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Are Fox news people that stupid? (1 Viewer)

He made several serious and good points.

You had nothing in response.

Everyone saw that.
Nah it's nonsense.

Bill Burr described him perfectly. Did you watch?
Its just a fact.

Here is Bill Burr talking about you and people like you.

Awesome a democrat calling me an idiot. On a Democrat propaganda show. Never would have believed that lol.

I can and have explained exactly how things could have been done much better with facts. Plenty of Californians who have been burnt out of house and home who say the exact opposite. They say houses burned due to lack of water pressure and lack of water itself. Same folks say Kalifornia is crippled by environmental activists and politicians. Not Fox, not me, but actual residents. So who do I believe? Your link from a known Democrat propagandist or these residents claiming the opposite?

So now we have to look at the evidence available. Water pressure and availability issues caused savable homes to be burned. Can’t do much about water pressure. Lack of water a different story. Did Newsome sue to stop more water? Yes he did. Was it over a fish? Yes it was.
If Fox was correct does that mean that the massively ignorant viewers are the Leftists consuming fake news?

You guys really need to quit while you are behind.

Our journalistic integrity in this nation sucks, BUT there is no question about when it comes to fake news, who sucks it worst. No one at MSNBC paid out millions if fake election coverage settlement. [nor had as many sexual harassment settlements either, but that is another threae]
MSNBC and CNN aren’t great but the level of disinformation on FoxNews and OAN is staggering.

It literally leaves anyone with an IQ above 90 bewildered as to how the major misstatements aren’t caught and jeered at by the masses as they go by.

It leaves one with the impression that the only explanation is an audience stilted in its conception thus leaned toward absolution of the bizarrely readily apparent falsehoods, the literal 2+2=5 of it, because to acknowledge it would force the observer to reject preconceptions they’ve pre-purchased into.
The TDS is strong in this one.
Then what is your point
That environmentalist’s have crippled common sense Fire and Water management across the whole ****ing state, thats what!
That environmentalist’s have crippled common sense Fire and Water management across the whole ****ing state, thats what!
The point is that California is a large state. What went on in Northern California had nothing to do with California
Bill Burr describing you.

Fortunately having researched this issue it’s clear that he is full of shit. Dozens of fire victims saying the opposite of that genius. All repeating what I said. Actually me repeating what they said after confirming it with local reporting.

Not that I give even half of a shit what he says or thinks lol. Nor do I give a shit about a state that is filled with people so ****ing stupid that they continue to elect complete moron leftists who have all but ruined the state.

Folks run from that state it’s so bad.
Fortunately having researched this issue it’s clear that he is full of shit. Dozens of fire victims saying the opposite of that genius. All repeating what I said. Actually me repeating what they said after confirming it with local reporting.

Not that I give even half of a shit what he says or thinks lol. Nor do I give a shit about a state that is filled with people so ****ing stupid that they continue to elect complete moron leftists who have all but ruined the state.

Folks run from that state it’s so bad.
You keep doubling down on the internet genius stereotype.


Give it a rest.
Nah it's nonsense.

Bill Burr described him perfectly. Did you watch?
I watched it lol. You are wrong and it’s pathetic that you don’t have the courage to rebut what I said lol.
Uptower: “Are they that stupud? No. But they believe their viewers are...”

Cameron: “And they are correct.”

I’m not going to defend Fox News, stopped watching it several years ago. But given the lies, gaslighting, and bulls*** that regularly spews forth from MSDNC, I wouldn’t exactly call that network’s viewers a bunch of Einsteins.

The TDS is strong in this one.

Sorry. I call BS. The evidence clearly in my favor. There are civil court cases on this one. Testimony. Documents. Email confessions from the like if Tucker Carlson.

TDS = when Trump supporters are delusional regarding the violation of ethics and character flaws of Trump and his minions.

You guys really need to quit while you are behind.

Our journalistic integrity in this nation sucks, BUT there is no question about when it comes to fake news, who sucks it worst. No one at MSNBC paid out millions if fake election coverage settlement. [nor had as many sexual harassment settlements either, but that is another threae]

This link also talks about the 15 million they paid out to Trump.




This link talks about the bias on both sides of the news. Yet only Fox gets spoken of when it comes to bias. In typical leftist hypocritical fashion.

MSNBC nothing?????lol



MSNBC made their employees sign non disclosure agreements lol
Yep. You are exactly who he is talking about.
And he is full of shit.

You are just incapable of debating, admit it. All you do is make these childish comparisons. Then when I call you out, you simply don’t have the integrity to debate like a man.

I made several claims that I backed with actual facts. Try explaining how those claims are wrong in your own words like an adult. Explain how palisades residents who lost everything are wrong when they say government ****ed up, as I noted. Explain why Burr’s view is correct while those actual victims saying the exact opposite are wrong.

Until you do that you have been schooled.

There is a difference between bias and flat out lying.

Fox literally got caught lying. Knowing passing fake news on the Dominion voting machine. They were successfully sued by the company and their internal emails had folks like Tucker Carlso admitting they knew the stories they were reporting were false.
The point is that California is a large state. What went on in Northern California had nothing to do with California
I accept your point as valid. That doesn’t change my point which is also valid. Do you disagree that environmentalists have crippled Forrest management efforts in that state? How about water reclamation, storage, and transfer? Everything I have read says that it has for decades. I have page after page of proof. Stories talking about water storage and Forrest management efforts delayed or stopped altogether by lawsuits from those tree huggers.

So to your face politicians say they have done all possible to be prepared for these wind driven fires. Then behind your back they fight all efforts to do so. Fake news runs cover and here we are.
You keep doubling down on the internet genius stereotype.


Give it a rest.
You keep making childish comparisons that are shit on by the facts.

I am parroting actual palisades residents who have lost everything lol. Are they internet geniuses lol?

Man up and explain what point that I made was wrong lol. Don’t call me names by proxy. Especially when incapable of rebutting what I said lol. It’s lazy and a pathetic lack of integrity.
no. Im not wrong.

I didn't read your silly internet genius nonsense.
Obviously lol. If you had perhaps you would understand how ridiculous you sound right now.

You do understand that sarcastically calling me an internet genius when I am 1000 percent correct makes you look ridiculous right? You won’t offer a rebuttal lol. Probably time to bow out.
There is a difference between bias and flat out lying.

Fox literally got caught lying. Knowing passing fake news on the Dominion voting machine. They were successfully sued by the company and their internal emails had folks like Tucker Carlso admitting they knew the stories they were reporting were false.
What I find funny is that dominion voting machines have SINCE been found, by a Georgia court, to be hackable. That court hired IT expert showed that the machines could be made to flip and change votes. They exposed the fact that the machines had a key that could do all kinds of shit with access. There were zero protection protocols for keeping the key secure. Essentially the court proved the machines were capable of being manipulated which dominion denied.

Obama got 69 million votes in 2008.
Obama got 66 million votes in 2012.
Hillary got 65 million votes in 2016.
Biden got 81 million votes in 2020.
Harris got 75 million votes in 2024.

The accusation of voter machine fraud came in which election? Just so happens it’s the election that possibly the worst Democrat candidate in history was running. The largest mail in ballot election. The dominion machine election.

Biden couldn’t get 200 people at his rallies. He had zero enthusiasm. He wouldn’t leave his basement. Yet he got more votes that one of the best democrat candidates in history, Barrack Obama. I call bullshit. Biden got 16 million more votes than Hillary. A rotten Bitch yes but smart and articulate. I call bullshit.

They rigged the ****ing election is the only explanation. The machines were certainly capable according to that Georgia court.
I accept your point as valid. That doesn’t change my point which is also valid. Do you disagree that environmentalists have crippled Forrest management efforts in that state? How about water reclamation, storage, and transfer? Everything I have read says that it has for decades. I have page after page of proof. Stories talking about water storage and Forrest management efforts delayed or stopped altogether by lawsuits from those tree huggers.

So to your face politicians say they have done all possible to be prepared for these wind driven fires. Then behind your back they fight all efforts to do so. Fake news runs cover and here we are.
I think it all has to do with water needed for farming in the North. I think maybe we should just leave mother nature alone. The problems we have with our environment is all man made
Funny, I never hear a word about all the destruction in red States after a serious hurricane blaming governors for allowing habitation in very vulnerable areas near the ocean. Nor do I hear any blame for the shaby and vulnerable structures poor people are forced to live in.

Yes, that is funny. I heard a lot about that when the events happened.
Yes. But, FEMA money isn’t designed to and won’t even come close to actually rebuilding a house.

It might make a semi-loss inhabitable again, but I think the max payout is in the $40-45K range.

That’s not even buying a trailer to put on a lot in CA.

And it should not. No insurance, **** you.
Lost everything? Lots of people do everyday. Cry me a river.

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