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Are Democratic leaders really that stupid? (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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Are Democratic leaders really that stupid?
By: Eric Odom
RightConservative.com 06-26-05

I couldn’t help but giggle today during a search on Google. I came across an article titled “Republican Leaders...Does Karl Rove speak for you?” that can be found on the website of the Lyon County Democrats.

The first thing that caught my eye was the sub title on the homepage that reads “Democracy is not a spectator sport”. It seems a little ironic the only action we have seen out of the liberal side of politics as of late is the action of the left-wing of the Supreme Court consisting of Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, Stevens, and Breyer that basically robs citizens of the right to retain one's home unmolested.

Independent Conservatives are indeed beginning to fall away from the point of allegiance to the Republican party but will never stray from the fact that the liberal Democrats of this nation are stripping us of our freedoms such as property rights, right to bear arms (it is now becoming illegal to carry in several states), freedom of speech, freedom of financial choice (private accounts), and many more on a seemingly consistent basis.

I’m sure some of you may want to ask me where I get the right to call the Democratic party liberal. Well, that is an easy answer considering the fact that Democrats are admitting it daily and in record numbers.

Just take a look at the Democratic fantasy of a candidate named Hillary Clinton’s comments on what Karl Rove said about liberals.

"I would hope that you and other members of the administration would immediately repudiate such an insulting comment from a high-ranking official in the president's inner circle,” Clinton said.

If that isn’t an admission of being liberal I don’t know what is.

Read the full article here
I finally get you. You consider so many people liberal that you see your own as that too. "Left-wing of the Supreme Court consisting of Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, Stevens, and Breyer..." Right...liberal. Try applying law. Try most appointed by Republicans, try most tend to vote moderate or conservative. Right...I stopped reading after taht.
Have any of your own thoughts about the subject RC?
Or are you merely content to spam this MB with advertisisng?
I mean, that is what i think he is doing as well, but hell, it is good business for a website owner (I do it all the time).
ShamMol said:
I mean, that is what i think he is doing as well, but hell, it is good business for a website owner (I do it all the time).
If they were his articles, it would be different. I see nothing wrong with cross-posting from your site. If you wrote it, what difference does it make how many times you post it?
However, since he has posted from multiple authors it's more crass.
A) "Try most appointed by Republicans"
Who cares? If you would have read the entire article you would find that I am not Republican and quite frankly do not at all support the party.

B) When I said ignorance I was speaking of the fact that my article was commented on without the full thing being read.

C) I wrote the article so please dont try and cry spam as that simply isnt the case. I own a forum at Conservative-Talk.com and I WISH someone would come along and post content such as what I do. I never consider it spam, spam is this...

Looking for cheap web hosting? Click here

That is spam. Me posting content that starts debate is not at all spam.

Let me get this thread back on track.

Is it not ironic that the liberals are calling for action when the right has been waiting for action?

Is it not ironic that Clinton claims she is a moderate that stands in the center yet gets offended when someone says something about liberals?
This is my favorite part:
RightConservative said:
The first thing that caught my eye was the sub title on the homepage that reads “Democracy is not a spectator sport”. It seems a little ironic the only action we have seen out of the liberal side of politics as of late is the action of the left-wing of the Supreme Court consisting of Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, Stevens, and Breyer that basically robs citizens of the right to retain one's home unmolested.
Hehe, the following is color-coded for easy accessiblity:

Democrat placements on the left-wing:
Ginsburg-Appointed by Clinton
Breyer-Appointed by Clinton

Republican placements on the left-wing:
Kennedy-Appointed by Reagan
Souter-Appointed by Bush
Stevens-Appointed by Ford

The other 4 placements, all right wing, placed by Republican leaders.

Now, which party would have the stupid leaders? Which party put in justices that go against their ideology?

RightConservative said:
C) I wrote the article so please dont try and cry spam as that simply isnt the case.
Of the 19 threads you've started, you written 2 of them. So about 90% of what you start are merely blurbs from someone else's article and that's it. Oh yeah, and a link to your site.

If it wasn't your site, then this 90% they'd just be weak OPs. But since it's your site, it's just advertising for your site.
Well, actually, I just read an article from the NY times about Justice Kennedy, and I think I may finally get why RightConservative thinks that he is liberal. Interesting article, check it out. But honestly, he isn't, save for about 7-8 opinions that he has written. He sides the vast majority of the time with the conservative side of the court and not with the moderates and liberals.
I agree with the democrats on a lot of things, but they are a really weak party right now. They can't seem to motivate their base, despite all the motivation they should have from all the control the Republicans impose on the entire country.

Is it not ironic that the liberals are calling for action when the right has been waiting for action?

Is it not ironic that Clinton claims she is a moderate that stands in the center yet gets offended when someone says something about liberals?

anyone going to give it a go or are we just going to avoid the questions?
No, we want to bash you some more. Honestly, I am not kidding. I just can't take a person seriously who thinks that the majority of people on the supreme court are liberal. It astonishes me. Hey, RC, you know that 75% of our nations judges were appointed by conservative presidents? "The more you know!"
Rightconservative said:
Is it not ironic that the liberals are calling for action when the right has been waiting for action?
No. Different parties, different tactics, on different subjects.

By the way. why is it liberals vs right and not liberals vs. conservatives?

RightConservative said:
Is it not ironic that Clinton claims she is a moderate that stands in the center yet gets offended when someone says something about liberals?

RightConservative said:
Just take a look at the Democratic fantasy of a candidate named Hillary Clinton’s comments on what Karl Rove said about liberals.

"I would hope that you and other members of the administration would immediately repudiate such an insulting comment from a high-ranking official in the president's inner circle,” Clinton said.

If that isn’t an admission of being liberal I don’t know what is.
I get offended by any dumb blanket statements too. Especially when they're not true blanket statements tend to be. By the way, in the issue of fairness, why didn't you include what Karl Rove did say or did that just not support your claim? For the sake of fairness on this website, let's see what the little Turd Blossom said:
"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."
It's a baseless accusation, a divisive comment, and serves no one but creates further vitriol and partisanship.

The comment above comes from Bush's advisor/chief of staff of policy. Bush who said back in 1999 that he wants to be a uniter and not a divider. Remember that? If not, here's a quote:
Second, I showed the people of Texas that I'm a uniter, not a divider. I refuse to play the politics of putting people into groups and pitting one group against another.

Is this how Bush works on fulfiilling that promise?
RightConservative said:
Are Democratic leaders really that stupid?
By: Eric Odom
RightConservative.com 06-26-05

The first thing that caught my eye was the sub title on the homepage that reads “Democracy is not a spectator sport”. It seems a little ironic the only action we have seen out of the liberal side of politics as of late is the action of the left-wing of the Supreme Court consisting of Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, Stevens, and Breyer that basically robs citizens of the right to retain one's home unmolested.
First of all, if all of the action you see from the left wing is only what you stated, then your sources are very limited. Watch CSPAN once in a while, and you'll see just how much the left is fighting for you.

Independent Conservatives are indeed beginning to fall away from the point of allegiance to the Republican party but will never stray from the fact that the liberal Democrats of this nation are stripping us of our freedoms such as property rights, right to bear arms (it is now becoming illegal to carry in several states), freedom of speech, freedom of financial choice (private accounts), and many more on a seemingly consistent basis.
The fact that IC's are falling away from the sacred party is a clear indicator the party does not carry the mainstream view, which has been the point of liberals all along. As for our freedom to bear arms, give me a break! Realisitically, how many of us should or have to defend ourselves? Is there evil lurking everywhere, ready to pounce? :shoot Are untrained, gung-ho citizens better equipped to unmask and eliminate terrorist cells? Most of the time it isn't a thief getting shot, but a neighbor, and how about kids killing kids or themselves... it's a much bigger picture than your myopic view. So, pout because we can't carry concealed weapons when we go to Starbucks. I'm sick of the fear factor being pushed on us. If we can't trust each other in the U.S., then who can we trust? Freedom of speech is practiced daily, right here and everywhere, and now even the liberals get their say on the airwaves. So, is our freedom being restricted because there is now another point of view out there for anyone to hear? Freedom of financial choice - go ahead and open a IRA or 401-k, or invest in stocks and bonds. Nobody is stopping you. It's your choice. As for SS, people need it, so leave it alone.

I’m sure some of you may want to ask me where I get the right to call the Democratic party liberal. Well, that is an easy answer considering the fact that Democrats are admitting it daily and in record numbers.
Liberal is not a dirty word. Look it up.

Just take a look at the Democratic fantasy of a candidate named Hillary Clinton’s comments on what Karl Rove said about liberals.

"I would hope that you and other members of the administration would immediately repudiate such an insulting comment from a high-ranking official in the president's inner circle,” Clinton said.

If that isn’t an admission of being liberal I don’t know what is.

Hillary is right. Again, liberal is not a dirty word, it's people like Rove :spin: that are trying to make it seem that way, and you are buying into it. So, who are the one's being willingly manipulated to think like these neocons? You're just part of the new age of Group Think. I'd rather be free to think on my own without talking points. For the record, the handholding was done by liberals and conservatives alike to the victims of 9/11, not the terrorists. If it were up to us, we would have gone after the one responsible for those deaths, not Hussein. Mr. Bush made a mistake, even his own father told him not to go into Iraq. He's a total moron. There, freedom of speech!

Eight Main Symptoms of Group Think

Illusion of Invulnerability: Members ignore obvious danger, take extreme risk, and are overly optimistic.

Collective Rationalization: Members discredit and explain away warning contrary to group thinking.

Illusion of Morality: Members believe their decisions are morally correct, ignoring the ethical consequences of their decisions.

Excessive Stereotyping:The group constructs negative stereotypes of rivals outside the group.

Pressure for Conformity: Members pressure any in the group who express arguments against the group's stereotypes, illusions, or commitments, viewing such opposition as disloyalty.

Self-Censorship: Members withhold their dissenting views and counter-arguments.

Illusion of Unanimity: Members perceive falsely that everyone agrees with the group's decision; silence is seen as consent.

Mind Guards: Some members appoint themselves to the role of protecting the group from adverse information that might threaten group complacency.
RightConservative said:
Are Democratic leaders really that stupid?
By: Eric Odom
RightConservative.com 06-26-05

I couldn’t help but giggle today during a search on Google. I came across an article titled “Republican Leaders...Does Karl Rove speak for you?” that can be found on the website of the Lyon County Democrats.

The first thing that caught my eye was the sub title on the homepage that reads “Democracy is not a spectator sport”. It seems a little ironic the only action we have seen out of the liberal side of politics as of late is the action of the left-wing of the Supreme Court consisting of Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, Stevens, and Breyer that basically robs citizens of the right to retain one's home unmolested.

Independent Conservatives are indeed beginning to fall away from the point of allegiance to the Republican party but will never stray from the fact that the liberal Democrats of this nation are stripping us of our freedoms such as property rights, right to bear arms (it is now becoming illegal to carry in several states), freedom of speech, freedom of financial choice (private accounts), and many more on a seemingly consistent basis.

I’m sure some of you may want to ask me where I get the right to call the Democratic party liberal. Well, that is an easy answer considering the fact that Democrats are admitting it daily and in record numbers.

Just take a look at the Democratic fantasy of a candidate named Hillary Clinton’s comments on what Karl Rove said about liberals.

"I would hope that you and other members of the administration would immediately repudiate such an insulting comment from a high-ranking official in the president's inner circle,” Clinton said.

If that isn’t an admission of being liberal I don’t know what is.

Read the full article here

Answer: Yes Yes...& yes, they ARE that stupid, & arrogant as hell thinking that THEY represent the majority!
[Mod Note]Since this thread got bumped, it's a good time to ship it off to the basement. Stay away from my canned peaches. [/Mod Note]

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