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Are Exorcisms and Demons Real? (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
I was watching several documentaries on the exorcisms that have been performed. The documentaries showed interviews with priests who performed the exorcism on a boy in which the movie "The Exorcist" was made on. When renting the DVD "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" I saw on the dirctor's cut where the director had watched video footage of actual exorcisms taking place. He met a cop who investigated such things who got him interested in it. He also listened to the actual tape from the real exorcism of Emily Rose from the actual real world trial. It was the police officer who told him about the trial. The director said that the hardest thing he had to do, was to do the research on actual exorcisms and he said he does not wish to do such research again. My girlfriend told me that the exorcism of the boy which the movie "The Exorcist" was made from, the room where the boy stayed in, stays cold and she said that people become violently sick after going in that room. She also stated that Hospital wing where the exorcism continued remained cold and it was eventually demolished and turned into a parking lot. So, what is your take? Are exorcisms real? Or are they fake or superstition?
Engimo said:
No. They are not.

You sound very sure of yourself. What makes you so sure and how do you know 100% you are right?
TimmyBoy said:
You sound very sure of yourself. What makes you so sure and how do you know 100% you are right?

Because there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that they are real, therefore I do not believe that they are. Granted, it is possible, but that does not mean that there is any legitimate reason to believe in them.
Engimo said:
Because there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that they are real, therefore I do not believe that they are. Granted, it is possible, but that does not mean that there is any legitimate reason to believe in them.

How much research have you really done on exorcisms? I have not done any myself. Is their any legitimate reason to not believe in them?
According to the director of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" he stated that doing research into actual exorcisms was the most troubling and disturbing thing for him to do and he stated he does not wish to do it again. Is he a fluke? Or is he telling the truth?
TimmyBoy said:
How much research have you really done on exorcisms? I have not done any myself. Is their any legitimate reason to not believe in them?

The reason is that there is no evidence to support them. The burden of proof falls on those making an assertion, not those disbelieving the assertion. Until valid evidence for exorcisms and demons existing is presented, there is no reason to believe in them.
O geese, another "You must provide evidence to disbelieve" postulation. So tiring.:lol: It seems what the author of this thread is trying to show is the disticntion between the provable and utter nonsense. You seem to think because science cannot offer an explanation, that it means demons and exorsisms must exist. This sounds like a case of wishful thinking to me:
TimmyBoy said:
According to the director of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" he stated that doing research into actual exorcisms was the most troubling and disturbing thing for him to do and he stated he does not wish to do it again. Is he a fluke? Or is he telling the truth?

A fluke, and if he's not, he's sure missing out on a good chunk of change.

Exorcism is such a grossly misrepresented phenomenon. I believe there is some psychological power inherent in the ritual of exorcism. Perhaps the catharsis that comes from having a great evil "cast out" through violent prayer is a relief and a healing experience to some deeply troubled people. It comes as no surprise that the ritual of exorcism is multicultural and interfaith. The idea of absolute evil isnt so much a religious idea as it is an archetypal concept hardwired into our psyche. It is no great leap of logic that we might explain primal behaviors as being controlled by these fears...so I guess my answer simplified would be that I believe in the psychological power of the ritual, but I do not believe in any inherent mystical property.
TimmyBoy said:
So, what is your take? Are exorcisms real? Or are they fake or superstition?
Exorcisms are there just to make ****ty movies that only idiots have a tendency to watch.
Comrade Brian said:
Exorcisms are there just to make ****ty movies that only idiots have a tendency to watch.
Exorsims are quite real. Even Jesus preformed them in the bible.
demons are real too, they torment the weakest of souls.
Think of them as the devils handymen.

1So they arrived at the other side of the lake, in the land of the Gerasenes. 2Just as Jesus was climbing from the boat, a man possessed by an evil spirit ran out from a cemetery to meet him. 3This man lived among the tombs and could not be restrained, even with a chain. 4Whenever he was put into chains and shackles--as he often was--he snapped the chains from his wrists and smashed the shackles. No one was strong enough to control him. 5All day long and throughout the night, he would wander among the tombs and in the hills, screaming and hitting himself with stones.
6When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw him. He ran to meet Jesus and fell down before him. 7He gave a terrible scream, shrieking, "Why are you bothering me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? For God's sake, don't torture me!" 8For Jesus had already said to the spirit, "Come out of the man, you evil spirit."

9Then Jesus asked, "What is your name?"

And the spirit replied, "Legion, because there are many of us here inside this man." 10Then the spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place. 11There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby. 12"Send us into those pigs," the evil spirits begged. 13Jesus gave them permission. So the evil spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd of two thousand pigs plunged down the steep hillside into the lake, where they drowned.

I have been personal witness to an excorsisim at my church. It was quite the experience, we had a call to the altar for anyone who needed prayers...tehn tthis woman, who was her first time there....just feel in the ground shaking and convulsing...making the most inhumane sounds. It was teh first time i ever saw anything like that...
Yes they are real, and out and about

I actually have a friend who is a satanist turned Christian...that has an even more indepth look into the world of evil.
teenonfire4him77 said:
Exorsims are quite real. Even Jesus preformed them in the bible.
demons are real too, they torment the weakest of souls.
Think of them as the devils handymen.

1So they arrived at the other side of the lake, in the land of the Gerasenes. 2Just as Jesus was climbing from the boat, a man possessed by an evil spirit ran out from a cemetery to meet him. 3This man lived among the tombs and could not be restrained, even with a chain. 4Whenever he was put into chains and shackles--as he often was--he snapped the chains from his wrists and smashed the shackles. No one was strong enough to control him. 5All day long and throughout the night, he would wander among the tombs and in the hills, screaming and hitting himself with stones.
6When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw him. He ran to meet Jesus and fell down before him. 7He gave a terrible scream, shrieking, "Why are you bothering me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? For God's sake, don't torture me!" 8For Jesus had already said to the spirit, "Come out of the man, you evil spirit."

9Then Jesus asked, "What is your name?"

And the spirit replied, "Legion, because there are many of us here inside this man." 10Then the spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place. 11There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby. 12"Send us into those pigs," the evil spirits begged. 13Jesus gave them permission. So the evil spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd of two thousand pigs plunged down the steep hillside into the lake, where they drowned.

I have been personal witness to an excorsisim at my church. It was quite the experience, we had a call to the altar for anyone who needed prayers...tehn tthis woman, who was her first time there....just feel in the ground shaking and convulsing...making the most inhumane sounds. It was teh first time i ever saw anything like that...
Yes they are real, and out and about

I actually have a friend who is a satanist turned Christian...that has an even more indepth look into the world of evil.

That's cool, but the Bible is not any sort of empirical evidence. From a scientific standpoint, it has no validity at all.
Engimo said:
That's cool, but the Bible is not any sort of empirical evidence. From a scientific standpoint, it has no validity at all.
The bible isnt science, nor was it meant to be.
teenonfire4him77 said:
The bible isnt science, nor was it meant to be.

Yeah, this topic is about whether or not exorcisms are a real phenomenon - something that science was designed to test and judge the validity of.
Engimo said:
Yeah, this topic is about whether or not exorcisms are a real phenomenon - something that science was designed to test and judge the validity of.

Typical liberal, always putting that bunk science before any higher power.
Axismaster said:
Typical liberal, always putting that bunk science before any higher power.

Er... if you're being sarcastic, I appreciate your humor greatly.

If you're not, I am saddened greatly.
teenonfire4him77 said:
Exorsims are quite real.

Wow, tht's a rather spectacular assertion. I suppose you have supporting evidence for this claim?

Even Jesus preformed them in the bible.

Totally and utterly irrelevant. The bible is proof of nothing.

demons are real too, they torment the weakest of souls.

I can't wait to see supporting evidence for this wild claim!

Think of them as the devils handymen.

I wont think of them at all, that is, unless they are proven.

1So they arrived at the other side of the lake, in the land of the Gerasenes. 2Just as Jesus was climbing from the boat, a man possessed by an evil spirit ran out from a cemetery to meet him. 3This man lived among the tombs and could not be restrained, even with a chain. 4Whenever he was put into chains and shackles--as he often was--he snapped the chains from his wrists and smashed the shackles. No one was strong enough to control him. 5All day long and throughout the night, he would wander among the tombs and in the hills, screaming and hitting himself with stones.
6When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw him. He ran to meet Jesus and fell down before him. 7He gave a terrible scream, shrieking, "Why are you bothering me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? For God's sake, don't torture me!" 8For Jesus had already said to the spirit, "Come out of the man, you evil spirit."

9Then Jesus asked, "What is your name?"

And the spirit replied, "Legion, because there are many of us here inside this man." 10Then the spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place. 11There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby. 12"Send us into those pigs," the evil spirits begged. 13Jesus gave them permission. So the evil spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd of two thousand pigs plunged down the steep hillside into the lake, where they drowned.

Ha, so tiring, once again, the bible is a book of written hearsay, it's not proof of anything, until there is a document released that can support all of the bible's claims, this is a paralyctic argument.:lol:

I have been personal witness to an excorsisim at my church.

:rofl O geese. And then you woke up.

It was quite the experience, we had a call to the altar for anyone who needed prayers...tehn tthis woman, who was her first time there....just feel in the ground shaking and convulsing...making the most inhumane sounds. It was teh first time i ever saw anything like that...

Please stop insulting our intelligence here. You are being dishonest claiming utter nonsense as factual.

Yes they are real, and out and about

:doh Proof? If you cannot provide any type of material, or physical evidence of demons or exorsims, please stop regurgitating blatant falsehoods, thanks.

I actually have a friend who is a satanist turned Christian...that has an even more indepth look into the world of evil.

Really? I have a friend that believes they engage in dialogues with the Easter bunny.
Axismaster said:
Typical liberal, always putting that bunk science before any higher power.

Uhh, it doesn't take a Liberal to put science before mythology, that is, unless you are holding out on us here, if you have proof of a higher power?
TimmyBoy said:
You sound very sure of yourself. What makes you so sure...?

The fact that only Catholics and other ultra-fundamentalist Christians get possessed. :lol:
TimmyBoy said:
According to the director of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" he stated that doing research into actual exorcisms was the most troubling and disturbing thing for him to do and he stated he does not wish to do it again. Is he a fluke? Or is he telling the truth?

Or is he trying to sell his movie?
TimmyBoy said:
Are exorcisms real?

They are absolutely real like the Easter Bunny! Bugga Bugga!

Man has lived with superstitions since the beginning of time! You have to decide whether you are going to place your faith in logic and science or go back to the Middle Ages and superstition! Your choice!

Superstition - a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief.

Religion - the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

They sound alot alike!

One man's religion is another man's superstition! None of them have any basis in proveable fact! Bugga Bugga!
Axismaster said:
Typical liberal, always putting that bunk science before any higher power.

The refuge of a small mind is to label others rather than adequately deal with their points of view! "You're a liberal, nanny nanny!" Quite clever!

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