent acting out of past un-recovered experiences.

Female homosexual couples' relationships are not as physical, but can be very verbally abusive.

Heterosexual relationships have their share of abuse and violence.

I have no information to reference at this time on the comparative percentage frequency on abuse or violence between the three types of relationships (SS-gay, SS-lesbian, OS).
A female officer I worked with years ago was bisexual. We were pretty good friends, at least on the job.

One night I got in for shift briefing and everyone looked upset. Turns out we'd just found out our shiftmate, the female officer in question, had been shot dead in a domestic incident involving her lesbian lover.

Another lesbian officer was said to suffer frequent physical abuse from her domestic partner, but routinely refused to press charges.

That's about all the anecdotes I have on this subject, FWIW. :shrug:

Are you a police officer?
From my experience, violence is just as common in homosexual relationships as heterosexual relationships. It is considerably less public. I also have noticed that since the gay community is considerably smaller and tends to be tighter than the larger community in general, that it gets noticed faster and confronted quicker.
Wow, cool I just started.

Ah. Good luck then. It can be one of the most rewarding professions there is, but also one of the most frustrating, demanding and depressing at times.

Two things to be careful of: the tendency over time to start viewing all strangers in a negative way, "assumed scumbag until proven otherwise".... and be careful to remember it isn't the thin blue line VERSUS everybody else, it is FOR everyone else... "to protect and SERVE". It is surprisingly easy to forget that in the press of events.
Ah. Good luck then. It can be one of the most rewarding professions there is, but also one of the most frustrating, demanding and depressing at times.

Two things to be careful of: the tendency over time to start viewing all strangers in a negative way, "assumed scumbag until proven otherwise".... and be careful to remember it isn't the thin blue line VERSUS everybody else, it is FOR everyone else... "to protect and SERVE". It is surprisingly easy to forget that in the press of events.

Yeah i want to try very hard to never forget that.
Yeah i want to try very hard to never forget that.

I was a true believer when I was sworn in; "to protect and serve" was written on the inside of my eyeballs. I was very eager to throw myself between an honest citizen and danger.

And I did, a couple times... but it was depressing to find out how rarely we really get to do that, and how often we just clean up after and fill out paperwork like an insurance adjuster.

After a few years, the daily grind starts to get to you and it is easy to get disillusioned. Got to stay focused on why you do what you do.

Well anyway enough sermon from me.... good luck, be safe, and best to you. Go out there and make a difference... you may actually get a chance to once in a while.

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