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Are Fox news people that stupid? (1 Viewer)


You've been lied to. Tell the liar that he can't lie to someone who can open his door and smell the smoke.

I stopped at one crazy idea and one lie. I'm not a masochist. Deal with the reality that prescribed burns have never been stopped, are ongoing and then get back to me.

Read bud. Don’t listen to your fake news comrades and Gavin Newsome. Key paragraphs…..

“The Forest Service wants to use scientific management techniques—including logging, prescribed burns, and thinning—to treat forest fuel loads, but it is continuously thwarted by environmental activists who want to let nature take her course.

Environmentalists use administrative procedures and litigation to stop projects that would reduce fuel loads, claiming that those projects are no substitute for natural processes and that they destroy habitat for endangered species.

According to a 2015 study commissioned by the Forest Service and done by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana, between June 2012 and June 2013 administrative appeals and litigation encumbered 74 out of 125 of the proposed treatment projects in Northern Region 1—the region where many of this year's fires burned.“

Here is a paragraph or two about the delta smelt. They (California) restrict how much water can be pulled because of this fish……..

“For California farmers with thousands of acres to irrigate and millions of dollars on the line, the smelt are in the way – the state listed the species as endangered in 2009, and in effect constrained how much water can be pulled from the delta.

Now, the creatures caught in the crossfire of the state’s water wars have all but disappeared, and biologists worry that newly empowered forces within the Trump administration could usher them into oblivion.”

“In response to the federal government’s chipping away of protections for endangered fish, environmental and fishing industry groups have banded together to sue the federal government, as well, alleging that fewer protections for smelt, steelhead trout, and Chinook salmon will devastate the delta ecosystem and commercial fisheries will be the collateral.”


Yes California prescribe burns lol. They are stopped some and slowed often. They want to burn 400,000 acres a year and only get 1/4 of that between the weather and litigation.

They like to claim that the Feds stop burning yet they sue to stop them constantly.

This is called THE REST OF THE STORY aka Paul Harvey syndrome.
Yes, like confessing my sins, I get on here, tell the truth and am absolved for being honest.
Not the confession I was making light of.

I was referring to you accusing us of what you yourself are guilty of. Which happens much more often.

Read bud. Don’t listen to your fake news comrades and Gavin Newsome. Key paragraphs…..

“The Forest Service wants to use scientific management techniques—including logging, prescribed burns, and thinning—to treat forest fuel loads, but it is continuously thwarted by environmental activists who want to let nature take her course.

Environmentalists use administrative procedures and litigation to stop projects that would reduce fuel loads, claiming that those projects are no substitute for natural processes and that they destroy habitat for endangered species.

According to a 2015 study commissioned by the Forest Service and done by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana, between June 2012 and June 2013 administrative appeals and litigation encumbered 74 out of 125 of the proposed treatment projects in Northern Region 1—the region where many of this year's fires burned.“

Here is a paragraph or two about the delta smelt. They (California) restrict how much water can be pulled because of this fish……..

“For California farmers with thousands of acres to irrigate and millions of dollars on the line, the smelt are in the way – the state listed the species as endangered in 2009, and in effect constrained how much water can be pulled from the delta.

Now, the creatures caught in the crossfire of the state’s water wars have all but disappeared, and biologists worry that newly empowered forces within the Trump administration could usher them into oblivion.”

“In response to the federal government’s chipping away of protections for endangered fish, environmental and fishing industry groups have banded together to sue the federal government, as well, alleging that fewer protections for smelt, steelhead trout, and Chinook salmon will devastate the delta ecosystem and commercial fisheries will be the collateral.”


Yes California prescribe burns lol. They are stopped some and slowed often. They want to burn 400,000 acres a year and only get 1/4 of that between the weather and litigation.

They like to claim that the Feds stop burning yet they sue to stop them constantly.

This is called THE REST OF THE STORY aka Paul Harvey syndrome.
That is I'm Northern CA. And had zero effect, one way or another on what happenned in LA.

Read bud. Don’t listen to your fake news comrades and Gavin Newsome. Key paragraphs…..

“The Forest Service wants to use scientific management techniques—including logging, prescribed burns, and thinning—to treat forest fuel loads, but it is continuously thwarted by environmental activists who want to let nature take her course.

Environmentalists use administrative procedures and litigation to stop projects that would reduce fuel loads, claiming that those projects are no substitute for natural processes and that they destroy habitat for endangered species.

According to a 2015 study commissioned by the Forest Service and done by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana, between June 2012 and June 2013 administrative appeals and litigation encumbered 74 out of 125 of the proposed treatment projects in Northern Region 1—the region where many of this year's fires burned.“

Here is a paragraph or two about the delta smelt. They (California) restrict how much water can be pulled because of this fish……..

“For California farmers with thousands of acres to irrigate and millions of dollars on the line, the smelt are in the way – the state listed the species as endangered in 2009, and in effect constrained how much water can be pulled from the delta.

Now, the creatures caught in the crossfire of the state’s water wars have all but disappeared, and biologists worry that newly empowered forces within the Trump administration could usher them into oblivion.”

“In response to the federal government’s chipping away of protections for endangered fish, environmental and fishing industry groups have banded together to sue the federal government, as well, alleging that fewer protections for smelt, steelhead trout, and Chinook salmon will devastate the delta ecosystem and commercial fisheries will be the collateral.”


Yes California prescribe burns lol. They are stopped some and slowed often. They want to burn 400,000 acres a year and only get 1/4 of that between the weather and litigation.

They like to claim that the Feds stop burning yet they sue to stop them constantly.

This is called THE REST OF THE STORY aka Paul Harvey syndrome.
More lies. It's all you do. Prescribed burns have been ongoing. I CAN SMELL THEM. My oh my.



Better luck to ya.
We're back to raking the forests? ROFL
It’s called a prescribed burn lol. You left the fire help you. Educated yourself for god sake.
Don’t laugh too hard. We may be nuking some hurricanes pretty soon as well.

If you’re not grateful, he may just tell everyone to go stick some ivermectin up their behinds to help with both.
Nice to look at things with hindsight isn’t it. Covid was novel yet Trump was ridiculed for every single word or action as more and more was learned about it.

Ivermectin had shown to be very promising in “in vitro” studies. It displayed anti viral and anti inflammatory properties that gave everyone hope that it would be effective.

Hydroxychloroquine had also shown to be able to block infection in cells in an in vitro study.

“ For example, enthusiasm for hydroxychloroquine accelerated after a study showed it could block SARS-Cov-2 infection in cells derived from monkey kidneys.7 Hydroxychloroquine increases cellular pH, thus interfering with a pH-dependent protease that facilitates viral entry.1 However, in airway epithelial cells (which, of course, are more physiologically relevant for a respiratory infection), SARS-Cov-2 entry is facilitated by a pH-independent protease, thus circumventing the effect of the drug.”

This promise had desperate people hoping and trying. Had I been infected early on with a severe covid infection, with zero known treatments, I would have tried both of these. Beats doing nothing and dying.

Bottom line is that both drugs showed major promise. Both showed to actually work in some not so clinical studies. Hindsight is 20/20.
It’s easy to be a critic. Republicans are great at sitting on the sidelines and being the tough critic, tearing things down, blowing things up, etc… But ask them to do anything constructive and you will hear all about small Government, nuking hurricanes, clearing the underbrush, chasing after cat eating Haitians, cancer causing wind turbines, secret Kenyan birth certificates, etc…
Yet you don’t have a tiny hint of problem with your party attempting a soft coup with Russian collusion, making up a bullshit model charge to get Trump branded a felon, raiding trumps home as if he was a drug lord, lying about sexual assault to scheme against the man politically, or charging him with fraud for claiming his multiple hundred million dollar home was worth multiple hundred million dollars. And he even gave the lender a legal disclaimer ordering them to check values for themselves lol.

You keep lying about cancer and windmills. Trump started that sentence with “they say”. He was merely repeating something he heard.

Clearing underbrush aka prescribed burns, is well known to reduce fires and the severity of fires.

Cat eating Haitians was in the news and simply being talked about.

I still want to see that birth certificate lol.
Yes. Climate change plays no role here and we must continue to ignore it.
Climate change didn’t cause the Santa Anna winds or the dense undergrowth that was left uncleared.
I don't get paid to tell you the truth about faux. I probably should, though. I could run a de-fauxification program. I have experience. Anyone hiring out there?

Anyway, learn about it if you want to.

Or don't.
Helix you don’t seem to understand. We debate often and on many issues. You and your comrades on the left are the ones who don’t know shit about the issues. I have been asked to source my claim hundreds of times. This means that your comrades didn’t know what I was saying was true. Many called me a liar. So not only did they not know it was true but the believed the opposite.

Just in the last few pages they didn’t know about the delta smelt or Trumps water plan that Newsome sued to stop lol. Environmentalist slow or stop most of the burns. It’s a joke that is conveniently left out by fake news.

And I watch as much as I can stomach just to know what leftist filth are thinking.
Yet you don’t have a tiny hint of problem with your party attempting a soft coup with Russian collusion, making up a bullshit model charge to get Trump branded a felon, raiding trumps home as if he was a drug lord, lying about sexual assault to scheme against the man politically, or charging him with fraud for claiming his multiple hundred million dollar home was worth multiple hundred million dollars. And he even gave the lender a legal disclaimer ordering them to check values for themselves lol.

You keep lying about cancer and windmills. Trump started that sentence with “they say”. He was merely repeating something he heard.

Clearing underbrush aka prescribed burns, is well known to reduce fires and the severity of fires.

Cat eating Haitians was in the news and simply being talked about.

I still want to see that birth certificate lol.

Just curious...when was the last time a "controlled burn" happened in a metropolitan area like Pacific Palisades or Sunset Boulevard?

Read bud. Don’t listen to your fake news comrades and Gavin Newsome. Key paragraphs…..

“The Forest Service wants to use scientific management techniques—including logging, prescribed burns, and thinning—to treat forest fuel loads, but it is continuously thwarted by environmental activists who want to let nature take her course.

Environmentalists use administrative procedures and litigation to stop projects that would reduce fuel loads, claiming that those projects are no substitute for natural processes and that they destroy habitat for endangered species.

According to a 2015 study commissioned by the Forest Service and done by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana, between June 2012 and June 2013 administrative appeals and litigation encumbered 74 out of 125 of the proposed treatment projects in Northern Region 1—the region where many of this year's fires burned.“

Here is a paragraph or two about the delta smelt. They (California) restrict how much water can be pulled because of this fish……..

“For California farmers with thousands of acres to irrigate and millions of dollars on the line, the smelt are in the way – the state listed the species as endangered in 2009, and in effect constrained how much water can be pulled from the delta.

Now, the creatures caught in the crossfire of the state’s water wars have all but disappeared, and biologists worry that newly empowered forces within the Trump administration could usher them into oblivion.”

“In response to the federal government’s chipping away of protections for endangered fish, environmental and fishing industry groups have banded together to sue the federal government, as well, alleging that fewer protections for smelt, steelhead trout, and Chinook salmon will devastate the delta ecosystem and commercial fisheries will be the collateral.”


Yes California prescribe burns lol. They are stopped some and slowed often. They want to burn 400,000 acres a year and only get 1/4 of that between the weather and litigation.

They like to claim that the Feds stop burning yet they sue to stop them constantly.

This is called THE REST OF THE STORY aka Paul Harvey syndrome.

Great post. And that really makes fools of the libs that said, "they have been doing the burns".

And not one lib has the moral courage to admit the point.
Helix you don’t seem to understand. We debate often and on many issues. You and your comrades on the left are the ones who don’t know shit about the issues. I have been asked to source my claim hundreds of times. This means that your comrades didn’t know what I was saying was true. Many called me a liar. So not only did they not know it was true but the believed the opposite.

Just in the last few pages they didn’t know about the delta smelt or Trumps water plan that Newsome sued to stop lol. Environmentalist slow or stop most of the burns. It’s a joke that is conveniently left out by fake news.

And I watch as much as I can stomach just to know what leftist filth are thinking.
I'm not other people. Complain to them if you want.
Climate change didn’t cause the Santa Anna winds or the dense undergrowth that was left uncleared.
Santa Ana winds have always been around, as has dense undergrowth. But this event was historically unprecedented.

Going forward, there will be others- perhaps even worse . You better be ready to do a lot of raking. And get those nukes ready for the increasingly severe and frequent hurricanes in the Gulf coast.
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I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
They cater to the level of the ignorance of their viewers.
It has ****ed up the country. When you talk to its viewers, you can't even get them to accept a common reality. They just want to fight you for their custom worldview. Like I said, the drug model fits well. Same thing with quitting for three years and then reconsidering.
Horseshit Helix. You base Fox’s bad reporting on lies like hunters laptop, Trump russian collusion, Trump offering the national guard on Jan 6th, the border out of control, government colluding with social media to censor conservatives, etc? All the leftists and the fake news they watch were wrong. Fox wasn’t brainwashing us like you all said. Fox was correct. So who was being brainwashed? You sir. You and your fake news consuming comrades were fed lies. They had you all so suckered that you all believed it was us who was the problem. Which is why you hear me saying that Democrat accusations are nothing more than confessions.
And you are correct news has ruined this country. The news not doing its ****ing job has caused a decline in this country. The news running cover for one party has become a major problem. It’s why freedom of the press is such a high priority constitutional right. Our founders knew how important a free and fair press was in keeping this republic going.

It isn’t Fox running cover. I hear plenty of bad against republicans on Fox. I hear nothing bad about democrats on fake news. Hell sometimes they don’t even cover a story. It’s awful. So blatant for those who watch regularly that Fox was our only remedy. Now we have newsmax. Both report the story regardless of who it makes look bad.
Or the NYT, or MSNBC, or any other source.. If people dont want to multi-source that's on them.
I personally cant watch MSNBC, legacy media is so biased it's dubious. But i watch those because one has to multi-source
Same thing here. CNN and msnbc got so bad that I was forced to switch to Fox. Today I watch only to confirm my decision and see what the democrat elites are thinking.

You cannot imagine how many times I have heard the fake news media voice the exact same talking points as the democrat leaders. They don’t even try to hide it maybe change the words but stay on the same page lol. Nope they have become the propaganda are of the democrat party.

Fox News is way more fair. May seem hyper bias to the fake news consumer simply because they are used to never hearing a bad word against their party. Opinion shows are just that opinion. Even those shows regularly have opposing views on.
Trump lied. Imagine that.

Trump is an idiot. Runoff is captured by reservoirs. They're rarely full. Building more reservoirs when the existing ones aren't full is idiotic.

No, the fire was probably human caused. The red flag conditions are an act of god.

Prescribed burns have been happening up north continuously. All last year and beginning last week this year. The prescribed burns are helpful, but they don't stop wildfires. The Park Fire scorched 350,000 acres. Many times more acreage than southern Cal. That's one of many wildfires up north.

Every square foot of land cannot be cleared. There will always be brush for an arsonist to exploit.

There are more personnel in LA right now than probably any other wildfire in history.

Try a rain dance.

No, you just made that up. Or heard it from someone who made it up. Trump lies.

Lies lies lies.

The budget cuts were 2%. Inconsequential.

Unfortunately, the California Haitians ate the cat. You're rambling.

Here's a fish song? Fish need water, so...

I posted a story explaining that Newsome blocked a Trump plan for capturing run off water. He filed a lawsuit to block the plan siting environmental concerns including the delta smelt fish.

You are lying by saying it’s a lie. I proved this already with a link and even posted the quote in the link that openly explains it.

I’m not wasting my time on the rest of your tripe.
I posted a story explaining that Newsome blocked a Trump plan for capturing run off water. He filed a lawsuit to block the plan siting environmental concerns including the delta smelt fish.

You are lying by saying it’s a lie. I proved this already with a link and even posted the quote in the link that openly explains it.

I’m not wasting my time on the rest of your tripe.

That's why I rarely bother with links. Lefties know that the things we say are true. THey demand links just so they can have ONE LINE on the screen, that for a second, makes in look like their side has a valid argument.

And, when you post the link, they immediately dismiss it, so the TRUTH, only has the same amount, if not less screen time than their lies.

That is all that is. To them.

EDTI:. That being said, I do appreciate when you conservative posters that are willing to spend the time, do bother to dig up the info to crush them and make them look like the shit talking fools they are. So thanks. That was a great post. I saw it and we both know that the lefty poster in question, he knows you kicked his ****ing ass. His pretense otherwise, is weak ass stonewalling.
Horseshit Helix. You base Fox’s bad reporting on lies like hunters laptop, Trump russian collusion, Trump offering the national guard on Jan 6th, the border out of control, government colluding with social media to censor conservatives, etc? All the leftists and the fake news they watch were wrong. Fox wasn’t brainwashing us like you all said. Fox was correct. So who was being brainwashed? You sir. You and your fake news consuming comrades were fed lies. They had you all so suckered that you all believed it was us who was the problem. Which is why you hear me saying that Democrat accusations are nothing more than confessions.
faux is bullshit right wing propaganda. You've been sold a bill of goods. Get out while you can. As for the rest of the projections you posted, meh.
faux is bullshit right wing propaganda. You've been sold a bill of goods. Get out while you can. As for the rest of the projections you posted, meh.

Wow. He gave a list of examples and you were afraid to address any of them.

Everyone saw that. You didn't fool anyone.

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