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Are Fox news people that stupid? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 3, 2023
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I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
Have you not noticed the history of these fires in California. The pitiful environmental restrictions halted the regular clearing of underbrush and dead trees to get rid of the build up of fuel for these fires. The hydrants need to be check more than once a year but it's end of line pressure that has to be checked, and yes you can check it by opening the lines and measuring it at a few points to check pressure. You also have to plan for the worst, they didn't plan for shit. The fish, refers to not raising the water levels in reservoirs because it affects some tiny fish. F the tiny fish. Save the fish, burn the houses. Total mismanagement. Too few fire fighters, too little equipment, poor water pressure, too much undergrowth and dead trees never cleared and no fire breaks maintained. The people in charge, that's their job.
Try a little research on you own once in a while.
Have you not noticed the history of these fires in California.

The pitiful environmental restrictions halted the regular clearing of underbrush and dead trees to get rid of the build up of fuel for these fires.
That's false.

This week.

The hydrants need to be check more than once a year but it's end of line pressure that has to be checked, and yes you can check it by opening the lines and measuring it at a few points to check pressure.
When you open all the hydrants, you lose pressure.

You also have to plan for the worst, they didn't plan for shit.
There is no planning for red flag warnings. What you do is take caution. Planning won't stop wind nor humidify the air.

The fish, refers to not raising the water levels in reservoirs because it affects some tiny fish. F the tiny fish. Save the fish, burn the houses. Total mismanagement. Too few fire fighters, too little equipment, poor water pressure, too much undergrowth and dead trees never cleared and no fire breaks maintained. The people in charge, that's their job.
Try a little research on you own once in a while.
That's bullshit.
Have you not noticed the history of these fires in California. The pitiful environmental restrictions halted the regular clearing of underbrush and dead trees to get rid of the build up of fuel for these fires. The hydrants need to be check more than once a year but it's end of line pressure that has to be checked, and yes you can check it by opening the lines and measuring it at a few points to check pressure. You also have to plan for the worst, they didn't plan for shit. The fish, refers to not raising the water levels in reservoirs because it affects some tiny fish. F the tiny fish. Save the fish, burn the houses. Total mismanagement. Too few fire fighters, too little equipment, poor water pressure, too much undergrowth and dead trees never cleared and no fire breaks maintained. The people in charge, that's their job.
Try a little research on you own once in a while.
Where did you research the above claims?
Everyone is suddenly a plumbing expert. The truth will eventually come out, and it won't be looking good for Newsom and Bass.
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
Whatever their excuse is for not having sufficient water coming out of the hydrants, who's responsibility is it to make sure there is water in the event of a fire?
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
But the MAGA people are stupid enough to believe it
And they are correct.
After years of having them run around chasing after everything from secret Kenyan birth certificates to stolen presidential elections and cat eating Haitians, what’s not to exploit?

I mean it’s fun doing it even if just for fun. It’s like playing with the cat when you have a laser pointer.
Have you not noticed the history of these fires in California. The pitiful environmental restrictions halted the regular clearing of underbrush and dead trees to get rid of the build up of fuel for these fires. The hydrants need to be check more than once a year but it's end of line pressure that has to be checked, and yes you can check it by opening the lines and measuring it at a few points to check pressure. You also have to plan for the worst, they didn't plan for shit. The fish, refers to not raising the water levels in reservoirs because it affects some tiny fish. F the tiny fish. Save the fish, burn the houses. Total mismanagement. Too few fire fighters, too little equipment, poor water pressure, too much undergrowth and dead trees never cleared and no fire breaks maintained. The people in charge, that's their job.
Try a little research on you own once in a while.
The delta smelt. This caused leftist tree hugging Democrats in power not to fill reservoirs with runoff instead they allowed it to run into the ocean.

The spotted owl, which ironically have much less chance to survive a Santa Anna wind pushed fire than a back burn fire, caused those same leftist not to clean ground brush or back burn.

We have been through this many times over the decades. Horrific mismanagement caused this problem. Fox was correct it was a tiny fish, an owl, and some really poor management. Can’t keep electing leftist filth and expect anything to change. Kalifornians should simply look in the mirror. They voted for this.
The delta smelt. This caused leftist tree hugging Democrats in power not to fill reservoirs with runoff instead they allowed it to run into the ocean.

The spotted owl, which ironically have much less chance to survive a Santa Anna wind pushed fire than a back burn fire, caused those same leftist not to clean ground brush or back burn.

We have been through this many times over the decades. Horrific mismanagement caused this problem. Fox was correct it was a tiny fish, an owl, and some really poor management. Can’t keep electing leftist filth and expect anything to change. Kalifornians should simply look in the mirror. They voted for this.
The delta smelt. This caused leftist tree hugging Democrats in power not to fill reservoirs with runoff instead they allowed it to run into the ocean.

The spotted owl, which ironically have much less chance to survive a Santa Anna wind pushed fire than a back burn fire, caused those same leftist not to clean ground brush or back burn.

We have been through this many times over the decades. Horrific mismanagement caused this problem. Fox was correct it was a tiny fish, an owl, and some really poor management. Can’t keep electing leftist filth and expect anything to change. Kalifornians should simply look in the mirror. They voted for this.
Cool. You just proved that you get all your information from Fox. Best of luck to ya.

(Everything you wrote is a lie. All of it.)
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
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Yes. The answer is always yes.
That's false.

This week.

When you open all the hydrants, you lose pressure.

There is no planning for red flag warnings. What you do is take caution. Planning won't stop wind nor humidify the air.

That's bullshit.

Does that (bolded above) mean that nothing should be changed?
Does that (bolded above) mean that nothing should be changed?
Smh. Read up on what a red flag warning is and get back to me.

When people rush in to blame those they hate, for whatever reason people hate, they often pull shit out of their asses. A lot of that going around. Because: Fox.
Smh. Read up on what a red flag warning is and get back to me.

When people rush in to blame those they hate, for whatever reason people hate, they often pull shit out of their asses. A lot of that going around. Because: Fox.

A warning (of any color) doesn’t put out fires, it’s simply a request that normal everyday folks (including the ‘homeless’) try harder not to start them.
I watched three different Fox News hosts tell us why there is no water in the hydrants in LA. One had to do with fish, another seem to think it was to do with politics and DEI, and the final said the mayor refused to "fill" the hydrants. I did not know whether to laugh or cry since the real reason should be obvious for anyone with a brain. I live in a small town and have a hydrant right in front of my house. Once a year the village comes around and opens the hydrants to ensure they are working. Now when first opened the water flies out but after a few minutes as the pressure lowers it is less of a stream. Now picture LA with five huge fires going at the same time and fire fighters using the hydrants constantly all over the city to try and stop the fire. How long do you think it would take to lower the water pressure with this usage until at certain points they have no water at all. THINK about it and you will know why there is a lack of water for the hydrant. Could anyone have foreseen this situation and ensured a constant water supply under these circumstances, I think not, but then, I am not a Fox News talking head.
Republicans will believe anything if it's blaming the democrats for something/anything.
A warning (of any color) doesn’t put out fires, it’s simply a request that normal everyday folks (including the ‘homeless’) try harder not to start them.
Now you're catching on. Hint: Red flag warnings involve wind speed and low humidity. Bonus question: What in the everlasting **** can be done to stop the wind and humidify the air?

What is so difficult to understand about this? Like I said, the insatiable desire to blame those one hates results in mush mind and lie mouth.

Take a break from it.

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