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Are Fox news people that stupid? (1 Viewer)

Wow. He gave a list of examples and you were afraid to address any of them.

Everyone saw that. You didn't fool anyone.
I'm not trying to fool people. I'm not faux.
This has nothing to do with pressure. other than the line fed by that particular reservoir.

Closing the reservoir for repairs is standard maintenance. That the reservoir is closed doesn't mean available water wasn't stored elsewhere.

"Lack" is meaningless. Water pressure follows an equation. A drop of water exhibits water pressure.

Have you tried a rain dance?
No water in the tank obviously means NO water pressure. This doesn't mean that the pressure didn’t drop as demand exploded. The tanks ran out and the giant backup was offline for more than a year due to a tear in the cover that could contaminate the drinking water. Perfect water for irrigation or fire fighting just dumped. That the water was dumped and reservoir layed empty kinda does mean that stored water was NOT available when needed bud.
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
Look at you using your brain. You’re clearly watching the wrong channel.
They weren't empty, bro.
The Summary. Demand for water to fight the Palisades Fire led the community's water tanks to temporarily dry up. The Los Angeles Fire Department said that hampered firefighting efforts.”

Pretty sure “temporarily drying up” means no ****ing water in the tanks lol.

So yes they were empty, bud.
The Summary. Demand for water to fight the Palisades Fire led the community's water tanks to temporarily dry up. The Los Angeles Fire Department said that hampered firefighting efforts.”

Pretty sure “temporarily drying up” means no ****ing water in the tanks lol.

So yes they were empty, bud.
"Led to." Read better.
No water in the tank obviously means NO water pressure. This doesn't mean that the pressure didn’t drop as demand exploded. The tanks ran out and the giant backup was offline for more than a year due to a tear in the cover that could contaminate the drinking water. Perfect water for irrigation or fire fighting just dumped. That the water was dumped and reservoir layed empty kinda does mean that stored water was NOT available when needed bud.
Babble. No water in the pool has no effect on the water pressure in the hot water heater.
The government needs to stay out of the insurance business, use the student loan program as a example of how well the assess risk.
You believe that states such as Florida, which have various insurer-of-last-resort programs for house owners, should not do this? What are homeowners and prospective buyers supposed to do, if traditional insurance policies are not available - or are priced way out of reach?
That is all bs from the right wing media

Fact check: As wildfires rage, Trump lashes out with false claims about FEMA and California water policy​

I already posted a link that admits Newsome filed suit to stop trumps water plan.

Searches for a "water restoration declaration" preceding the ongoing wildfires yielded no results. Newsweek could not find a record of Newsom "refusing" to sign a declaration that Trump put forward during his presidential term.

Newsweek contacted a media representative for Trump via email for comment.

However, as reported by the California newspaper The Desert Sun, in 2019, Trump signed new federal regulations allowing water to flow from Northern California into the Central Valley.

Limitations on water imported from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to the Central Valley were designed to protect diminishing smelt and salmon populations.

Newsom announced a lawsuit in response, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra sued, requesting the decision to be delayed citing federal environmental violations.

The California lawsuit stated: "California has a sovereign and statutorily mandated interest in protecting species and their habitat within the state from harm.“


Seems the right wing media had this right. Seems you didn’t know. Seems your fake news garbage media didn’t tell you the whole story once again. You just got the part of the story that makes the Democrat look good lol. Just as we have been saying for years. Obviously we have a better understanding of the whole situation in California.

Probably shouldn’t talk anymore shit about Fox lol.
I already posted a link that admits Newsome filed suit to stop trumps water plan.

Searches for a "water restoration declaration" preceding the ongoing wildfires yielded no results. Newsweek could not find a record of Newsom "refusing" to sign a declaration that Trump put forward during his presidential term.

Newsweek contacted a media representative for Trump via email for comment.

However, as reported by the California newspaper The Desert Sun, in 2019, Trump signed new federal regulations allowing water to flow from Northern California into the Central Valley.

Limitations on water imported from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to the Central Valley were designed to protect diminishing smelt and salmon populations.

Newsom announced a lawsuit in response, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra sued, requesting the decision to be delayed citing federal environmental violations.

The California lawsuit stated: "California has a sovereign and statutorily mandated interest in protecting species and their habitat within the state from harm.“


Seems the right wing media had this right. Seems you didn’t know. Seems your fake news garbage media didn’t tell you the whole story once again. You just got the part of the story that makes the Democrat look good lol. Just as we have been saying for years. Obviously we have a better understanding of the whole situation in California.

Probably shouldn’t talk anymore shit about Fox lol.
The water plan could not have help Los Angeles. Read the source I posted.
That is I'm Northern CA. And had zero effect, one way or another on what happenned in LA.
It’s this mindset that is permeated through out the state. Fake news leads you to believe that democrats have done everything possible to protect the people. This is a lie. They file law suits to stop virtually anything and everything that will provide more water and lower fire risk. I even posted a link showing that most of the prescribed burns are delayed or halted all together by litigation. I posted another link showing how plans for more water storage was sued stopped. This litigation is from folks seeking to protect plants and animals.

So when Newsome says he has done all possible he is lying.
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.

MSNBC and CNN aren’t great but the level of disinformation on FoxNews and OAN is staggering.

It literally leaves anyone with an IQ above 90 bewildered as to how the major misstatements aren’t caught and jeered at by the masses as they go by.

It leaves one with the impression that the only explanation is an audience stilted in its conception thus leaned toward absolution of the bizarrely readily apparent falsehoods, the literal 2+2=5 of it, because to acknowledge it would force the observer to reject preconceptions they’ve pre-purchased into.
A regular practice in Califirnia.
Also a regular practice in California are the environmentalists delaying or stopping prescribed burns. Kalifornia is massive.

Also a regular in California are the politicians like Gavin Newsome who resist Forrest management and water reclamation & storage improvements.

As you clearly saw in the links I posted the state is stifled by environmentalists. Every attempt to improve it delayed or prevented by them. This is not reported by fake news. Instead we are fed this garbage that democrats are perfect and nothing could have been done better. As Fox exposed this is a lie. Plans for more water were prevented. Proper Forrest management slowed or prevented.

Why was the 117 million gallon reservoir closed for more than a year? Was it because of permit delays or other environmental concerns? They closed it because of a tear in the cover. A year later it’s still closed. I highly doubt its because another cover takes more than a year to produce/procure. Not reported is it? California does prescribe burns yes. They don’t report that most burns are delayed or prevented. Newsome never refused to sign a Trump water reclamation bill. It wasn’t a bill but a plan and Newsome didn’t refuse to sign on to it. What they didn’t report is that Newsome sued to stop it. Wait Fox reported it lol.
They cater to the level of the ignorance of their viewers.
If Fox was correct does that mean that the massively ignorant viewers are the Leftists consuming fake news?
faux is bullshit right wing propaganda. You've been sold a bill of goods. Get out while you can. As for the rest of the projections you posted, meh.
I posted several subjects that Fox had absolutely correct. Every one of those subjects had people like you calling Fox propagandists and liars. When I would repeat this information I was essentially told to get out while I can lol. Once it was confirmed that Fox was correct, did you apologize for your error? Did you acknowledge that your news source was the real problem? Of course you didn’t.

So once again I will tell you that the fake news you consume is essentially Democrat propaganda. You have been so brainwashed that you have shit backwards. You are so hate filled that you refuse to see the attempts to educated you on this reality. Fox will help you through your issues.
Wow. He gave a list of examples and you were afraid to address any of them.

Everyone saw that. You didn't fool anyone.
It’s a classic leftist tactic. You are correct he didn’t fool anyone.
Babble. No water in the pool has no effect on the water pressure in the hot water heater.
Another stupid example. No water in the pool means no water pressure from the pool. If the tank supplying water to those hydrants runs out then the pressure is gone. Low pressure becomes NO pressure.

Your example compares one water container to a separate water container and makes zero sense.
Wily is the term I'd use to describe Fox TV people.
Also a regular practice in California are the environmentalists delaying or stopping prescribed burns. Kalifornia is massive.

Also a regular in California are the politicians like Gavin Newsome who resist Forrest management and water reclamation & storage improvements.

As you clearly saw in the links I posted the state is stifled by environmentalists. Every attempt to improve it delayed or prevented by them. This is not reported by fake news. Instead we are fed this garbage that democrats are perfect and nothing could have been done better. As Fox exposed this is a lie. Plans for more water were prevented. Proper Forrest management slowed or prevented.

Why was the 117 million gallon reservoir closed for more than a year? Was it because of permit delays or other environmental concerns? They closed it because of a tear in the cover. A year later it’s still closed. I highly doubt its because another cover takes more than a year to produce/procure. Not reported is it? California does prescribe burns yes. They don’t report that most burns are delayed or prevented. Newsome never refused to sign a Trump water reclamation bill. It wasn’t a bill but a plan and Newsome didn’t refuse to sign on to it. What they didn’t report is that Newsome sued to stop it. Wait Fox reported it lol.
Bill Burr describing you.

Funny, I never hear a word about all the destruction in red States after a serious hurricane blaming governors for allowing habitation in very vulnerable areas near the ocean. Nor do I hear any blame for the shaby and vulnerable structures poor people are forced to live in.
That is a very silly attempt at a strawman argument. The fires currently burning in California can be fought and with some level of success alleviated by fire fighters, water dropping helicopters, tankers, etc. To a point they can also be prevented with good forest management and preparation. Hurricanes are completely nature based and you cannot send in a group of hurricane fighters to cull a hurricane. As for vulnerable areas, most regions of the US are vulnerable to one natural disaster or another, whether it's hurricanes, tornadoes, floods blizzards, earthquakes, landslides, etc. Should we just not allow anyone to build anywhere in the US?

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