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Are corporations keeping prices high to help the GOP get control of congress again? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.

Yes. It is Big Business excessive profits that is causing a major portion of inflation.
Uh oh. He's on to our plan. Quick, time to move to "Phase 2 ..."
Uh oh. He's on to our plan. Quick, time to move to "Phase 2 ..."
So yo udo not think that Corporations would do this to keep and maintain their businesses. It must be nice to be naive.
So yo udo not think that Corporations would do this to keep and maintain their businesses. It must be nice to be naive.
Okay, okay. You don't have to gloat. You figured out our nefarious plan, and we on the evil right now need to move on to something new. Don't rub it in.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.

I think you are looking for the CT forum
It could be one factor. Corporations are very much not above doing something like that; but they don't really have the organization to do it usually (yet). What's good is for people to recognize these sorts of possibilities and motives.
Desperately trying to excuse Biden's incompetence, haha.
Reminds me of Hillary's crying about how the Russians caused her to loose to Trump.
No, Hill, it was all you. Sorry.
Okay, okay. You don't have to gloat. You figured out our nefarious plan, and we on the evil right now need to move on to something new. Don't rub it in.

So no actual thoughtful input. No one is surprised.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.
Their motivation is profits and it's not more complicated than that, no.
Desperately trying to excuse Biden's incompetence, haha.
Reminds me of Hillary's crying about how the Russians caused her to loose to Trump.
No, Hill, it was all you. Sorry.

Do some googling. Lots of stories out there about businesses hiding behind inflation in order to increase to a higher profit margin. And meanwhile, FOX convinces you that it’s all Biden’s fault.
Do some googling. Lots of stories out there about businesses hiding behind inflation in order to increase to a higher profit margin. And meanwhile, FOX convinces you that it’s all Biden’s fault.
There is no doubt that that the right is giving cover to corporations who increase their profit margins by raising prices excessively. It would be foolish to not believe that cover is not a factor. The monopolization of corporations has also contributed to an atmosphere that enables entire industries to control the market. Of course there is no plan by the right to decrease prices if they take power. That would be against their principles. They believe we should throw ourselves at the feet of the "job creators" and beg for mercy.
It could be one factor. Corporations are very much not above doing something like that; but they don't really have the organization to do it usually (yet). What's good is for people to recognize these sorts of possibilities and motives.
I don’t know about that. They all likely get stuff from that national chamber of commerce group who carry their water to DC.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.
Read where? And who wrote it? Some liberal think tank piece?

Can you cite where you read this? Attach an article?

Inquiring minds....
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.
they are doing is becuase they are making record profits. THey are greedy POS who only care about profits and their stock prices. And mega companies pretty muhc own the entire supply chain so they can get away with it

anyway, you know your post is factual, look at al the moronic trolling posts of one line idiocy posted by the same trolls that shit on every thread with the same stupid nonsense and zero facts or argument
Read where? And who wrote it? Some liberal think tank piece?

Can you cite where you read this? Attach an article?

Inquiring minds....

Do your one research. It is all over the internet.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.
CT forum is down yonder ↓

Companies are pocketing their fattest profits in more than 70 years, even as they complain about inflation​

U.S. companies post their biggest profit growth in decades by jacking up prices during the pandemic​

U.S. companies just had their best year since before most of us were born​

Roughly one in five Americans lists soaring prices as the nation's biggest economic problem. By contrast, major U.S. corporations seem to be riding out the fiercest inflation in 40 years just fine.

While CEOs spent much of 2021 pointing to the impact of rising wages, pricier raw materials and other ballooning expenses on their companies' performance, data released Wednesday by the Commerce Department show they mostly passed these costs along, and more, as corporate profits spiked.

Complain about gas price inflation, Exxon record profit quarter

I don’t know about that. They all likely get stuff from that national chamber of commerce group who carry their water to DC.
If you can show me a time the chamber of commerce has ever organized the nation's companies to raise prices for politics...
they are doing is becuase they are making record profits. THey are greedy POS who only care about profits and their stock prices.
As I posted recently, there's too much blame on people and not enough on systemic issues. It's the system for them to be fixated on profits, it's not about the people. We'd need to change the system, the rules, the incentives, or we're basically guaranteed to have the profit fixation.
If you can show me a time the chamber of commerce has ever organized the nation's companies to raise prices for politics...
Not organization, messaging. Getting everybody on the same page.
I have read that as much as 60% of inflation is not due to costs for corporations, but to just increase profits. I wonder if that is not the only reason. I think it is to help the GOP get back control of congress. The economy is going great guns, but inflation is the one thing that will push the GOP in the midterms and has Americans according to polls blaming Biden for not doing something about. The Dems have talked about passing a bill to have a minimum tax on both corporations and private citizens who presently pay little or no taxes. So by keeping both profits high and getting the GOP who will never tax the wealthy in control, their actions to keep inflation high kills two birds with one stone.

The thread headline indicates clearly that we're looking at a conspiracy theory.

Regards, stay safe 'n well 'n remember the Big 5.
LOL< And nothing but trolling from the right, these are their ideas of arguments LOL

If you have any proof that corporations are raising prices to help GOP elections please do show

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